[Orca-announce] New orcallator.se

Blair Zajac bzajac at geostaff.com
Fri Sep 24 12:57:00 PDT 1999


I just put together a new orcallator.se release that has many
improvements.  Here are the comments relating to the changes
since orcallator.se was released with Orca 0.23.

I'll also start listing these separately from Orca on my
web site.


// Version 1.13: Sep 24, 1999   Fix a bug in the disk_mean calculation where
//                              it was being divided by the wrong disk_count.
//                              Now it should be much larger and in scale with
//                              disk_peak.  When WATCH_DISK is defined, now
//                              print each disk's run percent.  Add a new
//                              define WATCH_MOUNTS, which reports each mount
//                              point's disk space and inode capacity, usage,
//                              available for non-root users and percent used.
//                              This comes from Duncan Lawie tyger at hoopoes.com.
//                              Add some smarts so that if the number of
//                              interfaces, physical disk, or mounted
//                              partitions changes, then a new header is
//                              printed.  This will prevent column name and
//                              data mixups when the system configuration
//                              changes.
// Version 1.12: Sep 14, 1999   Add the page scan rate as scanrate in
//                              measure_cpu.
// Version 1.11: Aug 13, 1999   Add the number of CPUs as ncpus.  Move
//                              measure_disk and measure_ram sooner in the
//                              list of subsystems to handle.  Increase the
//                              number of characters for each network
//                              interface from four to five.  Add new disk
//                              reads, writes, Kbytes read, and Kbytes
//                              written per second.  Add number of bytes
//                              of free memory in bytes as freememK.
// Version 1.10: Jul 28, 1999   Measure the process spawn rate if WATCH_CPU
//                              is defined and the user is root.
// Version 1.9:  Jun  2, 1999   If WATCH_YAHOO is defined, then process the
//                              access log as a Yahoo! style access log.
//                              Restructure the code to handle different
//                              web server access log formats.
// Version 1.8:  Jun  1, 1999   If the environmental variable WEB_SERVER is
//                              defined, use its value of the as the name
//                              of the process to count for the number of
//                              web servers on the system.  If WEB_SERVER
//                              is not defined, then count number of httpd's.
-------------- next part --------------
// Orcallator.se, a log generating performance monitor.
// This program logs many different system quantities to a log file
// for later processing.
// Author: Blair Zajac <bzajac at geostaff.com>.
// Portions copied from percollator.se written by Adrian Cockroft.
// Version 1.13: Sep 24, 1999	Fix a bug in the disk_mean calculation where
//				it was being divided by the wrong disk_count.
//				Now it should be much larger and in scale with
//				disk_peak.  When WATCH_DISK is defined, now
//				print each disk's run percent.  Add a new
//				define WATCH_MOUNTS, which reports each mount
//				point's disk space and inode capacity, usage,
//				available for non-root users and percent used.
//				This comes from Duncan Lawie tyger at hoopoes.com.
//				Add some smarts so that if the number of
//				interfaces, physical disk, or mounted
//				partitions changes, then a new header is
//				printed.  This will prevent column name and
//				data mixups when the system configuration
//				changes.
// Version 1.12: Sep 14, 1999	Add the page scan rate as scanrate in
//				measure_cpu.
// Version 1.11: Aug 13, 1999	Add the number of CPUs as ncpus.  Move
//				measure_disk and measure_ram sooner in the
//				list of subsystems to handle.  Increase the
//				number of characters for each network
//				interface from four to five.  Add new disk
//				reads, writes, Kbytes read, and Kbytes
//				written per second.  Add number of bytes
//				of free memory in bytes as freememK.
// Version 1.10: Jul 28, 1999	Measure the process spawn rate if WATCH_CPU
//				is defined and the user is root.
// Version 1.9:  Jun  2, 1999	If WATCH_YAHOO is defined, then process the
//				access log as a Yahoo! style access log.
//				Restructure the code to handle different
//				web server access log formats.
// Version 1.8:  Jun  1, 1999	If the environmental variable WEB_SERVER is
//				defined, use its value of the as the name
//				of the process to count for the number of
//				web servers on the system.  If WEB_SERVER
//				is not defined, then count number of httpd's.
// Version 1.7:  Mar 25, 1999	Simplify and speed up count_proc by 20%.
// Version 1.6:  Feb 23, 1999	Print pvm.user_time and system_time correctly.
// Version 1.5:  Feb 23, 1999	Always write header to a new file.
// Version 1.4:  Feb 19, 1999	Handle missing HTTP/1.x in access log.
// Version 1.3:  Feb 18, 1999	On busy machines httpops5 will be enlarged.
// Version 1.2:  Feb 18, 1999	Output data on integral multiples of interval.
// Version 1.1:	 Feb 18, 1999	Integrate Squid log processing from SE 3.1.
// Version 1.0:	 Sep  9, 1998	Initial version.

// The default sampling interval in seconds.
#define SAMPLE_INTERVAL		300
// The maximum number of colums of data.
#define MAX_COLUMNS		512

// Define the different parts of the system you want to examine.
#ifdef WATCH_OS
#define WATCH_CPU		1
#define WATCH_MUTEX		1
#define WATCH_NET		1
#define WATCH_TCP		1
#define WATCH_NFS		1
#define WATCH_MOUNTS		1
#define WATCH_DISK		1
#define WATCH_DNLC		1
#define WATCH_INODE		1
#define WATCH_RAM		1
#define WATCH_PAGES		1

#include <stdio.se>
#include <stdlib.se>
#include <unistd.se>
#include <string.se>
#include <time.se>
#include <kstat.se>
#include <utsname.se>

#include <p_iostat_class.se>
#include <p_netstat_class.se>
#include <p_vmstat_class.se>
#include <pure_rules.se>
#include <live_rules.se>
#include <mib.se>
#include <tcp_class.se>
#include <tcp_rules.se>

#include <mnt_class.se>
#include <statvfs.se>

#include <proc.se>

#ifdef WATCH_CPU
// This is the maximum pid on Solaris hosts.
#define DEFAULT_MAXPID 30000
#include <fcntl.se>

#ifdef WATCH_WEB
#include <stat.se>

// Define this macro which returns the size index for a file of a
// particular size.  This saves the overhead of a function call.
#define WWW_SIZE_INDEX(size, size_index)			\
  if (size < 1024) {						\
    size_index=0;		/* under 1KB   */		\
  } else {							\
    if (size < 10240) {						\
      size_index=1;		/* under 10K   */		\
    } else {							\
      if (size < 102400) {					\
        size_index=2;		/* under 100KB */		\
      } else {							\
        if (size < 1048576) {					\
          size_index=3;		/* under 1MB   */		\
        } else {						\
          size_index=4;		/* over 1MB    */		\
        }							\
      }								\
    }								\
  }								\

// Handle the reply code from the server.
#define WWW_REPLY_CODE(word)					\
  if (word != nil) {						\
    if (word == "304") {					\
      httpop_condgets++;					\
    }								\
    else {							\
      first_byte = word;					\
      if (first_byte[0] == '4' || first_byte[0] == '5') {	\
        httpop_errors++;					\
      }								\
    }								\

// Handle the method of the object served.  This define only works with
// non-proxy servers.
#define WWW_METHOD1(word)					\
  if (word != nil) {						\
    switch (word) {						\
      case "get":						\
      case "GET":						\
        httpop_gets++;						\
        break;							\
      case "post":						\
      case "POST":						\
        httpop_posts++;						\
        break;							\
      case "head":						\
      case "HEAD":						\
        ishead = 1;						\
        httpop_condgets++;					\

#define WWW_METHOD2						\
    case "icp_query":						\
    case "ICP_QUERY":						\
      squid_icp_queries++;					\
#define WWW_METHOD2

#define WWW_METHOD_END						\
      default:							\
        break; 							\
    }								\

// Put all rules here so they can be accessed by the handle functions.
lr_cpu_t	lr_cpu$cpu;
lr_cpu_t	tmp_lrcpu;
lr_mutex_t	lr_mutex$m;
lr_mutex_t	tmp_mutex;
lr_net_t	lr_net$nr;
lr_net_t	tmp_nr;
lr_tcp_t	lr_tcp$tcp;
lr_tcp_t	tmp_lrtcp;
#ifdef WATCH_TCP
tcp		tcp$tcp;
tcp		tmp_tcp;
lr_rpcclient_t	lr_rpcclient$r;
lr_rpcclient_t	tmp_lrpcc;
lr_disk_t	lr_disk$dr;
lr_disk_t	tmp_dr;
lr_dnlc_t	lr_dnlc$dnlc;
lr_dnlc_t	tmp_lrdnlc;
lr_inode_t	lr_inode$inode;
lr_inode_t	tmp_lrinode;
lr_ram_t	lr_ram$ram;
lr_ram_t	tmp_lrram;
ks_system_pages kstat$pages;
ks_system_pages tmp_kstat_pages;
lr_swapspace_t	lr_swapspace$s;
lr_swapspace_t	tmp_lrswap;
lr_kmem_t	lr_kmem$kmem;
lr_kmem_t	tmp_lrkmem;
ks_system_misc	kstat$misc;
ks_system_misc	tmp_kstat_misc;

// Put application globals here.
string		nodename;			// Name of this machine.
string		program_name;			// Name of this program.
int		hz;				// Clock tick rate.
int		page_size;			// Page size in bytes.
long		boot_time;			// Boot time of the system.
long		interval = SAMPLE_INTERVAL;	// Sampling interval. 

#ifdef WATCH_CPU
int		can_read_kernel = 0;		// If the kernel can be read.
long		kvm$mpid;			// The last created PID.

// These variables store the mpid before and after the standard interval.
long		mpid_previous;
long		mpid_current;
ulonglong	mpid_then;
ulonglong	mpid_now;

// These variables store the mpid before and after 5 second intervals.
long		mpid5_previous;
long		mpid5_current;
ulonglong	mpid5_then;
ulonglong	mpid5_now;
double		mpid5_rate;

mnttab_t	mnt$mnt;
mnttab_t	tmp_mnt;

// Variables for handling the httpd access log.
#ifdef WATCH_WEB
string		www_server_proc_name = getenv("WEB_SERVER");
string		search_url           = getenv("SEARCHURL");
string		www_log_filename     = getenv("WEB_LOG");
string		www_gateway          = getenv("GATEWAY");
ulong		www_fd;
uint		www_gatelen;
stat_t		www_stat[1];
ulong		www_ino;
long		www_size;

double		www_interval;			// Hi-res interval time.
ulonglong	www_then;
ulonglong	www_now;

double		www5_interval;		// Actual hi-res 5 second interval.
ulonglong	www5_then;
ulonglong	www5_now;

double		httpops;
double		httpops5;
double		gateops;
double		dtmp;

long		httpop_gets;
long		httpop_condgets; // HEAD or code = 304 conditional get no data.
long		httpop_posts;
long		httpop_cgi_bins;
long		httpop_searches;
long		httpop_errors;
long		dwnld_size[5]; // [0] < 1K, [1] < 10K, [2] < 100K, [3] < 1M, [4] >= 1M
long		dwnld_totalz;  // total size counted from log

// If we're watching a Yahoo log, then take the transfer time to be the
// processing time.
double		www_dwnld_time_sum;	   // transfer time
double		www_dwnld_time_by_size[5]; // mean transfer time by size bin
long		prxy_squid_indirect;   // number of hits that go via PROXY,SOCKS,parent
long		prxy_squid_cache_hits; // number of hits returned from cache

long		prxy_cache_writes; // number of writes and updates to cache
long		prxy_uncacheable;  // number of explicitly uncacheable httpops
				   // any extra is errors or incomplete ops

long		squid_cache_misses;
long		squid_icp_requests;
long		squid_icp_queries;
long		squid_client_http;


// Variables for handling output.
ulong		ofile;				// File pointer to the logging file.
string		col_comment[MAX_COLUMNS];	// Comments for each column.
string		col_data[MAX_COLUMNS];		// Data for each column.
int		current_column = 0;		// The current column.
int		print_header = 1;		// Flag to flush header.

// Send the stored columns of information to the output.
print_columns(string data[])
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<current_column; i++) {
    fprintf(ofile, "%s", data[i]);
    if (i != current_column-1) {
      fputc(' ', ofile);
  fputc('\n', ofile);

// Add one column of comments and data to the buffers.
put_output(string comment, string data)
  if (current_column >= MAX_COLUMNS) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many columns (%d).  Increase MAX_COLUMNS.\n",
    	    program_name, current_column);

  col_comment[current_column] = comment;
  col_data[current_column]    = data;

flush_output() {
  if (print_header != 0) {
    print_header = 0;
  current_column = 0;

// Sets ofile to the output file pointer.  Creates or appends to logfile
// if OUTDIR is set, otherwise sets the file pointer to STDOUT.  It
// start a new logfile each day.
checkoutput(tm_t now) {
  string outdir = getenv("OUTDIR");
  string outname;
  tm_t   then;
  char   tm_buf[32];

  if (outdir == nil) {
    /* no output dir so use stdout */
    if (ofile == 0) {
      /* first time, so print header and set ofile */
      ofile = stdout;
      print_header = 1;
  /* maintain daily output logfiles in OUTDIR */
  if (now.tm_yday != then.tm_yday) {
    /* first time or day has changed, start new logfile */
    if (ofile != 0) {
      /* close existing output file */
    strftime(tm_buf, sizeof(tm_buf), "%Y-%m-%d", now);
    outname = sprintf("%s/percol-%s", outdir, tm_buf);
    ofile = fopen(outname, "a"); /* open for append either way */
    if (ofile == 0) {
      perror("can't open output logfile");
    // Always write header.
    print_header = 1;
    then = now;

int main(int argc, string argv[])
  utsname_t u[1];
  long      now;
  long      sleep_till;	// Time to sleep to.
  tm_t      tm_now;

  // Get the nodename of the machine.
  nodename = u[0].nodename;

  program_name = argv[0];

  // Handle the command line arguments.
  switch (argc) {
    case 1:
    case 2:
      interval = atoi(argv[1]);
      fprintf(stderr, "usage: se [Defines] %s [interval]\n", program_name);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s can use the following environmental variables:\n", program_name);
      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv WEB_SERVER  netscape\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv WEB_LOG     /ns-home/httpd-80/logs/access - location of web server log\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv GATEWAY     some.where.com - special address to monitor\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv OUTDIR      /ns-home/docs/orcallator/logs - default stdout\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv SEARCHURL   srch.cgi - match for search scripts, default is search.cgi\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "Defines:\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_WEB    watch web server access logs\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_PROXY  use WEB_LOG as a NCSA style proxy log\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_SQUID  use WEB_LOG as a Squid log\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_OS     includes all of the below:\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_CPU    watch the cpu load, run queue, etc\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_MUTEX  watch the number of mutex spins\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_NET    watch all Ethernet interfaces\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_TCP    watch all the TCP/IP stack\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_NFS    watch NFS requests\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_MOUNTS watch usage of mount points\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_DISK   watch disk read/write usage\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_DNLC   watch the directory name lookup cache\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_INODE  watch the inode cache\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_RAM    watch memory usage\n");
      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_PAGES  watch where pages are allocated\n");

  // Initialize the various structures.

  // Run forever.  If WATCH_WEB is defined, then have measure_web()
  // do the sleeping while it is watching the access log file until the
  // next update time for the whole operating system.  Also, collect the
  // data from the access log file before printing any output.
  for (;;) {
    // Calculate the next time to sleep to that is an integer multiple of
    // the interval time.  Make sure that at least half of the interval
    // passes before waking up.
    now        = time(0);
    sleep_till = (now/interval)*interval;
    while (sleep_till < now + interval*0.5) {
      sleep_till += interval;

#ifdef WATCH_WEB

    // Get the current time.
    now    = time(0);
    tm_now = localtime(&now);

    measure_os(now, tm_now);

#ifdef WATCH_WEB

    // Get a file descriptor to write to.  Maintains daily output files.

    // Print the output.
  return 0;

#ifdef WATCH_CPU
  int i;

#ifdef WATCH_CPU
  // Initialize the process spawning rate measurement variables.
  // Determine if the kernel can be read to measure the last pid.
  i = open("/dev/kmem", O_RDONLY);
  if (i != -1) {
    can_read_kernel = 1;
    mpid_previous   = kvm$mpid;
    mpid_then       = gethrtime();
    mpid_current    = mpid_previous;

    mpid5_then      = mpid_then;
    mpid5_previous  = mpid_previous;
    mpid5_current   = mpid_previous;
    mpid5_rate      = 0;

#ifdef WATCH_WEB
  // Initialize those variables that were not set with environmental
  // variables.
  if (search_url == nil || search_url == "") {
    search_url = "search.cgi";

  if (www_server_proc_name == nil || www_server_proc_name == "") {
    www_server_proc_name = "httpd";

  if (www_gateway == nil || www_gateway == "" ) {
    www_gateway = "NoGatway";
    www_gatelen = 0;
  else {
    www_gatelen = strlen(www_gateway);

  // Initialize the web server watching variables.  Move the file pointer
  // to the end of the web access log and note the current time.
  if (www_log_filename != nil) {
    www_fd = fopen(www_log_filename, "r");
    if (www_fd != 0) {
      stat(www_log_filename, www_stat);
      www_ino  = www_stat[0].st_ino;
      www_size = www_stat[0].st_size;
      // Move to the end of the file.
      fseek(www_fd, 0, 2);

  www_then  = gethrtime();
  www5_then = www_then;

  // Sleep to give the disks a chance to update.

  // Get the clock tick rate.
  hz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);

  // Get the page size.
  page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);

  // Calculate the system boot time.
  boot_time = time(0) - (kstat$misc.clk_intr / hz);

  // Perform the first measurement of the system.

// Measure the system statistics all at once.
  tmp_lrcpu       = lr_cpu$cpu;
  tmp_mutex       = lr_mutex$m;
  tmp_nr          = lr_net$nr;
  tmp_lrtcp       = lr_tcp$tcp;
#ifdef WATCH_TCP
  tmp_tcp         = tcp$tcp;
  tmp_lrpcc       = lr_rpcclient$r;
  tmp_dr          = lr_disk$dr;
  tmp_lrdnlc      = lr_dnlc$dnlc;
  tmp_lrinode     = lr_inode$inode;
  tmp_lrram       = lr_ram$ram;
  tmp_kstat_pages = kstat$pages;
  tmp_lrswap      = lr_swapspace$s;
  tmp_lrkmem      = lr_kmem$kmem;
  tmp_kstat_misc  = kstat$misc;

measure_os(long now, tm_t tm_now)
  // Measure the system now.

  // Take care of miscellaneous measurements.
  measure_misc(now, tm_now);

  // Take care of cpu.
#ifdef WATCH_CPU

  // Take care of mutexes.

  // Take care of mount pointes.

  // Take care of the disks.

  // Take care of ram.
#ifdef WATCH_RAM

  // Take care of the network.
#ifdef WATCH_NET

  // Take care of TCP/IP.
#ifdef WATCH_TCP

  // Take care of NFS.
#ifdef WATCH_NFS

  // Take care of DNLC.

  // Take care of the inode cache.

  // Take care of page allocations.

/* state as a character */
char state_char(int state) {
  switch(state) {
    case ST_WHITE: return 'w'; /* OK states are lower case */
    case ST_BLUE:  return 'b';
    case ST_GREEN: return 'g';
    case ST_AMBER: return 'A'; /* bad states are upper case to stand out */
    case ST_RED:   return 'R';
    case ST_BLACK: return 'B';
    default: return 'I';	/* invalid state */

measure_misc(long now, tm_t tm_now)
  long   uptime;
  char   states[12];
  char   tm_buf[16];

  uptime = now - boot_time;
  states = "wwwwwwwwwww";
  strftime(tm_buf, sizeof(tm_buf), "%T", tm_now);

  states[0] = state_char(lr_disk$dr.state); 
  states[1] = state_char(lr_net$nr.state);     
  states[2] = state_char(lr_rpcclient$r.state); 
  states[3] = state_char(lr_swapspace$s.state);     
  states[4] = state_char(lr_ram$ram.state);    
  states[5] = state_char(lr_kmem$kmem.state);   
  states[6] = state_char(lr_cpu$cpu.state);    
  states[7] = state_char(lr_mutex$m.state);     
  states[8] = state_char(lr_dnlc$dnlc.state);   
  states[9] = state_char(lr_inode$inode.state);   
  states[10]= state_char(lr_tcp$tcp.state);

  put_output(" timestamp",  sprintf("%10d", now));
  put_output("locltime",    tm_buf);
  put_output("DNnsrkcmdit", states);
  put_output("  uptime",    sprintf("%8d", uptime));

sleep_till_and_count_new_proceses(long sleep_till)
  long   now;
#ifdef WATCH_CPU
  long   sleep_till1;
  long   mpid5_diff;
  double mpid5_interval;
  double rate;

  now = time(0);
  while (now < sleep_till) {
#ifdef WATCH_CPU
    if (can_read_kernel != 0) {
      // Sleep at least 5 seconds to make a measurement.
      sleep_till1 = now + 5;
      while (now < sleep_till1) {
        sleep(sleep_till1 - now);
        now = time(0);

      // Measure the 5 second process creation rate.
      mpid5_current  = kvm$mpid;
      mpid5_now      = gethrtime();
      mpid5_interval = (mpid5_now - mpid5_then) * 0.000000001;
      mpid5_then     = mpid5_now;
      if (mpid5_current >= mpid5_previous) {
        mpid5_diff = mpid5_current - mpid5_previous;
      else {
        mpid5_diff = mpid5_current + DEFAULT_MAXPID - mpid5_previous;
      rate = mpid5_diff/mpid5_interval;
      if (rate > mpid5_rate) {
        mpid5_rate = rate;
      mpid5_previous = mpid5_current;

      // Now take these results to measure the long interval rate.
      // Because the mpid may flip over DEFAULT_MAXPID more than once
      // in the long interval time span, use the difference between
      // the previous and current mpid over a 5 second interval to
      // calculate the long interval difference.
      mpid_current += mpid5_diff;
      mpid_now      = mpid5_now;   
    else {
      sleep(sleep_till - now);
    sleep(sleep_till - now);
    now = time(0);

#ifdef WATCH_CPU
  p_vmstat pvm;
  double   mpid_interval;
  double   mpid_rate;

  pvm = vmglobal_total();

  // In SE 3.0 user_time and system_time are int and in SE 3.1 they are
  // double, so cast everything to double using + 0.0.
  put_output(" usr%",    sprintf("%5.1f", pvm.user_time + 0.0));
  put_output(" sys%",    sprintf("%5.1f", pvm.system_time + 0.0));
  put_output(" 1runq",   sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_1min/256.0));
  put_output(" 5runq",   sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_5min/256.0));
  put_output("15runq",   sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_15min/256.0));
  put_output("#proc",    sprintf("%5lu",  tmp_kstat_misc.nproc));
  put_output("scanrate", sprintf("%8.3f", pvm.scan));

  // Calculate the rate of new process spawning.
  if (can_read_kernel != 0) {
    mpid_interval = (mpid_now - mpid_then) * 0.000000001;
    mpid_rate     = (mpid_current - mpid_previous) / mpid_interval;
    put_output("#proc/s",   sprintf("%7.3f", mpid_rate));
    put_output("#proc/p5s", sprintf("%9.4f", mpid5_rate));

    // Reset counters.
    mpid_then     = mpid_now;
    mpid_previous = mpid_current;
    mpid5_rate    = 0;

  put_output(" smtx",    sprintf("%5d", tmp_mutex.smtx));
  put_output("smtx/cpu", sprintf("%8d", tmp_mutex.smtx/tmp_mutex.ncpus));
  put_output("ncpus",    sprintf("%5d", tmp_mutex.ncpus));

#ifdef WATCH_NET
  int previous_count = -1;
  int current_count;
  int i;

  current_count = 0;
  for (i=0; i<tmp_nr.net_count; i++) {
    // Skip unused interfaces.
//    if (GLOBAL_net[i].up == 0) {
//      continue;
//    }
    put_output(sprintf("%5sIpkt/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ipackets));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sOpkt/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].opackets));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sInKB/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ioctets/1024.0));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sOuKB/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ooctets/1024.0));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sIErr/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ierrors));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sOErr/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].oerrors));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sColl%%", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].collpercent));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sNoCP/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].nocanput));
    put_output(sprintf("%5sDefr/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
	       sprintf("%11.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].defer));

  // If the number of up interfaces changes, then print new headers.
  if (current_count != previous_count) {
    print_header = 1;
    previous_count = current_count;

#ifdef WATCH_TCP
  put_output("tcp_Iseg/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.InDataSegs));
  put_output("tcp_Oseg/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.OutDataSegs));
  put_output("tcp_InKB/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.InDataBytes/1024.0));
  put_output("tcp_OuKB/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.OutDataBytes/1024.0));
  put_output("tcp_Ret%",   sprintf("%8.3f",  tmp_tcp.RetransPercent));
  put_output("tcp_Dup%",   sprintf("%8.3f",  tmp_tcp.InDupPercent));
  put_output("tcp_Icn/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.PassiveOpens));
  put_output("tcp_Ocn/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.ActiveOpens));
  put_output("tcp_estb",   sprintf("%8lu",   tmp_tcp.last.tcpCurrEstab));
  put_output("tcp_Rst/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.OutRsts));
  put_output("tcp_Atf/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.AttemptFails));
  put_output("tcp_Ldrp/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.ListenDrop));
  put_output("tcp_LdQ0/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.ListenDropQ0));
  put_output("tcp_HOdp/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.HalfOpenDrop));

#ifdef WATCH_NFS
  put_output("nfs_call/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrpcc.calls));
  put_output("nfs_timo/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrpcc.timeouts));
  put_output("nfs_badx/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrpcc.badxids));

  statvfs_t vfs_array[1];
  statvfs_t vfs;
  string    comment_fmt;
  string    kbytes_fmt;
  string    inode_fmt;
  string    percent_fmt;
  ulong     kbytes_used;
  ulong     inodes_used;
  double    block_factor;
  int       comment_length;
  int       previous_count = -1;
  int       current_count;

  current_count = 0;
  // Traverse the mount table to find mounted ufs/vxfs file systems.
  for (mnt$mnt.number$=0; mnt$mnt.number$ != -1; mnt$mnt.number$++) {
    tmp_mnt = mnt$mnt;
    if (tmp_mnt.mnt_fstype == "ufs" || tmp_mnt.mnt_fstype == "vxfs") {
      if (statvfs(tmp_mnt.mnt_mountp, vfs_array) == -1) {
      vfs = vfs_array[0];

      // Generate the format strings for the comment and for the data.
      comment_fmt    = sprintf("mnt%%c_%s", tmp_mnt.mnt_mountp);
      comment_length = strlen(comment_fmt) - 1;
      kbytes_fmt     = sprintf("%%%d.0f",   comment_length);
      inode_fmt      = sprintf("%%%dld",    comment_length);
      percent_fmt    = sprintf("%%%d.3f",   comment_length);

      // Calculate the number of 1 kilobyte blocks on the disk.
      block_factor = vfs.f_frsize/1024;

      // Capital letters refer to the disk usage in kilobytes.  Lower case
      // letters refer to inode usage.
      // C - Capacity of the disk.
      // U - Used capacity.
      // A - Available capacity for non-root users.
      // P - Percent used.
      kbytes_used = vfs.f_blocks - vfs.f_bfree;
      inodes_used = vfs.f_files  - vfs.f_ffree;

      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'C'),
                 sprintf(kbytes_fmt, block_factor*vfs.f_blocks));
      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'U'),
                 sprintf(kbytes_fmt, block_factor*kbytes_used));
      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'A'),
                 sprintf(kbytes_fmt, block_factor*vfs.f_bavail));
      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'P'),
                         100.0*kbytes_used/(vfs.f_blocks + vfs.f_bavail - vfs.f_bfree)));

      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'c'),
                 sprintf(inode_fmt, vfs.f_files));
      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'u'),
                 sprintf(inode_fmt, inodes_used));
      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'a'),
                 sprintf(inode_fmt, vfs.f_favail));
      put_output(sprintf(comment_fmt, 'p'),
                         100.0*inodes_used/(vfs.f_files + vfs.f_favail - vfs.f_ffree)));


  // If the number of mounted filesystems changes, then print new headers.
  if (current_count != previous_count) {
    print_header = 1;
    previous_count = current_count;

  double mean_disk_busy;
  double peak_disk_busy;
  double total_reads;
  double total_writes;
  double total_readk;
  double total_writek;
  int    previous_count = -1;
  int    i;

  mean_disk_busy = 0.0;
  peak_disk_busy = 0.0;
  total_reads    = 0.0;
  total_writes   = 0.0;
  total_readk    = 0.0;
  total_writek   = 0.0;
  for (i=0; i<GLOBAL_disk_count; i++) {
               sprintf("%11.4f", GLOBAL_disk[i].run_percent));
    total_reads     += GLOBAL_disk[i].reads;
    total_writes    += GLOBAL_disk[i].writes;
    total_readk     += GLOBAL_disk[i].kreads;
    total_writek    += GLOBAL_disk[i].kwrites;
    mean_disk_busy += GLOBAL_disk[i].run_percent;
    if (GLOBAL_disk[i].run_percent > peak_disk_busy) {
      peak_disk_busy = GLOBAL_disk[i].run_percent;
  mean_disk_busy = mean_disk_busy/GLOBAL_disk_count;

  put_output("disk_peak", sprintf("%9.3f", peak_disk_busy));
  put_output("disk_mean", sprintf("%9.3f", mean_disk_busy));
  put_output("disk_rd/s", sprintf("%9.1f", total_reads));
  put_output("disk_wr/s", sprintf("%9.1f", total_writes));
  put_output("disk_rK/s", sprintf("%9.1f", total_readk));
  put_output("disk_wK/s", sprintf("%9.1f", total_writek));

  // If the number of disks has changed, say due to a add_drv, then print
  // new headers.
  if (previous_count != GLOBAL_disk_count) {
    print_header   = 1;
    previous_count = GLOBAL_disk_count;

  put_output("dnlc_ref/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrdnlc.refrate));
  put_output("dnlc_hit%",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_lrdnlc.hitrate));

  put_output("inod_ref/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrinode.refrate));
  put_output("inod_hit%",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_lrinode.hitrate));
  put_output("inod_stl/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrinode.iprate));

#ifdef WATCH_RAM
  put_output("swap_avail", sprintf("%10ld", GLOBAL_pvm[0].swap_avail));
  put_output("page_rstim", sprintf("%10d",  tmp_lrram.restime));
  put_output("  freememK", sprintf("%10d",  GLOBAL_pvm[0].freemem));
  put_output("free_pages", sprintf("%10d",  (GLOBAL_pvm[0].freemem*1024)/page_size));

  put_output("pp_kernel", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pp_kernel));
  put_output("pagesfree", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pagesfree));
  put_output("pageslock", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pageslocked));
  put_output("pagesio",   sprintf("%7lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pagesio));
  put_output("pagestotl", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pagestotal));

#ifdef WATCH_WEB
// Breakdown access log format.
accesslog(string buf) {
  int     z;
  int     size_index;
  int     ishead;
  string  word;
  char    first_byte[1];

  double  xf;
  string  logtag;
  string  request;
  string  arg;
  ulong   ptr;
  ulong   tmp;
  ulong   ulong_xf;

  ishead = 0;
  // Make sure that the input line has at least 32 bytes of data plus a new
  // line, for a total length of 33.
  if (strlen(buf) < 33) {
  word = strtok(buf,"\05");
  word = strtok(buf," ");
  if (word == nil) {

  // Word contains unix time in seconds.milliseconds.
  word                = strtok(nil, " ");	// Elapsed request time in ms
  xf                  = atof(word)/1000.0;
  www_dwnld_time_sum += xf;
#ifdef DINKY
  printf("time: %s %f total %f\n", word, xf, xfer_sum);
  word    = strtok(nil, " ");			// Client IP address
  logtag  = strtok(nil, "/");			// Log tag
  word    = strtok(nil, " ");			// Reply code
  word    = strtok(nil, " ");			// Size sent to client
  z       = atoi(word);
  request = strtok(nil, " ");			// Request method
  word    = strtok(nil, " ");			// URL
  if (word != nil) {
    if (word =~ "cgi-bin") {
    if (word =~ search_url) {
  word = strtok(nil, " ");			// Optional user ident
  word = strtok(nil, "/");			// Hierarchy
  if (word != nil) {
    if (word =~ "DIRECT") {
  word = strtok(nil, " ");			// Hostname
  word = strtok(nil, " ");			// Content-type

  // Process the collected data.
  if (logtag =~ "TCP") {
  if (logtag =~ "UDP") {
  if (logtag =~ "HIT") {
  if (logtag =~ "MISS") {

  // Do not add size if its a HEAD.
  if (ishead == 0) {
    dwnld_totalz += z;

  WWW_SIZE_INDEX(z, size_index)
  www_dwnld_time_by_size[size_index] += xf;

  // Yahoo log format.  Fields in square brackets will only appear in the
  // log file if the data actually exists (ie. you will never see a null
  // Referrer field).  Further, fields labelled here with "(CONFIG)" will
  // only appear if they are enabled via the YahooLogOptions configuration
  // directive.
  //     IP Address		(8 hex digits)
  //     Timestamp		(time_t as 8 hex digits)
  //     Processing Time	(in microseconds, as 8 hex digits)
  //     Bytes Sent		(8 hex digits)
  //     URL
  //     [^Er referrer]  (CONFIG)
  //     [^Em method]    (CONFIG)
  //     [^Es status_code]
  //     ^Ed signature
  //     \n

  // Ignore the IP address and timestamp.  Get the processing time, the
  // number of bytes sent and the URL.  For each portion of the line, split
  // it up into separate pieces.
  if (sscanf(word, "%8lx%8lx%8x%8x", &tmp, &tmp, &ulong_xf, &z) != 4) {

  xf = ulong_xf/1000000.0;
  WWW_SIZE_INDEX(z, size_index)
  www_dwnld_time_sum                 += xf;
  www_dwnld_time_by_size[size_index] += xf;

  if (word =~ "cgi-bin") {
  if (word =~ search_url) {

  for (;;) {
    word = strtok(nil, "\05");
    if (word == nil) {
    first_byte = word;
    ptr        = &word + 1;
    arg        = ((string) ptr);
    ptr = 0;
    switch (first_byte[0]) {
      case 'm':
        ptr = 1;
      case 's':

  // If no method was seen, then assume it was a GET.
  if (ptr == 0) {

  // Do not add size if its a HEAD.
  if (ishead == 0) {
    dwnld_totalz += z;
#else	/* common or netscape proxy formats */
  strtok(nil, " ");		// -
  strtok(nil, " ");		// -
  strtok(nil, " [");		// date
  strtok(nil, " ");		// zone]
  word = strtok(nil, " \"");	// GET or POST
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// URL
  if (word != nil) {
    if (word =~ "cgi-bin") {
    if (word =~ search_url) {
  // Sometimes HTTP/1.x is not listed in the access log.  Skip it
  // if it does exist.  Load the error/success code.
  word = strtok(nil, " ");
  if (word != nil && (word =~ "HTTP" || word =~ "http")) {
    word = strtok(nil, " ");
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// Bytes transferred.
  if (word != nil) {
    z = atoi(word);
    if (ishead == 0) {		// Do not add size if its a HEAD.
      dwnld_totalz += z;
    WWW_SIZE_INDEX(z, size_index)
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// status from server
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// length from server
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// length from client POST
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// length POSTed to remote
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// client header req
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// proxy header resp
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// proxy header req
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// server header resp
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// transfer total secs
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// route

  // - DIRECT PROXY(host.domain:port) SOCKS
  if (word != nil) {  
    if (strncmp(word, "PROXY", 5) == 0 ||
        strncmp(word, "SOCKS", 5) == 0) {
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// client finish status
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// server finish status
  word = strtok(nil, " ");	// cache finish status
  // ERROR HOST-NOT-AVAILABLE = error or incomplete op
  // WRITTEN REFRESHED CL-MISMATCH(content length mismatch) = cache_writes
  // NO-CHECK UP-TO-DATE = cache_hits
  // DO-NOT-CACHE NON-CACHEABLE = uncacheable
  if (word != nil) { 
    switch(word) {
      case "WRITTEN":
      case "REFRESHED":
      case "CL-MISMATCH":
      case "NO-CHECK":
      case "UP-TO-DATE":
      case "DO-NOT-CACHE":
      case "NON-CACHEABLE":
  word = strtok(nil, " [");		// [transfer total time x.xxx
  if (word != nil) {
    xf = atof(word);
    www_dwnld_time_sum                 += xf;
    www_dwnld_time_by_size[size_index] += xf;

measure_web(long sleep_till)
  double lastops = 0.0;
  char   buf[BUFSIZ];
  int    i;
  long   now;

  httpops         = 0.0;
  httpops5        = 0.0;
  gateops         = 0.0;
  httpop_gets     = 0;
  httpop_condgets = 0;
  httpop_posts    = 0;
  httpop_cgi_bins = 0;
  httpop_errors   = 0;
  httpop_searches = 0;

  for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
    dwnld_size[i] = 0;
    www_dwnld_time_by_size[i] = 0.0;
  dwnld_totalz = 0;

  www_dwnld_time_sum      = 0.0;
  prxy_squid_indirect     = 0;
  prxy_squid_cache_hits   = 0;
  prxy_cache_writes       = 0;
  prxy_uncacheable        = 0;
  squid_cache_misses      = 0;
  squid_icp_requests      = 0;
  squid_icp_queries       = 0;
  squid_client_http       = 0;

  if (www_log_filename != nil) {
    now = time(0);
    while (now < sleep_till) {
#ifdef WATCH_CPU
      sleep_till_and_count_new_proceses(now + 5);
      now = time(0);
      if (www_fd != 0) {
        while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, www_fd) != nil) {
          httpops += 1.0;
          if (www_gatelen > 0) {
            if (strncmp(buf, www_gateway, www_gatelen) == 0) {
              gateops += 1.0;

      /* see if the file has been switched or truncated */
      stat(www_log_filename, www_stat);
      if (www_ino != www_stat[0].st_ino || www_size > www_stat[0].st_size) {
        if (www_fd != 0) {
          fclose(www_fd); /* close the old log */
        /* log file has changed, open the new one */
        www_fd = fopen(www_log_filename, "r");
        if (www_fd != 0) {
          www_ino = www_stat[0].st_ino;
          while(fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, www_fd) != nil) {
            httpops += 1.0;
            if (www_gatelen > 0) {
              if (strncmp(buf, www_gateway, www_gatelen) == 0) {
                gateops += 1.0;

      www5_now      = gethrtime();
      www5_interval = (www5_now - www5_then) * 0.000000001;
      www5_then     = www5_now;
      dtmp          = (httpops - lastops)/www5_interval;
      if (dtmp > httpops5) {
        httpops5 = dtmp;
      lastops = httpops;

      // Remember size for next time.
      www_size = www_stat[0].st_size;
  else {
    www5_now = gethrtime();

  www_now      = www5_now;
  www_interval = (www_now - www_then) * 0.000000001;
  www_then     = www_now;

  // Use dtmp to get percentages.
  if (httpops == 0.0) {
    dtmp = 0.0;
  else {
    dtmp = 100.0 / httpops;

  for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
    if (dwnld_size[i] == 0) {
      www_dwnld_time_by_size[i] = 0.0;
    else {
      www_dwnld_time_by_size[i] = www_dwnld_time_by_size[i]/dwnld_size[i];

int count_proc(string name)
  int        count;
  prpsinfo_t p;

  count = 0;
  for (p=first_proc(); p.pr_pid != -1; p=next_proc()) {
    if (p.pr_fname =~ name) {
  return count;

  put_output("#httpds",    sprintf("%7d",   count_proc(www_server_proc_name)));
  put_output("httpop/s",   sprintf("%8.2f", httpops/www_interval));
  put_output("http/p5s",   sprintf("%8.2f", httpops5));
  put_output("cndget/s",   sprintf("%8.2f", httpop_condgets/www_interval));
  put_output("search/s",   sprintf("%8.3f", httpop_searches/www_interval));
  put_output("   cgi/s",   sprintf("%8.3f", httpop_cgi_bins/www_interval));
  put_output(" htErr/s",   sprintf("%8.3f", httpop_errors/www_interval));
  put_output(" httpb/s",   sprintf("%8.0f", dwnld_totalz/www_interval));
  put_output("  %to1KB",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[0]));
  put_output(" %to10KB",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[1]));
  put_output("%to100KB",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[2]));
  put_output("  %to1MB",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[3]));
  put_output("%over1MB",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[4]));
  put_output(www_gateway,  sprintf("%8.2f", gateops/www_interval));
  put_output("  %indir",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_squid_indirect));
  put_output("%cch_hit",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_squid_cache_hits));
  put_output("%cch_wrt",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_cache_writes));
  put_output("%cch_unc",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_uncacheable));
  put_output("%cch_mis",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * squid_cache_misses));
  put_output("%cch_req",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * squid_icp_requests));
  put_output("%cch_qry",   sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * squid_icp_queries));
  put_output("   xfr_t",   sprintf("%8.2f", 0.01 * dtmp * www_dwnld_time_sum));
  put_output("  xfr1_t",   sprintf("%8.2f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[0]));
  put_output(" xfr10_t",   sprintf("%8.2f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[1]));
  put_output("xfr100_t",   sprintf("%8.2f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[2]));
  put_output(" xfr1M_t",   sprintf("%8.2f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[3]));
  put_output("xfro1M_t",   sprintf("%8.2f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[4]));
  put_output("   wprc_t",  sprintf("%9.5f", 0.01 * dtmp * www_dwnld_time_sum));
  put_output("  wprc1_t",  sprintf("%9.5f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[0]));
  put_output(" wprc10_t",  sprintf("%9.5f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[1]));
  put_output("wprc100_t",  sprintf("%9.5f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[2]));
  put_output(" wprc1M_t",  sprintf("%9.5f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[3]));
  put_output("wprco1M_t",  sprintf("%9.5f", www_dwnld_time_by_size[4]));

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