[Orca-users] does orca run on linux

Erik Melander emelander at wyndham.com
Thu Dec 19 07:58:01 PST 2002

Here is a spec file for 0.27b2 that you can use to build an Orca RPM
from source and applying the latest config file as a patch.  It does not
include any of the contrib material into the RPM.

On Thu, 2002-12-19 at 09:32, Blair Zajac wrote:
> "Jeffrey P. Miller" wrote:
> > 
> > Is there an orcallator for linux?  I have some redhat 7.2 boxes
> > I would like to run it on.
> No, orcallator only runs on Solaris.
> You can give procollator a try.  It's in contrib/procallator.
> > 
> > Is there an orca rpm for linux?
> No, there isn't.
> > I guess I would also need to load setoolkit on the linux boxes.
> > Is there an FAQ for this?
> No, the existing FAQ doesn't answer these questions.
> Best,
> Blair
An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has
   - Victor Hugo
-------------- next part --------------
# rpm spec for orca
Name: orca
Summary: Orca - a tool to make HTML and PNG plots of data
Version: 0.27b2
Release: 2
License: (none)
Group: System/Utilities
Source: http://www.orcaware.com/orca/pub/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Patch0: %{name}-cfg.patch
URL: http://www.orcaware.com/
Requires: rrdtool, /sbin/service, /sbin/chkconfig, /etc/init.d, perl,
Requires: perl-Time-HiRes, perl-TimeDate
AutoReqProv: no
BuildRequires: rrdtool, gcc, perl, perl-Time-HiRes, perl-TimeDate
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}
Packager: Erik Melander <emelander at wyndham.com>

Orca is a tool useful for plotting arbitrary data from text files onto a directory
on web server. 

* Mon Oct 22 2002  Erik Melander <emelander at wyndham.com>
  o Initial revision.
  o Patched orcallator.cfg to version 1.35.

%setup -q
%patch -p1

CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=%{_prefix} \
        --libdir=%{perl_archlib} \
        --with-rrd-dir=%{_localstatedir}/orca/rrd \
        --with-html-dir=/var/www/html \
        --with-orcallator-dir=%{_localstatedir}/orca/orcallator \
make %{_smp_mflags}

# Orca configure options do not work properly so we need to
# move files to conform to the Red Hat standard.
[ "%{buildroot}" != '/' ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}
make install prefix=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr

# Install man pages in proper directory.
install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_mandir}
mv ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/man/man1 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_mandir}

# Install configuration files in proper directory.
install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_sysconfdir}/orca
mv %{perl_archlib}/orcallator.cfg ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/orca

# Install perl modules in proper directory.
install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{perl_archlib}
mv %{perl_archlib}/Orca ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{perl_archlib}

# Remove SE script and run control files.  Solaris only.
rm %{perl_archlib}/orcallator.se
rm ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_bindir}/S99orcallator
rm ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_bindir}/start_orcallator
rm ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_bindir}/stop_orcallator
rm ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_bindir}/restart_orcallator
rm ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_bindir}/upgrade_installation

# Build %{_localstatedir} directory structure.
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_localstatedir}/orca/rrd/orcallator
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_localstatedir}/orca/orcallator

# Build html directory structure
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{_localstatedir}/www/html/orcallator

# Logrotate file for orca
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d
cat > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/orca <<EOF
/var/orca/orca.log {
        rotate 5
                /etc/init.d/orca restart
chmod 644 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/orca
chown root:root ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/logrotate.d/orca

# Startup file for orca
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d
cat > ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d/orca <<EOF
# orca         Start/Stop the orca daemon.
# chkconfig: 2345 98 20
# description: Orca is a tool useful for plotting arbitrary data 
#              from text files onto a directory on Web server.
# processname: orca
# config: /etc/orca/inputs

# Source function library.
. /etc/init.d/functions


# See how we were called.


start() {
	if [ ! -f /var/lock/subsys/orca ]; then
       		echo -n \$"Starting \$prog: "
		\$ORCA_BIN -d -no-html -no-images -logfile \$ORCA_LOG -v \$ORCA_CFG
        	[ \$RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/\$prog
        return \$RETVAL

stop() {
        echo -n \$"Stopping \$prog: "
	killproc \$ORCA_BIN
        [ \$RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/\$prog
        return \$RETVAL

restart() {

case "\$1" in
        echo \$"Usage: \$0 {start|stop|restart}"
        exit 1
exit \$?
chmod 755 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d/orca
chown root:root ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d/orca

[ "%{buildroot}" != '/' ] && rm -rf %{buildroot}

if [ $1 = 1 ]; then
  /sbin/chkconfig --add orca

if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
  /sbin/service orca stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
  rm /etc/init.d/orca

%doc docs/manual.html docs/orca.html
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/orca.1.gz
%config %{_sysconfdir}/orca

### eof
-------------- next part --------------
--- orca-0.27b2/orcallator/orcallator.cfg.in.orig	2001-10-02 19:51:37.000000000 -0500
+++ orca-0.27b2/orcallator/orcallator.cfg.in	2002-10-21 18:02:55.000000000 -0500
@@ -8,15 +8,19 @@
 # expression ^\\?\.{0,2}/, which matches /, ./, ../, and \./.
 base_dir		@RRD_DIR@/orcallator
-# rrd_dir specifies the location of the generated RRD data files.
+# rrd_dir specifies the location of the generated RRD data files.  If
+# rrd_dir is a relative path, then it is made relative to base_dir if
+# base_dir is set.
 rrd_dir			.
 # state_file specifies the location of the state file that remembers
-# the modification time of each source data file.
+# the modification time of each source data file.  If state_file is a
+# relative path, then it is made relative to base_dir is base_dir is
+# set.
 state_file		orca.state
 # html_dir specifies the top of the HTML tree created by Orca.
-html_dir		@HTML_DIR@
+html_dir		@HTML_DIR@/orcallator
 # By default create .meta tag files for all PNGs or GIFs so that the
 # web browser will automatically reload them.
@@ -45,6 +49,22 @@
 generate_quarterly_plot	1
 generate_yearly_plot	1
+# This sets the HTML markup that is placed at the very top of every
+# web page and is primarly used to display the site's logo.
+html_page_header	<h3>Put your site's logo here.</h3>
+# This sets the text that is placed in the pages' <title></title>
+# element and just after the html_page_header HTML markup text is
+# placed on the page.
+html_top_title		Orca Host Status
+# This sets the HTML markup that is placed at the bottom of every web
+# page.
+  <font face="verdana,geneva,arial,helvetica">
+    These plots brought to you by your local system administrator.
+  </font>
 # This defines where the find the source data files and the format of
 # those files.  Notes about the fields:
 # find_files
@@ -77,20 +97,38 @@
-html_top_title		Yahoo!/GeoCities Host Status
-  <a href="http://geocities.yahoo.com/home/">
-    <img border=0 alt="Yahoo!/GeoCities"
-     src="http://a372.g.akamaitech.net/7/372/27/5fd49246b3dc72/us.yimg.com/i/geo/ygeo.gif"
-     width=305 height=36></a>
-  <spacer type=vertical size=4>
-  <spacer type=vertical size=20>
-  <font face="Arial,Helvetica">
-    These plots brought to you by your local system administrator.
-  </font>
+plot {
+title			%g System Overview
+source			orcallator
+data			state_c / 2
+data			state_D / 2
+data			state_N / 2
+data			state_t / 2
+data			state_n / 2
+data			state_s / 2
+data			state_r / 2
+data			state_k / 2
+data			state_m / 2
+data			state_d / 2
+data			state_i / 2
+line_type		line3
+summary_format		%8.2lf %S
+legend			CPU power
+legend			Disk
+legend			Network
+legend			TCP/IP stack
+legend			NFS RPC client
+legend			Swap space
+legend			RAM demand
+legend			Kernel memory
+legend			Kernel contention
+legend			DNLC
+legend			Inode cache
+y_legend		Severity level
+data_min		0
+plot_min		0
+href			http://www.orcaware.com/orca/docs/orcallator.html#system_overview
 plot {
 title			%g Average # Processes in Run Queue (Load Average)
@@ -276,7 +314,7 @@
 plot {
 title			%g Interface Bits Per Second: $1
 source			orcallator
-data			1024 * 8 * ((?:(?:be)|(?:dfme)|(?:eri)|(?:hme))\d+)InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * ((?:(?:be)|(?:dfme)|(?:eri)|(?:hme)|(?:qfe))\d+)InKB/s
 data			1024 * 8 * $1OuKB/s
 line_type		area
 line_type		line1
@@ -292,7 +330,7 @@
 plot {
 title			%g Interface Bits Per Second: $1
 source			orcallator
-data			1024 * 8 * ((?:(?:v?ge)|(?:skge))\d+)InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * ((?:(?:ce)|(?:v?ge)|(?:skge))\d+)InKB/s
 data			1024 * 8 * $1OuKB/s
 line_type		area
 line_type		line1
@@ -590,7 +628,7 @@
 plot {
 title			%g Disk Run Percent
 source			orcallator
-data			disk_runp_((?:c\d+t\d+d\d+)|(?:[ms]d\d+))
+data			disk_runp_((?:c\d+t\d+d\d+)|(?:c\d+d\d+)|(?:[ms]d\d+))
 line_type		line2
 legend			$1
 y_legend		Run Percent

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