[Svnmerge] Adding option --config-dir

Nicolas PAYART payart+svnmerge at benchmark.fr
Wed May 14 09:42:37 PDT 2008

Hi list,

Here is a little modification I made to the svnmerge.py script to implement
the "--config-dir" option to the svn command. Maybe you could add this to
the development version ?

In the "launchsvn" function (near line 316) :

    if configdir:
        configdir = " --config-dir=" + configdir
        configdir = ""
    cmd = opts["svn"] + " --non-interactive" + username + password +
configdir + " " + s

In the global_opts variable (near line 1871) :

    OptionArg("-c", "--config-dir",
              help="config file in this directory"),

Then,  to use this option, you just have to launch a command like "svnmerge
init --config-dir /pah/to/svnconfigdir".


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