[Svnmerge] Skipped missing target:

Christopher Rasch crasch at gmail.com
Fri May 18 15:23:20 PDT 2007

I have two branches in my repository: trunk and a 1.1.x release branch.
   I would like to merge trunk into the 1.1.x release branch.  Both
trunk and the 1.1.x branch were clean, no local modifications:

~/Projects/1.1.x crasch$ cd ~/Projects/trunk
~/Projects/trunk crasch$ svn stat .
~/Projects/trunk crasch$ cd ~/Projects/1.1.x/
~/Projects/1.1.x crasch$ svn stat .

However, when I attempted to do merge trunk into the 1.1.x branch, with
this command:

svnmerge merge --bidirectional -S

I got the following error:

Skipped missing target: 'Scripts/stocks/script1.sh'
Skipped missing target: 'Scripts/stocks/script2.py'

Both script1 and script2 had been deleted from trunk and the 1.1.x branch.

I was able to reverse the merge as follows:

svn revert -R .
svn status --no-ignore | xargs rm -fr
svn update

I eventually got the error to go away by adding blank files of the same
name to both trunk and the 1.1.x branch.

Anyone know what might have caused the "Skipped missing target" error?
>From what I understand in my Google searches, it's commonly caused when
a file is modified and deleted from a  branch.

Thanks for any suggestions!


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