[Svnmerge] [PATCH] make avail and integrated accepts URLs asarguments

Mattias Brändström thebrasse at brasse.org
Mon May 15 01:08:30 PDT 2006

Mattias Brändström wrote:
> Ok. Here is my patch and a test case for it. I did not change the flag 
> to a string, I think it will be easy enough to change that if it is 
> needed in the future.
> :.:: mattias

This would be the commit message:

Commands avail and integrated now accepts an URL as their argument as
well as a subversion working copy.

* contrib/client-side/svnmerge.py:
   (CommandOpts#__init__): Accepts an extra argument indicating if this
   command accepts an URL as argument. This argument is assigned to

   (CommandOpts#_add_builtins): When command help is added to the command
   table we need to also provide an "accepts url" flag in the tuple.

   (command_table): New flag added to the tuple describing the commands. 
   flag is set to True if the commans should accept a URL as argument.

   (main): Change in validating the branch_dir. If cmd.accepts_url is true
   then a URL is also accepted as a branch_dir.

* contrib/client-side/svnmerge_test.py:
   Added test case for this feature.

:.:: mattias

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