[Orca-users] Giving something back

Sean O'Neill sean at seanoneill.info
Thu Oct 17 14:17:48 PDT 2002

This is a template script written in Perl that can be used to collect 
data.  The meat of the script is how it handles log files.  I tried to make 
it roll, create, compress, etc the logs similar to how orcallator.se 
does.  I think I'm pretty close :)  Read the text at the top of the script 
for more details.

Enjoy :)

......... ..- -. .. -..- .-. ..- .-.. . ... ............
.-- .. -. -... .-.. --- .-- ... -.. .-. --- --- .-.. ...

Sean O'Neill
-------------- next part --------------
# -*- mode: Perl -*-

# Author: Sean O'Neill
# Date:   Oct, 2002
#         Commerce One, Inc. (currently)
#         sean.oneill at deletethistoemail.commerceone.com.deletethistoemail
#         sean at deletethistoemail.seanoneill.info.deletethistoemail

# License: Its yours.  Do with it as you will.  You break anything that yours
# too - I'm absolved any responsibility should you use this.  There isn't
# anything in here that should break anything though.  Now that that's said ...
# pats on the shoulder are always appreciated :)

# I wrote this template after writing a script to collect SNMP statistics
# from Weblogic and realized it could be used for anything.  So I tried to
# mark the primary areas needing updating by you for whatever you are going
# to use it for.  This template was stripped for the actual utility I 
# originally wrote.  I hope someone finds this useful.

# This is script nothing more then a template for collecting data (however you
# want - SNMP, vmstat, whatever) and writing it to a log file in a format that
# Orca will correctly process for graphing.  So this script can be used to 
# create a data collection capability for just about anything assuming you are
# get the data.

# The meat of this script is primarily how it handles the log files.  The
# collection, processing, and printing of the data is your problem.

# This script trys to simulate how the the orcallator.se script handles log
# files for Orca e.g. opening new log file at midnight (or there abouts) and
# compressing the previous days log and after a restart compressing the previous
# log file.  I think is comes pretty close to how orcallator.se does it :)

# The become_daemon and open_pid_file subroutines came from the "Network
# Programming with Perl" book by Lincoln Stein.  Very nice book - get it.

# The recursive_mkdir subroutine came from a posting I found in the net.
# Thanks whoever you are.

# This is my first attempt at using Perl packages and objects.  I was having
# a TERRIBLE time with scoping when I first wrote this thing and using
# packages and objects made all that a bad memory - for the most part.  So
# be nice if you have comments on how I did this ;> I'm not a programmer - by
# trade anyway.

use IO::File;
use Getopt::Std;
use POSIX 'setsid';

#use strict;


package OutputLog;

# Create new OutputLog class object
sub new {

   use constant COMPRESS => "/usr/local/bin/gzip";
   use constant COMPRESSARG => "-2";
   use constant COMPRESSEXT => ".gz";

   my ($outputdir, $basename, $year, $month, $day) = @_;
   my $r_outputlog = {
      "outputdir"     => $outputdir,
      "basename"      => $basename,
      "year"          => $year,
      "month"         => $month,
      "day"           => $day,
      "fileincrement" => 0,
      "compressutil"  => COMPRESS,
      "compressarg"   => COMPRESSARG,
      "compressext"   => COMPRESSEXT,
      "FD"            => ""
  bless $r_outputlog, 'OutputLog';
  return $r_outputlog;

# This doesn't nothing more then return to fully qualified filename as 
# currently defined within the OutputLog object.
sub getoutputlogfilename {
   my $r_outputlog = shift;

   return sprintf("%s/%s-%04d-%02d-%02d-%03d", $r_outputlog->{'outputdir'}, $r_outputlog->{'basename'},  $r_outputlog->{'year'}, $r_outputlog->{'month'}, $r_outputlog->{'day'}, $r_outputlog->{'fileincrement'});


# This figures out what the OutputLog object {'fileincrement'} value should 
# basically be. Also, if current day files already exist that aren't 
# compressed, it compresses them.
sub determineoutputlogfilename {
   my $r_outputlog = shift;
   my $flag = 1;
   my $filename;

   if( $r_outputlog->{'outputdir'} eq "STDOUT" ) {
      return "STDOUT";
   } else {
      while( $flag ) {
         $filename = getoutputlogfilename($r_outputlog);
         # If current filename AND current filename COMPRESSED already exists,
         # delete the compressed file, recompress, and increment 
         # {'fileincrement'}
         if( -f $filename && -f $filename . $r_outputlog->{'compressext'} ) {
            unlink($filename . $r_outputlog->{'compressext'});
            compressoutputlog( $r_outputlog->{'compressutil'}, $r_outputlog->{'compressarg'}, $filename );
         # If current filename already exists, compress it, and increment 
         # {'fileincrement'}
         if( -f $filename ) {
            compressoutputlog( $r_outputlog->{'compressutil'}, $r_outputlog->{'compressarg'}, $filename );
         # If current filename COMPRESS already exists, simply increment 
         # {'fileincrement'}
         if( -f $filename . $r_outputlog->{'compressext'} ) {
         $flag = 0;

# I think the title say nuff ...
sub compressoutputlog {

   # @_ is passed in the correct order for system():
   # Basically: command argument argument
   # gzip -2 filename
   system(@_) == 0 or die "system @_ failed";


# I think the title says nuff ...
# This subroutine passes back a reference to the file descriptor.
sub openoutputlog {

   my $r_outputlog = shift;
   my $filename = getoutputlogfilename($r_outputlog);

   local *OUTFH;

   if( $filename eq "STDOUT" ) {
      open(OUTFH, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't output STDOUT: $!\n";
   } else {
      open(OUTFH, ">$filename") or die "Can't create $filename: $!\n";
   $r_outputlog->{'FD'} = *OUTFH;
   return *OUTFH;


# I think the title says nuff ...
sub closeoutputlog {
   my $r_outputlog = shift;

   close $r_outputlog->{'FD'};



package main;

# Put script into background
sub become_daemon() {

   die "Can't fork" unless defined (my $child = fork);
   exit(0) if $child; # Parent dies
   setsid();          # Become session leader
   open(STDIN, "</dev/null");
   if( $verbose ) {
      open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
   } else {
      open(STDERR, ">/dev/null");
   chdir '/local/var/log';  # Change working directory
   $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';
   return $$;


# Title says it all ...
sub print_usage() {

   print <<EOF;

    myallator.pl [-options]
USAGE: myallator.pl [-options] community\\\@server
EXAMPLES: Ouptut 5 interactions of stats and sleep 5 seconds between each

      The following output to the screen:
         myallator.pl -D STDOUT -c 5 -S 5 public\\\@staging-app01

      The following goes into background mode and outputs to 
         myallator.pl -d staging-app01

      -b <basename>  Basename of outputfile.  Defaults to "myallator".
      -c <count>     Number of times to run through main loop
      -D <directory> Directory to write data into - Defaults to:
                     Value can also be STDOUT for output to screen.  STDOUT can not
                     be specific in daemon mode.
      -d             Become daemon
      -h             Display this help text
      -P <pid filename> filename to use for storing the child process pid value
                     Useful if you want to run multiple instances of this
                     script on a machine and avoid pid filename collisions.
      -S <seconds>   Sleep time in seconds - defaults to 60
      -v             Verbose - gives a little more output during processing



sub generate_outputdir($$) {
   (my $outputdir, $hostname) = @_;
   return sprintf("%s/%s", $outputdir, $hostname);

# Recursively create the directory passed e.g. mkdir -p <dir>
sub recursive_mkdir($) { 
   my $path = shift;
   my @dirs  = split "/" => $path;
   foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
      $tmp .= "$dir/";
      unless ( -e $tmp and -d _ ) {
         mkdir($tmp, 0755) || die "Cannot make $tmp: $!";

sub open_pid_file($) {

   my $file = shift;
   if (-e $file) {
      my $fh = IO::File->new($file) || return;
      my $pid = <$fh>;
      die "Server already running with PID $pid" if kill 0 => $pid;
      warn "Removing PID file for defunct server process $pid.\n" if ( $verbose );
      die "Can't unlink PID file $file" unless -w $ file && unlink $file;
   warn "Opening pid file: $file\n" if ( $verbose );
   return IO::File->new($file, O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_WRONLY, 0644) or die "Can't create $file:

###### MAIN LOOP ######


print_usage() if $opt_h;

# $hostname is used primarily in how to create the resultant data directory
my $hostname = split /\@/, $ARGV[0];
print_usage unless $hostname;

my $timenow = time();
(my $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime($timenow))[0,1,2,3,4,5];
my $count = 0;
my $basename = ($opt_b ? $opt_b : "myallator");
my $outputdir = ($opt_D ? $opt_D : "/local/home/perfboy/orca/var/orca/myallator");
$outputdir =~ s/\/$//g; # Strip trailing slash assuming there is one
my $logfileobj;

if( $outputdir eq "STDOUT" ) {

   $logfileobj = OutputLog::new($outputdir, "", "", "", "");

} else {

   $outputdir = generate_outputdir($outputdir, $hostname );
   recursive_mkdir($outputdir) if( ! -d $outputdir );

   $logfileobj = OutputLog::new($outputdir, $basename, $year + 1900, $month + 1, $day);


my $maxcount = ($opt_c ? $opt_c : -1);

my $pid_file = ($opt_P ? $opt_P : '/var/tmp/myallator.pid');
my $sleeptime = ($opt_S ? $opt_S : 60);
local $verbose = ($opt_v ? $opt_v : 0);

if( $opt_d ) {
   die "Demon mode specified - you cannot specify STDOUT in daemon mode." if( $outputdir eq "STDOUT");
   print "Going daemon mode ... L8R !!!!\n";
   my $pidfh = open_pid_file( $pid_file );
   my $pid = become_daemon();
   print $pidfh $pid;
   close $pidfh;
} else {
   warn "Output to " . $logfileobj->getoutputlogfilename() . "\n" if( $verbose );

my $outfh = $logfileobj->openoutputlog();
# Select $outfh so all the print statements don't need
# filehandle specified.
select $outfh;
$| = 1;  # Disable output buffering on $outfh

# ***** You need to define you print headers here
##printf "timestamp locltime serverUptime serverMaxHeapSpace serverHeapUsedPct serverQueueThroughput jdbcMaxCapacity jdbcInitCapacity jdbcCurrentPoolSize jdbcCurrentInUse jdbcTotalPendingConnections jdbcHightwaterPendingConnections jdbcHighwaterWaitTime\n";

# ***** If you are commuting averages, rates, throughputs, whatever, you need 
# ***** to collect your first batch of data here.  If you are collectin what
# ***** I call guage data, you don't need this step.
while (1) {
   my $timenow = time();
   my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime($timenow))[0,1,2,3,4,5];
   my $timestring = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec);

   sleep $sleeptime; # Sleep must be before data collection assuming
                     # computations are being done. If no computations,
                     # sleep can be moved to the bottom of this while loop.
                     # This allows you are get one row of data immediately
                     # but ONLY is no computations are being done on the data.

   # ***** Collect Data Here
   # ***** and performance any computing if necessary
   # Example of data collection below
   ##my($serverUptime, $serverMaxHeapSpace, $serverHeapUsedPct, $serverQueueThroughput, $jdbcMaxCapacity, $jdbcInitCapacity, $jdbcCurrentPoolSize, $jdbcCurrentInUse, $jdbcTotalPendingConnections, $jdbcHightwaterPendingConnections, $jdbcHighwaterWaitTime) = snmpget($hostname, $community, $port, 'serverUptime','serverMaxHeapSpace', 'serverHeapUsedPct', 'serverQueueThroughput', 'jdbcMaxCapacity', 'jdbcInitCapacity', 'jdbcCurrentPoolSize', 'jdbcCurrentInUse', 'jdbcTotalPendingConnections', 'jdbcHighwaterPendingConnections', 'jdbcHighwaterWaitTime');
   ##$serverUptime =~ s/ /-/g;

   # If the day changes (e.g. 12th becomes the 13th), its time to roll the
   # current log file and compress it.
   if( $logfileobj->{'outputdir'} ne "STDOUT" && $day != $logfileobj->{'day'} ) {
      $logfileobj->{'year'} = $year + 1900;
      $logfileobj->{'month'} = $month + 1;
      $logfileobj->{'day'} = $day;
      $logfileobj->{'fileincrement'} = 0;
      warn "Changing log to " . $logfileobj->getoutputlogfilename() . "\n" if( $verbose );
      $outfh = $logfileobj->openoutputlog();
      select $outfh;
      $| = 1;  # Disable output buffering on $outfh

      # ***** You need to define you print headers here
      ##printf "timestamp locltime serverUptime serverMaxHeapSpace serverHeapUsedPct serverQueueThroughput jdbcMaxCapacity jdbcInitCapacity jdbcCurrentPoolSize jdbcCurrentInUse jdbcTotalPendingConnections jdbcHightwaterPendingConnections jdbcHighwaterWaitTime\n";

   # ***** You need to print your data here
   ##printf "$timenow $timestring $serverUptime $serverMaxHeapSpace $serverHeapUsedPct $serverQueueThroughput $jdbcMaxCapacity $jdbcInitCapacity $jdbcCurrentPoolSize $jdbcCurrentInUse $jdbcTotalPendingConnections $jdbcHightwaterPendingConnections $jdbcHighwaterWaitTime\n"

   $count++ if( $maxcount != -1 );
   if( $count == $maxcount ) {


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