[Svnmerge] all-URL merges

O.Coleman ornettec at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 1 14:27:02 PST 2006

We're considering moving to subversion from Clearcase, but one of the gripes
will certainly be that people miss the nice GUI pictures of merge history.  Has
anyone made such a GUI tool?  It seems like it should be possible, given what
Tortoise has done with their Revision Graph.

Also, from my reading and playing with svnmerge for a bit, it seems you can't
do a merge between 2 URL's -- you must have a working copy as a destination.  I
realize that the limitation is within the spirit of "let the user checkin the
changes in the end", but this seems like a downside for our release engineering
team to conveniently take changes automatically once they've been approved. 
Have I missed something?


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