[Svnmerge] Bugs when merging revisions that modify and deletefiles

Karsten Sperling karsten.sperling at rhe.co.nz
Wed Jan 10 13:00:03 PST 2007

Jack Repenning wrote:
> I won't go into the full details; they're in those messages and arise
> from fairly specific event sequences, but as a summary handle to
> tickle the memory: the situation arises when the history to be merged
> includes mutually invalidating changes, like "a change to a file,
> followed by a delete of that file."

I wouldn't call those changes "mutually invalidating". Assume 2 changes
(1) change file F and (2) delete F. If you merge both changes in a
single svn merge invocation, you will end up with file F deleted as
expected. However if you call svn merge (without --force) for each
change separately , merge (1) will work as expected, but merge (2) will
skip the deletion. Adding --force makes the 2-step merge behave like the
combined merge. This is important for svnmerge.py because it assumes
that it can merge or split revision ranges across svn merge invocations.

Karsten Sperling | Software Developer | RHE & Associates Limited
Mobile +64 21 0 521 512 | Office +64 9 377 8341 | AIM KarstenRHE
Ground Floor, Equitable House, 57 Symonds St, PO Box 67 067, AKL

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