[Svnmerge] Updates to web page

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Tue Sep 26 08:50:23 PDT 2006

Archie Cobbs wrote:

> I believe the information on the svnmerge web page is a little out of
> date. E.g., it says bidirectional merges are not supported, and the
> example doesn't use the default svnmerge-commit-message.txt, etc.
> If someone would like to supply some updates I'll be happy to update
> the page. I'd do it myself but since I've actually never used the
> bidirectional merging I probably am not the best person to describe
> how it works.

If you don't mind, I'd rather move the website to the svnmerge wiki, which
is easily editable by anyone. If someone wants to port the existing webpages
over the wiki, we can put a redirector from the current website.

After that, everybody can easily contribute quick fixes through the wiki.
Giovanni Bajo

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