[Orca-users] Re: Nothing plotted on the grpahs

simon.klyne at arcordia.com simon.klyne at arcordia.com
Wed Jun 6 02:56:05 PDT 2001

If the data files on the central server have arrived after Orca was started
try sending a SIGHUP to the Orca process to cause it to look for new files
(or you could wait for the configured times when Orca looks for new files).
Or you stop and restart Orca for the same effenct, although much heavier on

Check the dates of last entry in the RRD files for the remote machine are
not later than the times in the percol files (what does the 'last date' on
the graph show ?).  With my convoluted config I have seen data files
getting corrupted during generation (not from orcallator.se but some DBA
generated scripts monitoring SYbase) where the time column gets a number
bigger than it should be for the current number of seconds since the epoch.
How do you copy your percol files from the remote machine to the central
server ? are there any race conditions ?

I used a simple perl script to check the time field in my raw data files
#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $fnam = $ARGV[0];

open (F, $fnam) || die "$0: Cannot read \"$fnam\" : $!\n";

use Time::Local;

while (<F>)
    my ($seconds) = split ' ', $_, 2;

    my @time = localtime( $seconds );

    my $sec    = sprintf "%02d", $time[0] ;
    my $min    = sprintf "%02d", $time[1] ;
    my $hour   = sprintf "%02d", $time[2] ;

    my $_day   = sprintf "%02d", $time[3] ;
    my $_month = sprintf "%02d", $time[4] ;
    my $_year  = $time[5] + 1900;

    my $_month_str = (qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
                Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec))[ $time[4] ];

    print "$_day/$_month_str/$_year $hour:$min:$sec\t ($seconds)\n";

and just looked for bad dates ...

Does this help ??


sebastien.harnist at systor.com on 06/06/2001 10:21:58

Please respond to orca-users at yahoogroups.com

To:   orca-users at yahoogroups.com
Subject:  [orca-users] Nothing plotted on the grpahs


I'm using orca on a central server, and orcallator on an other PC. The
percol files are generated on the PC, and copied on the central server
where orca runs. The problem is that nothing is plotted on the graphs
even though the percol fils look right. The graphs are generated, but
nothing is plotted. It is strange because on the central server
orcallator is running for itself too, and orca displays this graphs
with no problem. Any idea ?



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