[Svnmerge] [PATCH] ver2: remove progname hardcoding in svnmerge, py

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Fri Mar 31 06:18:43 PST 2006

Madan U S <madan at collab.net> wrote:

> My previous patch assumes that svnmerge is called as 'svnmerge command'
> from the commandline. However, when I use svnmerge, it typically is
> 'path/to/svnmerge.py command'. The attached patch takes care of all
> variations of using path with actual .py extension, or just 'svnmerge'
> command line.

This will crash Windows users which run the program with "/path/to/svnmerge"
(no .py extension), after having registered the .py files. It will also
crash for users which use the binary self-contained version (svnmerge.exe,
which requires no existing Python installation).

I'm not sure why you're going through this in the first place. If we ever
want to rename svnmerge.py to SvnUberMerge, it's just one line change.
Python is known for having incompatibilities problem with argv[0] across
platforms, so it looks like we're facing gratuitous problems.
Giovanni Bajo

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