[Orca-checkins] rev 80 - in trunk/orca: . fmrtg fmrtg/sample_configs percollator

blair at orcaware.com blair at orcaware.com
Sat Jul 13 18:19:00 PDT 2002

Author: blair
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 21:52:43 -0700
New Revision: 80

Load fmrtg-0.10 into trunk/orca.

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/fmrtg
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/fmrtg	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/fmrtg	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,3572 @@
+#!/home/bzajac/opt-sparc-solaris/perl5/bin/perl -w
+# FMRTG: display arbitrary data from files onto web pages using RRD.
+# Copyright (C) 1998 Blair Zajac and GeoCities, Inc.
+use strict;
+require 5.005;
+$| = 1;
+use Carp;
+use MD5 1.7;
+use Math::IntervalSearch 1.00 qw(interval_search);
+use Data::Dumper;
+$Data::Dumper::Indent   = 1;
+$Data::Dumper::Purity   = 1;
+$Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
+# This is the version of this code.
+my $VERSION = 0.10;
+# Create an MD5 context for use.
+my $md5 = MD5->new;
+# The number of seconds in one day.
+my $day_seconds = 24*60*60;
+# These define the different RRAs to create, how far back in time they
+# go, how many primary data points go into a consolidated data point,
+# and the default how to create RRAs.  The first array holds the names
+# of the different plot types to create.  The second array holds the number of
+# 300 intervals are used to create a consolidated data point.  The third
+# array is the number of consolidated data points held in the RRA. The
+# first one is every 5 minutes for 200 hours, the second is every 30 minutes
+# for 31 days, the third is every 2 hours for 100 days, and the last is
+# every day for 3 years.  The last array holds the number of days back in
+# time to plot in the GIF.  Be careful to not increase this so much that the
+# number of data points to plot are greater than the number of pixels
+# available for the GIF, otherwise there will be a 30% slowdown due to
+# a reduction calculation to resample the data to the lower resolution for
+# the plot.  For example, with 40 days of 2 hour data, there are 480 data
+# points.  For no slowdown to occur, the GIF should be atleast 480 pixels
+# wide.
+my @rra_plot_type = qw(daily weekly monthly yearly);
+my @rra_pdp_count =   (    1,     6,     24,   288);
+my @rra_row_count =   ( 2400,  1488,   1200,  1098);
+my @rra_days_back =   (  1.5,  10.0,   40.0, 500.0);
+# These are command line options.
+my $opt_verbose   = 0;
+my $opt_once_only = 0;
+# Set up a signal handler to force looking for new files.
+my $force_find_files = 0;
+sub handle_hup {
+  $force_find_files = 1;
+$SIG{HUP} = \&handle_hup;
+package MRTG::HTMLFile;
+use Carp;
+sub new {
+  unless (@_ >= 4) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::HTMLFile::new passed wrong number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($class, $filename, $title, $top, $bottom) = @_;
+  $bottom = '' unless defined $bottom;
+  local *FD;
+  open(FD, "> $filename") or return;
+  print FD <<END;
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
+  bless {_filename => $filename,
+         _handle   => *FD,
+         _bottom   => $bottom,
+  }, $class;
+sub print {
+  my $self = shift;
+  print { $self->{_handle} } "@_";
+sub DESTROY {
+  my $self = shift;
+  print { $self->{_handle} } <<END;
+  close($self->{_handle}) or
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$self->{_filename}': $!\n";
+package OpenFileHash;
+use Carp;
+sub new {
+  unless (@_ == 2) {
+    confess "$0: OpenFileHash::new passed wrong number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my $class        = shift;
+  bless {_max_elements => shift,
+         _hash         => {},
+         _weights      => {},
+         _filenos      => {},
+         _buffer       => {},
+         _vec          => ''
+  }, $class;
+sub open {
+  unless (@_ == 3) {
+    confess "$0: OpenFileHash::open passed wrong number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($self, $filename, $weight) = @_;
+  local *FD;
+  unless (open(FD, $filename)) {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot open `$filename' for reading: $!\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  $self->add($filename, $weight, *FD);
+  *FD;
+sub add {
+  my ($self, $filename, $weight, $fd) = @_;
+  # If there is an open file descriptor for this filename, then force it to
+  # close.  Then make space for the new file descriptor in the cache.
+  $self->close($filename);
+  $self->_close_extra($self->{_max_elements} - 1);
+  my $fileno = fileno($fd);
+  $self->{_hash}{$filename}{weight} = $weight;
+  $self->{_hash}{$filename}{fd}     = $fd;
+  $self->{_filenos}{$filename}      = $fileno;
+  $self->{_buffer}{$filename}       = '';
+  vec($self->{_vec}, $fileno, 1)    = 1;
+  unless (defined $self->{_weights}{$weight}) {
+    $self->{_weights}{$weight} = [];
+  }
+  push(@{$self->{_weights}{$weight}}, $filename);
+sub close {
+  my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+  return $self unless defined $self->{_hash}{$filename};
+  my $close_value = close($self->{_hash}{$filename}{fd});
+  $close_value or warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$filename': $!\n";
+  my $weight = $self->{_hash}{$filename}{weight};
+  delete $self->{_hash}{$filename};
+  my $fileno = delete $self->{_filenos}{$filename};
+  vec($self->{_vec}, $fileno, 1) = 0;
+  my @filenames = @{$self->{_weights}{$weight}};
+  @filenames = grep { $_ ne $filename } @filenames;
+  if (@filenames) {
+    $self->{_weights}{$weight} = \@filenames;
+  }
+  else {
+    delete $self->{_weights}{$weight};
+  }
+  $close_value;
+sub _close_extra {
+  my ($self, $max_elements) = @_;
+  # Remove this number of elements from the structure.
+  my $close_number = (keys %{$self->{_hash}}) - $max_elements;
+  return $self unless $close_number > 0;
+  my @weights = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$self->{_weights}};
+  while ($close_number > 0) {
+    my $weight = shift(@weights);
+    foreach my $filename (@{$self->{_weights}{$weight}}) {
+      $self->close($filename);
+      --$close_number;
+    }
+  }
+  $self;
+sub change_weight {
+  my ($self, $filename, $new_weight) = @_;
+  return unless defined $self->{_hash}{$filename};
+  my $old_weight = $self->{_hash}{$filename}{weight};
+  return if $old_weight == $new_weight;
+  # Save the new weight.
+  $self->{_hash}{$filename}{weight} = $new_weight;
+  unless (defined $self->{_weights}{$new_weight}) {
+    $self->{_weights}{$new_weight} = [];
+  }
+  push(@{$self->{_weights}{$new_weight}}, $filename);
+  # Remove the old weight.
+  my @filenames = @{$self->{_weights}{$old_weight}};
+  @filenames = grep { $_ ne $filename } @filenames;
+  if (@filenames) {
+    $self->{_weights}{$old_weight} = \@filenames;
+  }
+  else {
+    delete $self->{_weights}{$old_weight};
+  }
+  1;
+sub list {
+  keys %{$_[0]->{_hash}};
+sub select {
+  my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
+  my $read_in = $self->{_vec};
+  my $read_out;
+  my $found = select($read_out=$read_in, undef, undef, $timeout);
+  return () unless $found;
+  my @found;
+  while (my ($filename, $fileno) = each %{$self->{_filenos}}) {
+    push(@found, $filename) if vec($read_out, $fileno, 1);
+  }
+  @found;
+sub get_fd {
+  my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+  if (defined $self->{_hash}{$filename}) {
+    return $self->{_hash}{$filename}{fd};
+  }
+  else {
+    return;
+  }
+sub sysread_readline {
+  my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+  return unless defined $self->{_hash}{$filename};
+  # If there is no \n in the buffer, then attempt load more data from
+  # the file.
+  my $pos = index($self->{_buffer}{$filename}, "\n");
+  if ($pos == -1) {
+    my $buffer;
+    my $bytes = sysread($self->{_hash}{$filename}{fd},
+                        $buffer,
+                        1 << 14,
+                        0);
+    $self->{_buffer}{$filename} .= $buffer;
+  }
+  # Find the first \n and return all the characters up to and including
+  # that point.
+  $pos = index($self->{_buffer}{$filename}, "\n");
+  my $line = '';
+  if ($pos != -1) {
+    $pos++;
+    $line = substr($self->{_buffer}{$filename}, 0, $pos);
+    $self->{_buffer}{$filename} = substr($self->{_buffer}{$filename},
+                                         $pos,
+                                         length($self->{_buffer}{$filename})-$pos);
+  }
+  $line;
+sub is_open {
+  defined $_[0]->{_hash}{$_[1]};
+package main;
+# Set up a cache of 150 open file descriptors.  This leaves 255-150-3 = 102
+# file descriptors for other use in the program.
+use vars qw($open_file_cache);
+$open_file_cache = OpenFileHash->new(150) unless $open_file_cache;
+package MRTG::DataFile;
+use Carp;
+sub new {
+  unless (@_ == 2) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::DataFile::new passed wrong number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my $class    = shift;
+  my $filename = shift;
+  confess "$0: filename not passed to $class.\n" unless $filename;
+  my $self = bless {_filename       => $filename,
+                    _last_stat_time => -1,
+                    _file_dev       => -1,
+                    _file_ino       => -1,
+                    _file_mtime     => -1},
+             $class;
+  $self->update_stat;
+  $self;
+sub filename {
+  $_[0]->{_filename};
+sub file_dev {
+  $_[0]->{_file_dev};
+sub file_ino {
+  $_[0]->{_file_ino};
+sub file_mtime {
+  $_[0]->{_file_mtime};
+sub last_stat_time {
+  $_[0]->{_last_stat_time};
+# Return 1 if the file exists, 0 otherwise.
+sub update_stat {
+  my $self = shift;
+  # Only update the stat if the previous stat occured more than one second
+  # ago.  This is used when this function is called immediately after the
+  # object has been constructed and when we don't want to call two stat's
+  # immediately.  The tradeoff is to call time() instead.
+  my $time = time;
+  if ($time > $self->{_last_stat_time} + 1) {
+    my @stat = stat($self->{_filename});
+    if (@stat) {
+      $self->{_file_dev}   = $stat[0];
+      $self->{_file_ino}   = $stat[1];
+      $self->{_file_mtime} = $stat[9];
+    }
+    else {
+      $self->{_file_dev}   = -1;
+      $self->{_file_ino}   = -1;
+      $self->{_file_mtime} = -1;
+    }
+    $self->{_last_stat_time} = $time;
+  }
+  $self->{_file_mtime} != -1;
+# Return a status depending upon the file:
+#   -1 if the file does not exist.
+#    0 if the file has not been updated since the last status check.
+#    1 if the file has been updated since the last status check.
+#    2 if the file has a new device or inode since the last status check.
+sub status {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $filename   = $self->{_filename};
+  my $file_dev   = $self->{_file_dev};
+  my $file_ino   = $self->{_file_ino};
+  my $file_mtime = $self->{_file_mtime};
+  my $result = 0;
+  if ($self->update_stat) {
+    if ($self->{_file_dev} != $file_dev or $self->{_file_ino} != $file_ino) {
+      $result = 2;
+    }
+    elsif ($self->{_file_mtime} != $file_mtime) {
+      $result = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    $result = -1;
+  }
+  $result;
+package MRTG::GIFFile;
+use RRD;
+use Carp;
+sub new {
+  unless (@_ == 11) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::GIFFile::new passed incorrect number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($class,
+      $config_options,
+      $config_files,
+      $config_plots,
+      $files_key,
+      $group,
+      $name,
+      $no_group_name,
+      $plot_ref,
+      $rrd_data_files_ref,
+      $my_rrds_ref) = @_;
+  unless (@$my_rrds_ref) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::GIFFile::new passed empty \@rrds_ref reference.\n";
+  }
+  unless ($name) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::GIFFile::new passed empty \$name.\n";
+  }
+  # Remove any special characters from the unique name and do some
+  # replacements.
+  $name = &::strip_key_name($name);
+  # Create the paths to the html directory.
+  my $html_dir     = $config_options->{html_dir};
+  if ($config_files->{$files_key}{sub_dir}) {
+    $html_dir .= "/$group";
+    # Create the html_dir directories if necessary.
+    unless (-d $html_dir) {
+      warn "$0: making directory `$html_dir'.\n";
+      ::recursive_mkdir($html_dir);
+    }
+  }
+  my $gif_basename = "$html_dir/$name";
+  # Create the new object.
+  my $self = bless {
+    _files_key		=> $files_key,
+    _group		=> $group,
+    _name		=> $name,
+    _no_group_name	=> $no_group_name,
+    _gif_basename	=> $gif_basename,
+    _all_rrd_ref	=> $rrd_data_files_ref,
+    _my_rrd_list	=> [ &::unique(@$my_rrds_ref) ],
+    _plot_ref           => $plot_ref,
+    _interval           => int($config_files->{$files_key}{interval}+0.5),
+    _expire             => $config_options->{expire_gifs}
+  }, $class;
+  # If the GIF already exists, then use its last modification time to
+  # calculate when it was last updated.  If the file modification time
+  # is newer than the timestamp of the last data point entered, then
+  # assume that the GIF needs to be recreated.  This data will cause the
+  # GIF to be created if the GIF does not exist.
+  my $plot_end_time = $self->plot_end_time;
+  foreach my $plot_type (@rra_plot_type) {
+    $self->{"_${plot_type}_update_time"} = -1;
+    my @stat = stat("$gif_basename-$plot_type.gif");
+    if (@stat and $stat[9] <= $plot_end_time) {
+      $self->{"_${plot_type}_update_time"} = $stat[9];
+    }
+  }
+  $self;
+sub add_rrds {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_my_rrd_list} = [ &::unique(@{$self->{_my_rrd_list}}, @_) ];
+  $self;
+sub rrds {
+  @{$_[0]->{_my_rrd_list}};
+sub plot_ref {
+  $_[0]->{_plot_ref};
+sub group {
+  $_[0]->{_group};
+sub files_key {
+  $_[0]->{_files_key};
+sub name {
+  $_[0]->{_name};
+sub no_group_name {
+  $_[0]->{_no_group_name};
+# Calculate the time of the last data point entered into the RRD that
+# this gif will use.
+sub plot_end_time {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $plot_end_time = -1;
+  foreach my $rrd_key (@{$self->{_my_rrd_list}}) {
+    my $update_time = $self->{_all_rrd_ref}{$rrd_key}->rrd_update_time;
+    $plot_end_time  = $update_time if $update_time > $plot_end_time;
+  }
+  $plot_end_time;
+sub plot {
+  my $self = shift;
+  # Make the plots and specify how far back in time to plot.
+  my $plot_made = 0;
+  for (my $i=0; $i<@rra_plot_type; ++$i) {
+    if ($self->_plot($rra_plot_type[$i],
+                     $rra_days_back[$i],
+                     $rra_pdp_count[$i])) {
+      $plot_made = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  $plot_made;
+sub _plot {
+  my ($self, $plot_type, $days_back, $rra_pdp_count) = @_;
+  # Get the time stamp of the last data point entered into the RRDs that
+  # are used to generate this GIF.
+  my $plot_end_time = $self->plot_end_time;
+  # Determine if the plot needs to be generated.  First see if there has
+  # been data flushed to the RRD that needs to be plotted.  Otherwise,
+  # see if the does not file exists or if the time corresponding to the
+  # last data point is newer than the GIF.  Take into account that a new
+  # plot does not need to be generated until a primary data point has been
+  # added.  Primary data points are added after a data point falls into a
+  # new bin, where the bin ends on multiples of the sampling iterval.
+  my $interval        = $self->{_interval};
+  $rra_pdp_count      = int($rra_pdp_count*300.0/$interval + 0.5);
+  $rra_pdp_count      = 1 if $rra_pdp_count < 1;
+  my $plot_age        = $rra_pdp_count*$interval;
+  my $time_update_key = "_${plot_type}_update_time";
+  if (int($self->{$time_update_key}/$plot_age) == int($plot_end_time/$plot_age)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  # Generate the options that will be the same for each plot type.
+  my $plot_ref  = $self->{_plot_ref};
+  my $group     = $self->{_group};
+  my @options = (
+    '-e', $plot_end_time,
+    '-v', $plot_ref->{y_legend},
+    '-t', ::replace_group_name($plot_ref->{title}, $group),
+    '-w', $plot_ref->{plot_width},
+    '-h', $plot_ref->{plot_height}
+    );
+  # Add the lower-limit and upper-limit flags if defined.
+  if (defined $plot_ref->{plot_min}) {
+    push(@options, '-l', $plot_ref->{plot_min});
+  }
+  if (defined $plot_ref->{plot_max}) {
+    push(@options, '-u', $plot_ref->{plot_max});
+  }
+  if (defined $plot_ref->{rigid_min_max}) {
+    push(@options, '-r');
+  }
+  my $data_sources = @{$self->{_my_rrd_list}};
+  for (my $i=0; $i<$data_sources; ++$i) {
+    my $rrd_key      = $self->{_my_rrd_list}[$i];
+    my $rrd_filename = $self->{_all_rrd_ref}{$rrd_key}->filename;
+    push(@options, "DEF:source$i=$rrd_filename:0:AVERAGE");
+  }
+  for (my $i=0; $i<$data_sources; ++$i) {
+    my $legend    = ::replace_group_name($plot_ref->{legend}[$i], $group);
+    my $line_type = $plot_ref->{line_type}[$i];
+    my $color     = $plot_ref->{color}[$i];
+    push(@options, "$line_type:source$i#$color:$legend");
+  }
+  for (my $i=0; $i<$data_sources; ++$i) {
+    my $legend = ::replace_group_name($plot_ref->{legend}[$i], $group);
+    $legend    =~ s:%:\200:g;
+    $legend    =~ s:\200:%%:g;
+    push(@options, "GPRINT:source$i:AVERAGE:Average $legend is %f");
+  }
+  my $gif_filename = "$self->{_gif_basename}-$plot_type.gif";
+  print "  Creating `$gif_filename'.\n" if $opt_verbose > 1;
+  my $graph_return = RRD::graph $gif_filename,
+                                '-s', ($plot_end_time-$days_back*$day_seconds),
+                                @options;
+  if (my $error = RRD::error) {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot create `$gif_filename': $error\n";
+  }
+  else {
+    $self->{$time_update_key} = $plot_end_time;
+    utime $plot_end_time, $plot_end_time, $gif_filename or
+      warn "$0: warning: cannot change mtime for `$gif_filename': $!\n";
+    # Expire the GIF at the correct time using a META file if requested.
+    if ($self->{_expire}) {
+      if (open(META, "> $gif_filename.meta")) {
+        my $time = 
+        print META "Expires: ",
+                   expire_string($plot_end_time + $plot_age + 30),
+                   "\n";
+        close(META) or
+          warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$gif_filename.meta': $!\n";
+      }
+      else {
+        warn "$0: warning: cannot open `$gif_filename.meta' for writing: $!\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  1;
+sub expire_string {
+  my @gmtime = gmtime(shift);
+  my ($wday) = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')[$gmtime[6]];
+  my ($month) = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep', 
+                 'Oct','Nov','Dec')[$gmtime[4]];
+  my ($mday,$year,$hour,$min,$sec) = @gmtime[3,5,2,1,0];
+  if ($mday<10) {$mday = "0$mday";}
+  if ($hour<10) {$hour = "0$hour";}
+  if ($min<10)  {$min  = "0$min";}
+  if ($sec<10)  {$sec  = "0$sec";}
+  return "$wday, $mday $month ".($year+1900)." $hour:$min:$sec GMT";
+package MRTG::RRDFile;
+use RRD;
+use Carp;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+ at ISA = qw(MRTG::DataFile);
+sub new {
+  unless (@_ == 8) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::RRDFile::new passed incorrect number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($class,
+      $config_options,
+      $config_files,
+      $files_key,
+      $group,
+      $name,
+      $plot_ref,
+      $choose_data_sub) = @_;
+  # Remove any special characters from the unique name and do some
+  # replacements.
+  $name = &::strip_key_name($name);
+  # Create the paths to the data directory.
+  my $data_dir = $config_options->{data_dir};
+  if ($config_files->{$files_key}{sub_dir}) {
+    $data_dir .= "/$group";
+    unless (-d $data_dir) {
+      warn "$0: making directory `$data_dir'.\n";
+      ::recursive_mkdir($data_dir);
+    }
+  }
+  my $rrd_filename = "$data_dir/$name.rrd";
+  # Create the new object.
+  my $self = $class->SUPER::new($rrd_filename);
+  return unless $self;
+  $self->{_name}             = $name;
+  $self->{_new_data}         = {};
+  $self->{_choose_data_sub}  = $choose_data_sub;
+  $self->{_created_gifs}     = {};
+  $self->{_plot_ref}         = $plot_ref;
+  $self->{_interval}         = int($config_files->{$files_key}{interval}+0.5);
+  # If the file exists, then get the time of the last data point entered,
+  # otherwise set the last update time to -2.  If the file doesn't exist,
+  # it is created later when the data is first flushed to it.
+  $self->{_rrd_update_time} = -2;
+  if ($self->status >= 0) {
+    my $update_time = RRD::last $rrd_filename;
+    if (my $error = RRD::error) {
+      warn "$0: RRD::last error: $error\n";
+    }
+    else {
+      $self->{_rrd_update_time} = $update_time;
+    }
+  }
+  $self;
+sub rrd_update_time {
+  $_[0]->{_rrd_update_time};
+sub add_gif {
+  my ($self, $gif) = @_;
+  $self->{_created_gifs}{$gif->name} = $gif;
+  $self;
+sub created_gifs {
+  my $self = shift;
+  values %{$self->{_created_gifs}};
+# Given a row of data from a source data file, take the required data
+# from it.
+# Call:   $self->(unix_epoch_time, element1, element2, element3, ...);
+# Return: 0 timestamp older than latest data point in RRD
+#         1 data added to queue
+#        -1 undefined value returned from data choosing subroutine
+sub queue_data {
+  unless (@_ > 2) {
+    confess "$0: internal error: queue_data passed too few arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($self, $time) = splice(@_, 0, 2);
+  return 0 if $time <= $self->{_rrd_update_time};
+  my $value = &{$self->{_choose_data_sub}}(@_);
+  my $saw_undefined = 0;
+  if (defined $value) {
+    $self->{_new_data}{$time} = $value;
+  }
+  else {
+    $saw_undefined = 1;
+    my $filename = $self->filename;
+    warn "$0: undefined value not sent to `$filename' at time ",
+         scalar localtime($time), " ($time).\n";
+  }
+  $saw_undefined ? -1 : 1;
+sub flush_data {
+  my $self = shift;
+  # Get the times of the new data to put into the RRD file.
+  my @times = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$self->{_new_data}};
+  return unless @times;
+  my $rrd_filename = $self->filename;
+  # Create the MRTG data file if it needs to be created.
+  if ($self->{_rrd_update_time} == -2) {
+    # Assume that a maximum of two time intervals are needed before a
+    # data source value is set to unknown.
+    my $interval = $self->{_interval};
+    my $data_source = "DS:$self->{_plot_ref}{data_type}";
+    $data_source   .= sprintf ":%d:", 2*$interval;
+    $data_source   .= "$self->{_plot_ref}{data_min}:";
+    $data_source   .= "$self->{_plot_ref}{data_max}";
+    my @options = ($rrd_filename,
+                   '-b', $times[0]-1,
+                   '-s', $interval,
+                   $data_source);
+    # Create the round robin archives.  Take special care to not create two
+    # RRA's with the same number of primary data points.  This can happen
+    # if the interval is equal to one of the consoldated intervals.
+    my $count = int($rra_row_count[0]*300.0/$interval + 0.5);
+    my $one_pdp_option = "RRA:AVERAGE:1:$count";
+    for (my $i=1; $i<@rra_pdp_count; ++$i) {
+      next if $interval > 300*$rra_pdp_count[$i];
+      my $rra_pdp_count = int($rra_pdp_count[$i]*300.0/$interval + 0.5);
+      if ($one_pdp_option and $rra_pdp_count != 1) {
+        push(@options, $one_pdp_option);
+      }
+      $one_pdp_option = '';
+      push(@options, "RRA:AVERAGE:$rra_pdp_count:$rra_row_count[$i]");
+    }
+    # Now do the actual creation.
+    if ($opt_verbose) {
+      print "  Creating RRD `$rrd_filename'";
+      if ($opt_verbose > 2) {
+        print " with options ", join(' ', @options[1..$#options]);
+      }
+      print ".\n";
+    }
+    RRD::create @options;
+    if (my $error = RRD::error) {
+      warn "$0: RRD::create error: $error\n";
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  # Flush all of the stored data into the RRD file.
+  my @options;
+  my $old_rrd_update_time = $self->{_rrd_update_time};
+  foreach my $time (@times) {
+    push(@options, $time, "DATA:$self->{_new_data}{$time}");
+  }
+  RRD::update $rrd_filename, '-t', @options;
+  my $ok = 1;
+  if (my $error = RRD::error) {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot put data starting at ",
+         scalar localtime($times[0]),
+         " ($times[0]) into `$rrd_filename': $error\n";
+    return 0;
+  }
+  # If there were no errors, then totally clear the hash to save memory.
+  delete $self->{_new_data};
+  $self->{_new_data} = {};
+  $self->{_rrd_update_time} = $times[-1];
+  return 1;
+package MRTG::SourceDataFile;
+use Carp;
+use MD5;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+ at ISA = qw(MRTG::DataFile);
+# This is a static variable that caches the anonymous subroutines that
+# return the correct data from the input file.
+my %read_value_subs;
+sub new {
+  unless (@_ == 10) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::SourceDataFile::new passed incorrect number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($class,
+      $filename,
+      $interval,
+      $late_interval,
+      $reopen,
+      $column_description,
+      $date_source,
+      $date_format,
+      $warn_email,
+      $source_file_state) = @_;
+  my $self = $class->SUPER::new($filename);
+  $self->{_interval}           = $interval;
+  $self->{_late_interval}      = int(&$late_interval($interval) + 0.5);
+  $self->{_reopen}             = $reopen;
+  $self->{_column_description} = $column_description;
+  $self->{_date_source}        = $date_source;
+  $self->{_date_format}        = $date_format;
+  $self->{_warn_email}         = $warn_email;
+  $self->{_last_data_time}     =    -1;
+  $self->{_last_read_time}     =    -1;
+  $self->{_my_rrd_hash}        =    {};
+  $self->{_all_rrd_ref}        = undef;
+  $self->{_first_line}         =     0;
+  $self->{_date_column_index}  = undef;
+  # There are three intervals associated with each file.  The first is the
+  # data update interval.  This is the same interval used to generate the
+  # RRDs.  The second interval is the interval before the file is considered
+  # late and is larger than the data update interval.  This interval is
+  # calculated by using the mathematical expression given in the
+  # `late_interval' configuration option.  If `late_interval' is not defined,
+  # then it gets defaulted to the data update interval.  The last interval is
+  # the interval to use to tell the program when to attempt to read the file
+  # next.  Because it can take some time for the source files to be updated,
+  # we don't want to read the file immediately after the data update interval
+  # is done.  For this reason, choose a read interval that is somewhere in
+  # between the data source interval and the late interval.  Use the
+  # multiplicative average of the data update interval and the late interval
+  # since the resulting value is closer to the data update interval.  Ie:
+  # (20 + 5)/2 = 12.5.  Sqrt(20*5) = 10.
+  #
+  my $read_interval = sqrt($self->{_interval}*$self->{_late_interval});
+  $self->{_read_interval} = int($read_interval + 0.5);
+  # Load in any state information for this file.
+  if (defined $source_file_state->{$filename}) {
+    while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$source_file_state->{$filename}}) {
+      $self->{$key} = $value;
+    }
+  }
+  # Test if the file has been updated in the last _invterval number of
+  # seconds.  If so, then note it so we can see when the file is no longer
+  # being updated.
+  $self->{_is_current} = $self->is_current;
+  return unless $self->get_column_names;
+  return unless $self->get_date_column;
+  $self;
+# Return 1 if the source data file is current or not.  Alsot note the
+# day that this test was performed.  This lets the code ignore files
+# that are not current because a new file was generated for the next
+# day.
+sub is_current {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_is_current_day} = (localtime)[3];
+  $self->last_stat_time <= $self->file_mtime + $self->{_late_interval};
+# This returns the time when the file should be next read.  To calculate
+# the next read time, take into the account the time that it takes for
+# the file to be updated.  In some sense, this is measured by the late
+# interval.  Because we won't want to use the complete late interval,
+# take the multiplicative average instead of the summation average, since
+# the multiplicative average will result in an average closer to the smaller
+# of the two values.  If the source file is current, then just add the
+# modified late interval to the last file modification time, otherwise
+# add the late interval to the last file stat time.  Use the late interval
+# to watch old files so we don't spend as much time on them.
+sub next_load_time {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $last_stat_time = $self->last_stat_time;
+  my $file_mtime     = $self->file_mtime;
+  if ($last_stat_time <= $file_mtime + $self->{_late_interval}) {
+    return $file_mtime + $self->{_read_interval};
+  }
+  else {
+    return $last_stat_time + $self->{_late_interval};
+  }
+# This caches the reference to the array holding the column descriptions
+# for files that have their column descriptions in the first line of the
+# file.
+my %first_line_cache;
+sub get_column_names {
+  my $self = shift;
+  return $self unless $self->{_column_description}[0] eq 'first_line';
+  my $filename = $self->filename;
+  $self->update_stat;
+  my $fd = $::open_file_cache->open($filename, $self->file_mtime);
+  return unless $fd;
+  my $line = <$fd>;
+  chomp($line);
+  if ($line) {
+    $self->{_first_line} = 1;
+    my @line = split(' ', $line);
+    my $cache_key = $md5->hexhash(join("\200", @line));
+    unless (defined $first_line_cache{$cache_key}) {
+      $first_line_cache{$cache_key} = \@line;
+    }
+    $self->{_column_description} = $first_line_cache{$cache_key};
+  }
+  else {
+    warn "$0: warning: no first_line for `$filename' yet.\n";
+    $::open_file_cache->close($filename) or
+      warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$filename' for reading: $!\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  $self;
+sub get_date_column {
+  my $self = shift;
+  return $self if $self->{_date_source}[0] eq 'file_mtime';
+  my $filename         = $self->filename;
+  my $date_column_name = $self->{_date_source}[1];
+  my $found = -1;
+  for (my $i=0; $i<@{$self->{_column_description}}; ++$i) {
+    if ($self->{_column_description}[$i] eq $date_column_name) {
+      $found = $i;
+      last;
+    }
+  }
+  unless ($found > -1) {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot find date `$date_column_name' in `$filename'.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  $self->{_date_column_index} = $found;
+  $self;
+# These are caches for the different objects that are used to add a plot.
+my %all_rrds_cache;
+my %my_rrds_cache;
+sub add_plots {
+  unless (@_ == 8) {
+    confess "$0: MRTG::SourceDataFile::add_plots passed wrong number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($self,
+      $config_options,
+      $config_files,
+      $config_plots,
+      $files_key,
+      $group,
+      $rrd_data_files_ref,
+      $gif_files_ref) = @_;
+  # See if we have already done all the work for a plot with this files_key,
+  # group, and column description.  Use an MD5 hash instead of a very long
+  # key.
+  my @column_description = @{$self->{_column_description}};
+  my $plot_key = join("\200", $files_key, $group, @column_description);
+  my $cache_key = $md5->hexhash($plot_key);
+  if (defined $all_rrds_cache{$cache_key}) {
+    $self->{_all_rrd_ref} = $all_rrds_cache{$cache_key};
+    $self->{_my_rrd_hash} = $my_rrds_cache{$cache_key};
+    return 1;
+  }
+  # Go through each plot to create and process it for this file.
+  my @regexp_pos          = map { 0 } (1..@$config_plots);
+  my $oldest_regexp_index = 0;
+  my $handle_regexps      = 0;
+  my $i                   = 0;
+  my $old_i               = 0;
+  # This is the main loop where we keep looking for plots to create until
+  # all of the column descriptions have been compared against.
+  while ($handle_regexps or $i < @$config_plots) {
+    # If we've reached an index value greater than the largest index in
+    # the plots, then reset the index to the oldest regexp that still needs
+    # to be completed.
+    if ($handle_regexps and $i >= @$config_plots) {
+      $i = $oldest_regexp_index;
+    }
+    my $plot = $config_plots->[$i];
+    # Skip this plot if the files_key do not match.  Increment the index
+    # of the next plot to handle.
+    if ($plot->{source} ne $files_key) {
+      if ($oldest_regexp_index == $i) {
+        $handle_regexps = 0;
+        ++$oldest_regexp_index;
+      }
+      ++$i;
+      next;
+    }
+    # There are three cases to handle.  The first is a single data source
+    # with a single element that has a regular expression.  In this case,
+    # all of the columns are searched to match the regular expression.  The
+    # second case is two or more data sources and with one element in the
+    # first data source that has a regular expression match.  This may
+    # generate more than one plot, while the first one will only generate
+    # one plot.  The final case to handle is when the previous two cases
+    # are not true.  The last column matched on is stored in @regexp_pos.
+    my $number_datas    = @{$plot->{data}};
+    my $number_elements = @{$plot->{data}[0]};
+    my $has_regexp      = $plot->{data}[0][0] =~ m:\(.+\):;
+    if ($number_datas == 1 and $number_elements == 1 and $has_regexp) {
+      # If we've gone up to the last column to match, then go on.
+      if ($regexp_pos[$i] >= @column_description) {
+        if ($oldest_regexp_index == $i) {
+          $handle_regexps = 0;
+          ++$oldest_regexp_index;
+        }
+        $i = $plot->{flush_regexps} ? $oldest_regexp_index : $i + 1;
+        next;
+      }
+      $regexp_pos[$i] = @column_description;
+      # In this case we're creating a whole new plot that will have as
+      # many data sources as their are columns that match the regular
+      # expression.  Start by making a deep copy of the plot.
+      my $creates = delete $plot->{creates};
+      my $d = Data::Dumper->Dump([$plot], [qw(plot)]);
+      $plot->{creates} = $creates;
+      {
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
+        eval $d;
+      }
+      die "$0: internal error: eval on\n   $d\nOutput: $@\n" if $@;
+      # At this point we have a copy of plot.  Now go through looking
+      # for all the columns that match and create an additional data source
+      # for each match.
+      my $regexp = $plot->{data}[0][0];
+      my $new_data_index = 0;
+      my $original_legend = $plot->{legend}[0];
+      for (my $j=0; $j<@column_description; ++$j) {
+        my $column_name = $column_description[$j];
+        my @matches = $column_name =~ /$regexp/;
+        next unless @matches;
+        $plot->{data}[$new_data_index] = [ $column_name ];
+        # Copy any items over that haven't been created for this new
+        # data source.  Make sure that any new elements added to
+        # pcl_plot_append_elements show up here.
+        unless (defined $plot->{color}[$new_data_index]) {
+          $plot->{color}[$new_data_index] = $::cc_default_colors[$new_data_index];
+        }
+        unless (defined $plot->{legend}[$new_data_index]) {
+          $plot->{legend}[$new_data_index] = $original_legend;
+        }
+        unless (defined $plot->{line_type}[$new_data_index]) {
+          $plot->{line_type}[$new_data_index] = $plot->{line_type}[0];
+        }
+        # Replace the regular expression in any legend elements.
+        my $legend = $plot->{legend}[$new_data_index];
+        my $count = 1;
+        foreach my $match (@matches) {
+          $legend =~ s/\$$count/$match/ge;
+          $legend =~ s/\(.+\)/$match/ge;
+          ++$count;
+        }
+        $plot->{legend}[$new_data_index] = $legend;
+        ++$new_data_index;
+      }
+      if ($oldest_regexp_index == $i) {
+        $handle_regexps = 0;
+        ++$oldest_regexp_index;
+      }
+      $old_i = $i;
+      $i = $plot->{flush_regexps} ? $oldest_regexp_index : $i + 1;
+      next unless $new_data_index;
+    }
+    elsif ($number_datas > 1 and $number_elements == 1 and $has_regexp) {
+      $handle_regexps = 1;
+      # If we've gone up to the last column to match, then go on.  If
+      # this is the oldest regexp, then increment oldest_regexp_index.
+      if ($regexp_pos[$i] >= @column_description) {
+        if ($oldest_regexp_index == $i) {
+          $handle_regexps = 0;
+          ++$oldest_regexp_index;
+        }
+        $i = $plot->{flush_regexps} ? $oldest_regexp_index : $i + 1;
+        next;
+      }
+      # Go through all of the columns and stop at the first match.
+      my $regexp = $plot->{data}[0][0];
+      my @matches;
+      for (;$regexp_pos[$i]<@column_description; ++$regexp_pos[$i]) {
+        @matches = $column_description[$regexp_pos[$i]] =~ /$regexp/;
+        last if @matches;
+      }
+      unless (@matches) {
+        if ($oldest_regexp_index == $i) {
+          ++$oldest_regexp_index;
+          $handle_regexps = 0;
+        }
+        ++$i;
+        next;
+      }
+      ++$regexp_pos[$i];
+      # Make a deep copy of the plot.  In the string form of the plot
+      # replace all of the $1, $2, ... with what was matched in the
+      # first data source.  The tricky one is to replace the regular
+      # expression that did the match in the first place.  Also, save a
+      # copy of the creates array for this plot so it doesn't also get
+      # dumped.
+      my $creates = delete $plot->{creates};
+      my $d = Data::Dumper->Dump([$plot], [qw(plot)]);
+      $plot->{creates} = $creates;
+      $d =~ s/$regexp/$matches[0]/mge;
+      my $count = 1;
+      foreach my $match (@matches) {
+        $d =~ s/\$$count/$match/mge;
+        $d =~ s/\(.+\)/$match/mge;
+        ++$count;
+      }
+      {
+        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
+        eval $d;
+      }
+      die "$0: internal error: eval on\n   $d\nOutput: $@\n" if $@;
+      # Either increment the index or reset it to the oldest regexp index.
+      $old_i = $i;
+      $i = $plot->{flush_regexps} ? $oldest_regexp_index : $i + 1;
+    }
+    else {
+      $old_i = $i++;
+      ++$oldest_regexp_index unless $handle_regexps;
+    }
+    # Convert the column names to an index into the @_ array.  Make a copy
+    # of the commands so that if we change anything, we're not changing the
+    # original plot structure.
+    my @column_commands;
+    foreach my $command (@{$plot->{data}}) {
+      push(@column_commands, [@$command]);
+    }
+    my $match_any = 0;
+    for (my $j=0; $j<@column_commands; $j++) {
+      my $match_command = 0;
+      for (my $k=0; $k<@{$column_commands[$j]}; ++$k) {
+        my $element = $column_commands[$j][$k];
+        for (my $l=0; $l<@column_description; ++$l) {
+          if ($element eq $column_description[$l]) {
+            $column_commands[$j][$k] = "\$_[$l]";
+            $match_command = 1;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      # If there were no substitutions, then warn about it.
+      if (!$match_command and !$plot->{optional}) {
+        my $m = $old_i + 1;
+        warn "$0: warning: no substitutions performed for `@{$column_commands[$j]}' in plot #$m.\n";
+      }
+      $match_any = $match_any || $match_command;
+    }
+    # Skip this plot if no matches were found and the the plot
+    # is optional.
+    next if (!$match_any and $plot->{optional});
+    # At this point we have a plot to create.
+    # For each data source, create an executable subroutine that takes a
+    # row of elements and returns the requested value.  Also create an
+    # unique MRTG data file name for this plot and a name for this plot
+    # that does not include the group.
+    my @my_rrds;
+    my @no_group_name;
+    my @group_name;
+    for (my $j=0; $j<@column_commands; ++$j) {
+      my $expr      = "sub {\n  return @{$column_commands[$j]};\n}\n";
+      my $expr_hash = $md5->hexhash($expr);
+      my $choose_data_sub;
+      my $data_name = join('_', @{$plot->{data}[$j]});
+      if (defined $read_value_subs{$expr_hash}) {
+        $choose_data_sub = $read_value_subs{$expr_hash};
+      }
+      else {
+        {
+          local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
+          $choose_data_sub     = eval $expr;
+        }
+        if ($@) {
+          unless ($plot->{optional}) {
+            my $m = $old_i + 1;
+            warn "$0: warning: bad evaluation of commands for plot #$m.\nOutput: $@\n";
+          }
+          $choose_data_sub = sub { 0; };
+          $data_name       = 'ALL_ZEROS';
+        }
+        $read_value_subs{$expr_hash} = $choose_data_sub;
+      }
+      my $name = "${files_key}_${group}_${data_name}";
+      push(@no_group_name, "${files_key}_${data_name}");
+      push(@group_name, $name);
+      # Create a new RRD only if it doesn't already exist.
+      unless (defined $rrd_data_files_ref->{$name}) {
+        my $rrd_file = MRTG::RRDFile->new($config_options,
+                                          $config_files,
+                                          $files_key,
+                                          $group,
+                                          $name,
+                                          $plot,
+                                          $choose_data_sub);
+        $rrd_data_files_ref->{$name} = $rrd_file;
+      }
+      $self->{_all_rrd_ref} = $rrd_data_files_ref;
+      $self->{_my_rrd_hash}{$name}++;
+      push(@my_rrds, $name);
+    }
+    # Generate a new plot for these data.
+    my $gif;
+    my $group_name = join(',', @group_name);
+    if (defined $gif_files_ref->{hash}{$group_name}) {
+      $gif = $gif_files_ref->{hash}{$group_name};
+      $gif->add_rrds(@my_rrds);
+    }
+    else {
+      $gif = MRTG::GIFFile->new($config_options,
+                                $config_files,
+                                $config_plots,
+                                $files_key,
+                                $group,
+                                join(',', @my_rrds),
+                                join(',', @no_group_name),
+                                $plot,
+                                $rrd_data_files_ref,
+                                \@my_rrds);
+      $gif_files_ref->{hash}{$group_name} = $gif;
+      push(@{$gif_files_ref->{list}}, $gif);
+      push(@{$config_plots->[$old_i]{creates}}, $gif);
+    }
+    # Put into each RRD the GIFS that are generated from it.
+    foreach my $rrd_key (@my_rrds) {
+      $rrd_data_files_ref->{$rrd_key}->add_gif($gif);
+    }
+  }
+  $all_rrds_cache{$cache_key} = $self->{_all_rrd_ref};
+  $my_rrds_cache{$cache_key}  = $self->{_my_rrd_hash};
+  1;
+sub load_new_data {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $filename = $self->filename;
+  # Test to see if we should read the file.  If the file has changed in
+  # any way, then read it.  If the file is now gone and we have an open
+  # file descriptor for it, then read to the end of it and then close it.
+  my $file_status = $self->status;
+  my $fd          = $::open_file_cache->get_fd($filename);
+  my $load_data   = $file_status != 0;
+  if ($file_status == -1) {
+    my $message = "file `$filename' did exist and is now gone.";
+    ::email_message($self->{_warn_email}, $message);
+    warn "$0: warning: $message\n";
+    unless ($fd) {
+      $self->{_last_read_time} = -1;
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  # Test if the file was up to date and now is not.  If so, then send a
+  # message.  Do not send a message if the file was current in the previous
+  # day is now is not current today.
+  my $old_is_current     = $self->{_is_current};
+  my $old_is_current_day = $self->{_is_current_day};
+  my $current_day        = (localtime($self->last_stat_time))[3];
+  $self->{_is_current} = $self->is_current;
+  if ($old_is_current and
+      !$self->{_is_current} and
+      ($old_is_current_day == $current_day)) {
+    my $message = "file `$filename' was current and now is not.";
+    warn "$0: warning: $message\n";
+    ::email_message($self->{_warn_email}, $message);
+  }
+  # If we don't have to load the data from this file yet, then test to
+  # see if the data needs to be loaded if the file modification time
+  # is greater than the time at which it was last read.
+  my $file_mtime = $self->file_mtime;
+  unless ($load_data) {
+    $load_data = $file_mtime > $self->{_last_read_time};
+  }
+  # If the file still does not have to be loaded, now test to see if
+  # the timestamp of the last data point is larger than the last time
+  # of any RRD files that depend on this source file.
+  my $last_data_time = $self->{_last_data_time};
+  unless ($load_data) {
+    foreach my $rrd_key (keys %{$self->{_my_rrd_hash}}) {
+      if ($self->{_all_rrd_ref}{$rrd_key}->rrd_update_time < $last_data_time) {
+        $load_data = 1;
+        last;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0 unless $load_data;
+  # Try to get a file descriptor to open the file.  Skip the first line
+  # if the first line is used for column descriptions.
+  my $opened_new_fd = !$fd;
+  unless ($fd) {
+    unless ($fd = $::open_file_cache->open($filename, $file_mtime)) {
+      warn "$0: warning: cannot open `$filename' for reading: $!\n";
+      return 0;
+    }
+    <$fd> if $self->{_first_line};
+  }
+  # Load in all of the data possible and send it to each plot.
+  my $date_column_index = $self->{_date_column_index};
+  my $use_file_mtime    = $self->{_date_source}[0] eq 'file_mtime';
+  my $number_added      = 0;
+  my $close_once_done   = 0;
+  while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+    my @line = split(' ', $line);
+    my $time = $use_file_mtime ? $self->file_mtime : $line[$date_column_index];
+    $last_data_time = $time if $time > $last_data_time;
+    # If the file status from the source data file is greater than zero, then
+    # it means the file has changed in some way, so we need to do updates for
+    # all plots.  Load the available data and push it to the plots.
+    my $add = 0;
+    foreach my $rrd_key (keys %{$self->{_my_rrd_hash}}) {
+      my $result = $self->{_all_rrd_ref}{$rrd_key}->queue_data($time, @line);
+      if ($result == 1) {
+        if ($opt_verbose > 2 and !$add) {
+          print "  Loaded `@line' at ", scalar localtime($time), " ($time).\n";
+        }
+        $add = 1;
+      }
+      elsif ($result == -1) {
+        $close_once_done = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    ++$number_added if $add;
+  }
+  # Update the time when the file was last read.
+  $self->{_last_data_time} = $last_data_time;
+  $self->{_last_read_time} = time;
+  $::open_file_cache->change_weight($filename, $file_mtime);
+  # Now two special cases to handle.  First, if the file was removed and
+  # we had an open file descriptor to it, then close the file descriptor.
+  # Second, if the file has a new device number or inode and we had a
+  # already opened file descriptor to the file, then close the descriptor,
+  # reopen it and read all the rest of the data.  If neither of these
+  # cases is true, then close the file if the file should be reopened
+  # next time.
+  if ($file_status == -1 or ($file_status == 2 and !$opened_new_fd)) {
+    $::open_file_cache->close($filename) or
+      warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$filename' for reading: $!\n";
+    if ($file_status != -1) {
+      # Setting the last_read_time to -1 will force load_new_data to read it.
+      $self->{_last_read_time} = -1;
+      $number_added += $self->load_new_data;
+    }
+  }
+  elsif ($close_once_done or $self->{_reopen}) {
+    $::open_file_cache->close($filename) or
+      warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$filename' for reading: $!\n";
+  }
+  $number_added;
+sub rrds {
+  keys %{$_[0]->{_my_rrd_hash}};
+package main;
+while (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^-\w/) {
+  my $arg = shift;
+  ++$opt_verbose   if $arg eq '-v';
+  ++$opt_once_only if $arg eq '-o';
+die "usage: $0 [-o] [-v] config_file\n" unless @ARGV;
+exit 0;
+sub main {
+  my $config_filename = shift;
+  my $start_time = time;
+  # Load the configuration file.
+  my ($config_options,
+      $config_files,
+      $config_plots) = &load_config($config_filename);
+  # Check and do any work on the configuration information.
+  &check_config($config_filename,
+                $config_options,
+                $config_files,
+                $config_plots);
+  # Load in any new data and update necessary plots.
+  &watch_data_sources($config_filename,
+                      $config_options,
+                      $config_files,
+                      $config_plots);
+  my $time_span = time - $start_time;
+  my $minutes   = int($time_span/60);
+  my $seconds   = $time_span - 60*$minutes;
+  if ($opt_verbose) {
+    printf "Running time is %d:%02d minutes.\n", $minutes, $seconds;
+  }
+# Given a directory name, attempt to make all necessary directories.
+sub recursive_mkdir {
+  my $dir = shift;
+  # Remove extra /'s.
+  $dir =~ s:/{2,}:/:g;
+  my $path;
+  if ($dir =~ m:^/:) {
+    $path = '/';
+  }
+  else {
+    $path = './';
+  }
+  my @elements = split(/\//, $dir);
+  foreach my $element (@elements) {
+    $path = "$path/$element";
+    next if -d $path;
+    unless (mkdir($path, 0755)) {
+      die "$0: error: unable to create `$path': $!\n";
+    }
+  }
+sub get_time_interval {
+  my $find_times_ref = shift;
+  my @time = localtime;
+  interval_search($time[2] + $time[1]/60.0, $find_times_ref);
+sub watch_data_sources {
+  unless (@_ == 4) {
+    confess "$0: watch_data_sources: passed wrong number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($config_filename,
+      $config_options,
+      $config_files,
+      $config_plots) = @_;
+  my $rrd_data_files_ref  = {};
+  my $old_found_files_ref = {};
+  my $new_found_files_ref;
+  my $group_files_ref;
+  my $gif_files_ref = {list => [], hash => {}};
+  # Load the current state of the source data files.
+  my $source_file_state = &load_state($config_options->{state_file});
+  # The first time through we always find new files.  Calculate the time
+  # interval the current time is in.
+  my $find_new_files = 1;
+  my $time_interval  = get_time_interval($config_options->{find_times});
+  # This hash holds the next time to load the data from all the files in
+  # a particular group.
+  my %group_load_time;
+  for (;;) {
+    # Get the list of files to watch and the plots that will be created.
+    # Use the previous time through new_found_files_ref if it is defined,
+    # otherwise use the old one.
+    if ($force_find_files) {
+      $force_find_files = 0;
+      $find_new_files   = 1;
+      $time_interval    = get_time_interval($config_options->{find_times});
+    }
+    my $found_new_files = 0;
+    if ($find_new_files) {
+      if ($opt_verbose) {
+        print "Finding files and setting up data structures at ",
+              scalar localtime, ".\n";
+      }
+      $old_found_files_ref = $new_found_files_ref if $new_found_files_ref;
+      ($found_new_files,
+       $new_found_files_ref,
+       $group_files_ref) =
+         &find_files($config_filename,
+                     $config_options,
+                     $config_files,
+                     $config_plots,
+                     $source_file_state,
+                     $old_found_files_ref,
+                     $rrd_data_files_ref,
+                     $gif_files_ref);
+      $find_new_files = 0;
+      # Go through all of the groups and find the maximum load time.
+      undef %group_load_time;
+      foreach my $group (sort keys %$group_files_ref) {
+        my $group_load_time = 1e20;
+        foreach my $filename (@{$group_files_ref->{$group}}) {
+          my $load_time    = $new_found_files_ref->{$filename}->next_load_time;
+          $group_load_time = $load_time if $load_time < $group_load_time;
+        }
+        $group_load_time{$group} = $group_load_time;
+      }
+    }
+#    system("/bin/ps -p $$ -o\"rss vsz pmem time user pid comm\"");
+    # Because the amount of data load from the source data files can be
+    # large, go through each group of source files, load all of the data
+    # for that group, flush the data, and then go on to the next group.
+    # For each source file that had new data, note the RRDs that get
+    # updated from that source file.  To decide if the data from the 
+    my $updated_source_files = 0;
+    my $sleep_till_time;
+    foreach my $group (sort keys %group_load_time) {
+      my $group_load_time = $group_load_time{$group};
+      $sleep_till_time    = $group_load_time unless $sleep_till_time;
+      if ($group_load_time > time) {
+        if ($group_load_time < $sleep_till_time) {
+          $sleep_till_time = $group_load_time;
+        }
+        # Skip this group unless new files were found, then we need to
+        # load the data from them.
+        next unless $found_new_files;
+      }
+      if ($opt_verbose) {
+        print "Loading new data", $group ? " from $group" : "", ".\n";
+      }
+      my $number_new_data_points = 0;
+      my %this_group_rrds;
+      $group_load_time = 1e20;
+      foreach my $filename (@{$group_files_ref->{$group}}) {
+        my $source_file = $new_found_files_ref->{$filename};
+        my $number      = $source_file->load_new_data;
+        $number_new_data_points += $number;
+        if ($number) {
+          foreach my $rrd ($source_file->rrds) {
+            $this_group_rrds{$rrd} = $rrd_data_files_ref->{$rrd};
+          }
+          if ($opt_verbose) {
+            printf "  Read %5d data point%s from `$filename'.\n",
+              $number, $number > 1 ? 's' : '';
+          }
+        }
+        my $load_time    = $source_file->next_load_time;
+        $group_load_time = $load_time if $load_time < $group_load_time;
+      }
+      # Update the load time for this group.
+      $group_load_time{$group} = $group_load_time;
+      next unless $number_new_data_points;
+      $updated_source_files = 1;
+      # Flush the data that has been loaded for each plot.  To keep the
+      # RRD that was just created in the systems cache, plot GIFs that
+      # only depend on this RRD, since GIFs that depend upon two or more
+      # RRDs will most likely be generated more than once and the other
+      # required RRDs may not exist yet.
+      if ($opt_verbose) {
+        print "Flushing new data", $group ? " from $group" : "", ".\n";
+      }
+      foreach my $rrd (values %this_group_rrds) {
+        $rrd->flush_data;
+        foreach my $gif ($rrd->created_gifs) {
+          next if $gif->rrds > 1;
+          $gif->plot;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    # Save the current state of the source data files.
+    if ($found_new_files or $updated_source_files) {
+      &save_state($config_options->{state_file}, $new_found_files_ref);
+    }
+    # Plot the data in each gif.
+    print "Updating GIFs.\n" if $opt_verbose;;
+    foreach my $gif (@{$gif_files_ref->{list}}) {
+      $gif->plot;
+    }
+    # Make the HTML files.
+    if ($found_new_files) {
+      &create_html_files($config_options,
+                         $config_files,
+                         $config_plots,
+                         $new_found_files_ref,
+                         $group_files_ref,
+                         $gif_files_ref);
+      $found_new_files = 0;
+    }
+    # Return now if this loop is being run only once.
+    last if $opt_once_only;
+    # Now decide if we need to find new files.  If the time interval does
+    # change, then find new files only if the new time interval is not -1,
+    # which signifies that the time is before the first find_times.
+    my $new_time_interval = get_time_interval($config_options->{find_times});
+    if ($time_interval != $new_time_interval) {
+      $find_new_files = 1 if $new_time_interval != -1;
+      $time_interval  = $new_time_interval;
+    }
+    # Sleep if the sleep_till_time has not passed.
+    my $now = time;
+    if ($sleep_till_time > $now) {
+      if ($opt_verbose) {
+        print "Sleeping at ",
+              scalar localtime($now),
+              " until ",
+              scalar localtime($sleep_till_time),
+              ".\n";
+      }
+      sleep($sleep_till_time - $now + 1);
+    }
+  }
+sub Capatialize {
+  my $string = shift;
+  substr($string, 0, 1) = uc(substr($string, 0, 1));
+  $string;
+sub create_html_files {
+  my ($config_options,
+      $config_files,
+      $config_plots,
+      $found_files_ref,
+      $group_files_ref,
+      $gif_files_ref) = @_;
+  # Create the main HTML index.html file.
+  my $html_dir         = $config_options->{html_dir};
+  my $index_filename   = "$html_dir/index.html";
+  print "Creating HTML files in `$html_dir/'.\n" if $opt_verbose;
+  my $index_html = MRTG::HTMLFile->new($index_filename,
+                                       $config_options->{html_top_title},
+                                       $config_options->{html_page_header},
+                                       $config_options->{html_page_footer});
+  unless ($index_html) {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot open `$index_filename' for writing: $!\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  $index_html->print("<hr>\n<font size=\"-2\">");
+  my $table_number_columns = 9;
+  my @table_columns;
+  # If there is more than one group first list the different available
+  # groups and create for each group an HTML file that contains references
+  # to the GIFs for that group.  Also create an HTML file for the daily,
+  # weekly, monthly, and yearly gifs.
+  if (keys %$group_files_ref > 1) {
+    $index_html->print("<h2>Available Targets</h2>\n\n<table>\n");
+    foreach my $group (sort keys %$group_files_ref) {
+      my $group_basename = strip_key_name($group);
+      my $element = "<table border=2><tr><td><b>$group</b></td></tr>\n<tr><td>\n";
+      foreach my $plot_type (@rra_plot_type) {
+        $element .= "<a href=\"$group_basename-$plot_type.html\">";
+        my $Plot_Type = Capatialize($plot_type);
+        $element .= "$Plot_Type</a><br>\n";
+      }
+      $element .= "<a href=\"$group_basename-all.html\">All</a></td></tr>\n";
+      $element .= "</table>\n\n";
+      push(@table_columns, "<td>$element</td>");
+      if (@table_columns == $table_number_columns) {
+        $index_html->print("<tr valign=top>" . join('', @table_columns) . "</tr>\n");
+        @table_columns = ();
+      }
+      # Create the daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly HTML files for this
+      # group.
+      my @html_files;
+      foreach my $plot_type (@rra_plot_type, 'all') {
+        my $link      = "$group_basename-$plot_type.html";
+        my $filename  = "$html_dir/$link";
+        my $Plot_Type = Capatialize($plot_type);
+        my $fd = MRTG::HTMLFile->new($filename,
+                                     "$Plot_Type $group",
+                                     $config_options->{html_page_header},
+                                     $config_options->{html_page_footer});
+        unless ($fd) {
+          warn "$0: warning: cannot open `$filename' for writing: $!\n";
+          next;
+        }
+        push (@html_files, {fd        => $fd,
+                            link      => $link,
+                            plot_type => $plot_type,
+                            Plot_Type => $Plot_Type});
+      }
+      foreach my $html_file (@html_files) {
+        my $html;
+        foreach my $plot_type (@html_files) {
+          $html .= "<a href=\"$plot_type->{link}\">$plot_type->{Plot_Type} $group</a><br>\n";
+        }
+        $html_file->{fd}->print($html);
+      }
+      # Because there are many gifs each listing a same name, just make sure
+      # we watch one.
+      foreach my $gif (grep {$group eq $_->group} @{$gif_files_ref->{list}}) {
+        my $name = $gif->name;
+        my $title = replace_group_name($gif->plot_ref->{title}, $gif->group);
+        my $href = "<a href=\"" . strip_key_name($name) . ".html\">";
+        my $sub_dir = $config_files->{$gif->files_key}{sub_dir};
+        foreach my $html_file (@html_files) {
+          $html_file->{fd}->print("<hr>\n<h2>${href}$html_file->{Plot_Type} $title</a></h2>\n");
+        }
+        # Put the proper GIFs into each HTML file.
+        for (my $i=0; $i<@html_files-1; ++$i) {
+          my $gif_filename = "$name-$html_files[$i]{plot_type}.gif";
+          $gif_filename = "$group/$gif_filename" if $sub_dir;
+          my $html = "$href<img src=\"$gif_filename\"" .
+                     "alt=\"$html_files[$i]{Plot_Type} $title\"></a>\n";
+          $html_files[$i]{fd}->print($html);
+          $html_files[-1]{fd}->print($html);
+        }
+      }
+      foreach my $html_file (@html_files) {
+        $html_file->{fd}->print("<hr>\n");
+      }
+    }
+    # If there are any remaining groups to display, do it now.
+    if (@table_columns) {
+      $index_html->print("<tr valign=top>" . join('', @table_columns) . "</tr>\n");
+    }
+    $index_html->print("</table>\n\n\n<br>\n<hr>\n<h2>Available Data Sets</h2>\n\n");
+  }
+  # Now get a list of the different available plots.  For each different
+  # type of plot, create a list of gifs that show that plot.  First get a
+  # list of gifs for each different plot type.  Use @gifs_by_type to
+  # keep the ordering in the type of gifs and the %gifs_by_type to hold
+  # references to an array for each type of gif.
+  $index_html->print("<table>\n");
+  $table_number_columns = 1;
+  @table_columns = ();
+  for (my $i=0; $i<@$config_plots; ++$i) {
+    my %html_files;
+    next unless @{$config_plots->[$i]{creates}};
+    # Sort the plots in this by legend name.
+    my %legend_no_group;
+    my %legends;
+    foreach my $gif (@{$config_plots->[$i]{creates}}) {
+      my $legend_no_group    = replace_group_name($gif->plot_ref->{title},'');
+      $legend_no_group{$gif} = $legend_no_group; 
+      unless (defined $legends{$legend_no_group}) {
+        $legends{$legend_no_group} = [];
+      }
+      push(@{$legends{$legend_no_group}}, $gif);
+    }
+    my @gifs;
+    foreach my $legend_no_group (sort keys %legends) {
+      push(@gifs, @{$legends{$legend_no_group}});
+    }
+    foreach my $gif (@gifs) {
+      my $no_group_name   = strip_key_name($gif->no_group_name);
+      my $legend_no_group = $legend_no_group{$gif};
+      # Create the HTML files for this legend.
+      unless (defined $html_files{$legend_no_group}) {
+        # Now create the HTML files for each different plot type.  Use the
+        # legend name to great this list.
+        $html_files{$legend_no_group} = [];
+        foreach my $plot_type (@rra_plot_type, 'all') {
+          my $link      = "$no_group_name-$plot_type.html";
+          my $filename  = "$html_dir/$link";
+          my $Plot_Type = Capatialize($plot_type);
+          my $fd = MRTG::HTMLFile->new($filename,
+                                       "$Plot_Type $legend_no_group",
+                                       $config_options->{html_page_header},
+                                       "<hr>\n$config_options->{html_page_footer}");
+          unless ($fd) {
+            warn "$0: warning: cannot open `$filename' for writing: $!\n";
+            next;
+          }
+          push(@{$html_files{$legend_no_group}}, {fd        => $fd,
+                                                  link      => $link,
+                                                  plot_type => $plot_type,
+                                                  Plot_Type => $Plot_Type});
+        }
+        my @html_files = @{$html_files{$legend_no_group}};
+        foreach my $html_file (@html_files) {
+          my $html;
+          foreach my $plot_type (@html_files) {
+            $html .= "<a href=\"$plot_type->{link}\">$plot_type->{Plot_Type} $legend_no_group</a><br>\n";
+          }
+          $html_file->{fd}->print($html);
+        }
+        my $element = "<td><b>$legend_no_group</b></td>\n";
+        foreach my $plot_type (@rra_plot_type, 'all') {
+          $element .= "<td><a href=\"$no_group_name-$plot_type.html\">";
+          $element .= Capatialize($plot_type) . "</a></td>\n";
+        }
+        push(@table_columns, $element);
+        if (@table_columns == $table_number_columns) {
+          $index_html->print("<tr>" . join('', @table_columns) . "</tr>\n");
+          @table_columns = ();
+        }
+      }
+      # Create an HTML file that contains the daily, weekly, monthly, and
+      # yearly GIFs for each plot.
+      my $with_group_name   = strip_key_name($gif->name);
+      my $legend_with_group = replace_group_name($gif->plot_ref->{title},
+                                                 $gif->group);
+      my $summarize_name = "$html_dir/$with_group_name.html";
+      my $summarize_html = MRTG::HTMLFile->new($summarize_name,
+                                               $legend_with_group,
+                                               $config_options->{html_page_header},
+                                               $config_options->{html_page_footer});
+      unless ($summarize_html) {
+        warn "$0: warning: cannot open `$summarize_name' for writing: $!\n";
+        next;
+      }
+      my $sub_dir = $config_files->{$gif->files_key}{sub_dir};
+      my $gif_filename = $with_group_name;
+      $gif_filename = $gif->group . "/$gif_filename" if $sub_dir;
+      foreach my $plot_type (@rra_plot_type) {
+        my $Plot_Type = Capatialize($plot_type);
+        $summarize_html->print("<hr>\n<h2>$Plot_Type $legend_with_group</h2>\n",
+                               "<img src=\"$gif_filename-$plot_type.gif\"",
+                               "alt=\"$Plot_Type $legend_with_group\">\n");
+      }
+      my $name  = $gif->name;
+      my $group = $gif->group;
+      my $href = "<a href=\"$with_group_name.html\">";
+      my @html_files = @{$html_files{$legend_no_group}};
+      $html_files[-1]{fd}->print("<hr>\n<h2>${href}$group $legend_no_group</a></h2>\n");
+      for (my $i=0; $i<@html_files-1; ++$i) {
+        my $Plot_Type = $html_files[$i]{Plot_Type};
+        my $gif_filename = "$name-$html_files[$i]{plot_type}.gif";
+        $gif_filename = "$group/$gif_filename" if $sub_dir;
+        my $html = "$href<img src=\"$gif_filename\"" .
+                   "alt=\"$Plot_Type $group $legend_no_group\"></a>\n";
+        $html_files[$i]{fd}->print("<hr>\n<h2>${href}$Plot_Type $group $legend_no_group</a></h2>\n");
+        $html_files[$i]{fd}->print($html);
+        $html_files[-1]{fd}->print($html);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (@table_columns) {
+    $index_html->print("<tr>" . join('', @table_columns) . "</tr>\n");
+  }
+  $index_html->print("\n</table>\n\n</font>\n<hr>\n");
+sub perl_glob {
+  my $regexp = shift;
+  # The current directory tells where to open the directory for matching.
+  my $current_dir = @_ ? shift : '.';
+  # Remove all multiple /'s, since they will confuse perl_glob.
+  $regexp =~ s:/{2,}:/:g;
+  # If the regular expression begins with a /, then remove it from the
+  # regular expression and set the current directory to /.
+  $current_dir = '/' if $regexp =~ s:^/::;
+  # Get the first file path element from the regular expression to match.
+  my @regexp_elements = split(m:/:, $regexp);
+  my $first_regexp = shift(@regexp_elements);
+  # Find all of the files in the current directory that match the first
+  # regular expression.
+  opendir(GLOB_DIR, "$current_dir") or
+    die "$0: error: cannot opendir `$current_dir': $!\n";
+  my @matches = grep { /^$first_regexp$/ } readdir(GLOB_DIR);
+  closedir(GLOB_DIR) or
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot closedir `$current_dir': $!\n";
+  # If we're in the last regular expression match, then just return the
+  # matches with the current directory prepended.
+  unless (@regexp_elements) {
+    return map { "$current_dir/$_" } @matches;
+  }
+  # Otherwise we need to look into the directories below the current
+  # directory.  Also create the next regular expression to use that
+  # is made up of the remaining file path elements.
+  my @results;
+  my $new_regexp = join('/', @regexp_elements);
+  foreach my $new_dir (grep { -d "$current_dir/$_" } @matches) {
+    my $new_current = "$current_dir/$new_dir";
+    $new_current =~ s:/{2,}:/:g;
+    push(@results, perl_glob($new_regexp, $new_current));
+  }
+  return @results;
+# Email the list of people a message.
+sub email_message {
+  my ($people, $subject) = @_;
+  return unless $people;
+  if (open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t")) {
+    print SENDMAIL <<"EOF";
+To: $people
+Subject: MRTG: $subject
+MRTG: $subject
+    close(SENDMAIL) or
+      warn "$0: warning: sendmail did not close: $!\n";
+  }
+  else {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot fork for sendmail: $!\n";
+  }
+# Replace any %g with the group and any %G's with a capitalized version of
+# the group in the title string with the group name.
+sub replace_group_name {
+  my ($title, $group) = @_;
+  my $Group = $group;
+  substr($Group, 0, 1) = uc(substr($Group, 0, 1));
+  $title =~ s/%g/$group/ge;
+  $title =~ s/%G/$Group/ge;
+  $title =~ s/^\s+//;
+  $title =~ s/\s+$//;
+  $title;
+# Strip special characters from key names.
+sub strip_key_name {
+  my $name = shift;
+  $name =~ s/:/_/g;
+  $name =~ s:/:_per_:g;
+  $name =~ s:\s+:_:g;
+  $name =~ s:%:_percent_:g;
+  $name =~ s:#:_number_:g;
+  $name =~ s:_{2,}:_:g;
+  # Remove trailing _'s.
+  $name =~ s:_+$::;
+  $name =~ s:_+,:,:g;
+  $name;
+# Return an list of the unique elements of a list.
+sub unique {
+  my %a;
+  my @unique;
+  foreach my $element (@_) {
+    unless (defined $a{$element}) {
+      push(@unique, $element);
+      $a{$element}++;
+    }
+  }
+  @unique;
+sub find_files {
+  unless (@_ == 8) {
+    confess "$0: find_files passed wrong number of arguments.\n";
+  }
+  my ($config_filename,
+      $config_options,
+      $config_files,
+      $config_plots,
+      $source_file_state,
+      $old_found_files_ref,
+      $rrd_data_files_ref,
+      $gif_files_ref) = @_;
+  my $new_found_files_ref = {};
+  my $group_files         = {};
+  my $found_new_files     = 0;
+  foreach my $files_key (sort keys %$config_files) {
+    # Find all the files matching the regular expression.
+    my @filenames;
+    foreach my $regexp (@{$config_files->{$files_key}{find_files}}) {
+      push(@filenames, grep {-r $_} perl_glob($regexp));
+    }
+    unless (@filenames) {
+      warn "$0: warning: no files found for `find_files' for `files $files_key' in `$config_filename'.\n";
+      next;
+    }
+    # Calculate which group the file belongs in and create a hash listing
+    # the filenames for each group.
+    my %tmp_files_by_group;
+    my %tmp_group_by_file;
+    foreach my $filename (unique(@filenames)) {
+      # Find the group that the files belong in.
+      my $group = undef;
+      foreach my $regexp (@{$config_files->{$files_key}{find_files}}) {
+        my @result = ($filename =~ $regexp);
+        if (@result) {
+          # There there are no ()'s in the regexp, then change (1) to ().
+          @result = () if (@result == 1 and $result[0] eq '1');
+          # Remove any empty matches from @result.
+          $group = join('_', grep {length($_)} @result);
+          last;
+        }
+      }
+      unless (defined $group) {
+        warn "$0: warning: internal error: found `$filename' but no regexp match for it.\n";
+        next;
+      }
+      unless (defined $tmp_files_by_group{$group}) {
+        $tmp_files_by_group{$group} = [];
+      }
+      push(@{$tmp_files_by_group{$group}}, $filename);
+      $tmp_group_by_file{$filename} = $group;
+    }
+    # Create a new list of filenames sorted by group name and inside each
+    # group sorted by filename.  This will cause the creates plots to
+    # appear in group order.
+    @filenames = ();
+    foreach my $key (sort keys %tmp_files_by_group) {
+      push(@filenames, sort @{$tmp_files_by_group{$key}});
+    }
+    foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
+      # Create the object that contains this file.  Take care if the same
+      # file is being used in another files group.
+      unless (defined $new_found_files_ref->{$filename}) {
+        if (defined $old_found_files_ref->{$filename}) {
+          $new_found_files_ref->{$filename} = $old_found_files_ref->{$filename};
+        }
+        else {
+          print "  $filename\n" if $opt_verbose;
+          my $data_file = 
+            MRTG::SourceDataFile->new($filename,
+                                      $config_files->{$files_key}{interval},
+                                      $config_options->{late_interval},
+                                      $config_files->{$files_key}{reopen},
+                                      $config_files->{$files_key}{column_description},
+                                      $config_files->{$files_key}{date_source},
+                                      $config_files->{$files_key}{date_format},
+                                      $config_options->{warn_email},
+                                      $source_file_state);
+          unless ($data_file) {
+            warn "$0: warning: cannot process `$filename'.\n";
+            next;
+          }
+          $new_found_files_ref->{$filename} = $data_file;
+          $found_new_files = 1;
+        }
+      }
+      my $group = $tmp_group_by_file{$filename};
+      $new_found_files_ref->{$filename}->add_plots($config_options,
+                                                   $config_files,
+                                                   $config_plots,
+                                                   $files_key,
+                                                   $group,
+                                                   $rrd_data_files_ref,
+                                                   $gif_files_ref);
+      unless (defined $group_files->{$group}) {
+        $group_files->{$group} = [];
+      }
+      push(@{$group_files->{$group}}, $filename);
+    }
+  }
+  my @found_files = keys %$new_found_files_ref;
+  die "$0: no data source files found.\n" unless @found_files;
+  return ($found_new_files,
+          $new_found_files_ref,
+          $group_files);
+# This loads the old source file state information.
+my @save_state_keys;
+sub load_state {
+  my $state_file = shift;
+  my %state;
+  unless (@save_state_keys) {
+    @save_state_keys = qw(_filename _last_data_time _last_read_time);
+  }
+  unless (open(STATE, $state_file)) {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot open state file `$state_file' for reading: $!\n";
+    return \%state;
+  }
+  print "Loading state from `$state_file'.\n" if $opt_verbose;
+  # Get the first line which contains the hash key name.  Check that the
+  # first field is _filename.
+  # key names match what is stored in this script.
+  my $line = <STATE>;
+  chomp($line);
+  my @keys = split(' ', $line);
+  unless ($keys[0] eq '_filename') {
+    warn "$0: warning: ignoring state file `$state_file': incorrect first field.\n";
+  }
+  while (<STATE>) {
+    my @line = split;
+    if (@line != @keys) {
+      warn "$0: inconsistent number of elements on line $. of `$state_file'.\n";
+      next;
+    }
+    my $filename = $line[0];
+    for (my $i=1; $i<@keys; ++$i) {
+      $state{$filename}{$keys[$i]} = $line[$i];
+    }
+  }
+  close(STATE) or
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$state_file' for reading: $!\n";
+  \%state;
+# Write the state information for the source data files.
+sub save_state {
+  my ($state_file, $state_ref) = @_;
+  print "Saving state into `$state_file'.\n" if $opt_verbose;
+  if (open(STATE, "> $state_file.tmp")) {
+    print STATE "@save_state_keys\n";
+    foreach my $filename (sort keys %$state_ref) {
+      foreach my $key (@save_state_keys) {
+        print STATE $state_ref->{$filename}{$key}, ' ';
+      }
+      print STATE "\n";
+    }
+    close(STATE) or
+      warn "$0: warning: cannot close `$state_file' for writing: $!\n";
+    rename("$state_file.tmp", $state_file) or
+      warn "$0: warning: cannot rename `$state_file.tmp' to `$state_file': $!\n";
+  }
+  else {
+    warn "$0: warning: cannot open state file `$state_file.tmp' for writing: $!\n";
+  }
+my @cc_required_options;
+my @cc_required_files;
+my @cc_required_plots;
+my @cc_optional_options;
+my @cc_optional_files;
+my @cc_optional_plots;
+sub check_config {
+  my ($config_filename, $config_options, $config_files, $config_plots) = @_;
+  unless (@cc_required_options) {
+    @cc_required_options   = qw(state_file
+                                data_dir
+                                html_dir);
+    @cc_required_files     = qw(column_description
+                                date_source
+                                find_files
+                                interval);
+    @cc_required_plots     = qw(data
+                                source);
+    @cc_optional_options   = qw(expire_gifs
+                                html_page_footer
+                                html_page_header
+                                html_top_title
+                                late_interval
+                                sub_dir
+                                warn_email);
+    @cc_optional_files     = qw(date_format
+                                reopen);
+    @cc_optional_plots     = qw(flush_regexps
+                                plot_width
+                                plot_height
+                                rigid_min_max);
+    # This is a special variable that gets used in add_plots.
+    @::cc_default_colors   =   ('00ff00',	# Green
+                                '0000ff',	# Blue
+                                'ff0000',	# Red
+                                'a020f0',	# Magenta
+                                'ffa500',	# Orange
+                                'a52a2a',	#
+                                '00ffff');	#
+  }
+  # Check that we the required options are satisfied.
+  foreach my $option (@cc_required_options) {
+    unless (defined $config_options->{$option}) {
+      die "$0: error: must define `$option' in `$config_filename'.\n";
+    }
+  }
+  # Check if the data_dir and html_dir directories exist.
+  foreach my $dir_key ('html_dir', 'data_dir') {
+    my $dir = $config_options->{$dir_key};
+    die "$0: error: please create $dir_key `$dir'.\n" unless -d $dir;
+  }
+  # Set any optional options to '' if it isn't defined.
+  foreach my $option (@cc_optional_options) {
+    unless (defined $config_options->{$option}) {
+      $config_options->{$option} = '';
+    }
+  }
+  # Late_interval is a valid mathematical expression. Replace the word
+  # interval with $_[0].  Try the subroutine to make sure it works.
+  unless ($config_options->{late_interval}) {
+    $config_options->{late_interval} = 'interval';
+  }
+  my $expr = "sub { $config_options->{late_interval}; }";
+  $expr =~ s/interval/\$_[0]/g;
+  my $sub;
+  {
+    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
+    $sub = eval $expr;
+  }
+  die "$0: cannot evaluate command for `late_interval' on\n   $expr\nOutput: $@\n" if $@;
+  {
+    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
+    eval '&$sub(3.1415926) + 0;';
+  }
+  die "$0: cannot execute command for `late_interval' on\n$expr\nOutput: $@\n" if $@;
+  $config_options->{late_interval} = $sub;
+  # Convert the list of find_times into an array of fractional hours.
+  my @find_times;
+  unless (defined $config_options->{find_times}) {
+    $config_options->{find_times} = '';
+  }
+  foreach my $find_time (split(' ', $config_options->{find_times})) {
+    if (my ($hours, $minutes) = $find_time =~ /^(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})/) {
+      # Because of the regular expression match we're doing, the hours
+      # and minutes will only be positive, so check for hours > 23 and
+      # minutes > 59.
+      unless ($hours < 24) {
+        warn "$0: warning: ignoring find_times `$find_time': hours must be less than 24.\n";
+        next;
+      }
+      unless ($minutes < 60) {
+        warn "$0: warning: ignoring find_times `$find_time': minutes must be less than 60.\n";
+        next;
+      }
+      push(@find_times, $hours + $minutes/60.0);
+    }
+    else {
+      warn "$0: warning: ignoring find_times `$find_time': illegal format.\n";
+    }
+  }
+  $config_options->{find_times} = [ sort { $a <=> $b } @find_times ];
+  # There must be at least one list of files.
+  unless (keys %$config_files) {
+    die "$0: error: must define at least one `files' in `$config_filename'.\n";
+  }
+  # For each files parameter there are required options.
+  foreach my $files_key (keys %$config_files) {
+    foreach my $option (@cc_required_files) {
+      unless (defined $config_files->{$files_key}{$option}) {
+        die "$0: error: must define `$option' for `files $files_key' in `$config_filename'.\n";
+      }
+    }
+    # Optional files options will be set to '' here if they haven't been set
+    # by the user.
+    foreach my $option (@cc_optional_files) {
+      unless (defined $config_files->{$files_key}{$option}) {
+        $config_files->{$files_key}{$option} = '';
+      }
+    }
+    # Check that the date_source is either column followed by a column name
+    # or file_mtime for the file modification time.  If a column_name is used,
+    # then the date_format is required.
+    my $date_source = $config_files->{$files_key}{date_source}[0];
+    if ($date_source eq 'column_name') {
+      unless (@{$config_files->{$files_key}{date_source}} == 2) {
+        die "$0: error: incorrect number of arguments for `date_source' for `files $files_key'.\n";
+      }
+      unless (defined $config_files->{$files_key}{date_format}) {
+        die "$0: error: must define `date_format' with `date_source columns ...' for `files $files_key'.\n";
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      unless ($date_source eq 'file_mtime') {
+        die "$0: error: illegal argument for `date_source' for `files $files_key'.\n";
+      }
+    }
+    $config_files->{$files_key}{date_source}[0] = $date_source;
+    # Check that we have a valid regular expression for find_files and
+    # get a unique list of them.  Also to see if the find_files match
+    # contains any ()'s that will split the files into groups.  If so,
+    # then we will use subdirectories to create our structure.
+    my $sub_dir = 0;
+    my %find_files;
+    foreach my $watch (@{$config_files->{$files_key}{find_files}}) {
+      my $test_string = 'abcdefg';
+      local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die $_[0] };
+      eval { $test_string =~ /$watch/ };
+      die "$0: error: illegal regular expression in `find_files $watch' for `files $files_key' in `$config_filename':\n$@\n" if $@;
+      $find_files{$watch}++;
+      $sub_dir = 1 if $watch =~ m:\(.+\):;
+    }
+    $config_files->{$files_key}{find_files} = [sort keys %find_files];
+    $config_files->{$files_key}{sub_dir}    = $sub_dir || $config_options->{sub_dir};
+  }
+  # There must be at least one plot.
+  unless (@$config_plots) {
+    die "$0: error: must define at least one `plot' in `$config_filename'.\n";
+  }
+  # Foreach plot there are required options.  Create default options
+  # if the user has not done so.
+  for (my $i=0; $i<@$config_plots; ++$i) {
+    my $j = $i + 1;
+    foreach my $option (@cc_required_plots) {
+      unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{$option}) {
+        die "$0: error: must define `$option' for `plot' #$j in `$config_filename'.\n";
+      }
+    }
+    # Create an array for each plot that will have a list of GIFs that were
+    # generated from this plot.
+    $config_plots->[$i]{creates} = [];
+    # Optional options will be set to '' here if they haven't been set by the
+    # user.
+    foreach my $option (@cc_optional_plots) {
+      unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{$option}) {
+        $config_plots->[$i]{$option} = '';
+      }
+    }
+    # Set the default plot width and height.
+    $config_plots->[$i]{plot_width}  = 500 unless $config_plots->[$i]{plot_width};
+    $config_plots->[$i]{plot_height} = 125 unless $config_plots->[$i]{plot_height};
+    # Set the plot minimum and maximum values to U unless they are set.
+    unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{data_min}) {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{data_min} = 'U';
+    }
+    unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{data_max}) {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{data_max} = 'U';
+    }
+    # The data type must be either gauge, absolute, or counter.
+    if (defined $config_plots->[$i]{data_type}) {
+      my $type = substr($config_plots->[$i]{data_type}, 0, 1);
+      if ($type eq 'g' or $type eq 'G') {
+        $config_plots->[$i]{data_type} = 'GAUGE';
+      }
+      elsif ($type eq 'c' or $type eq 'C') {
+        $config_plots->[$i]{data_type} = 'COUNTER';
+      }
+      elsif ($type eq 'a' or $type eq 'A') {
+        $config_plots->[$i]{data_type} = 'ABSOLUTE';
+      }
+      elsif ($type eq 'd' or $type eq 'D') {
+        $config_plots->[$i]{data_type} = 'DERIVE';
+      }
+      else {
+        die "$0: error: `data_type $config_plots->[$i]{data_type}' for `plot' #$j in `$config_filename' must be gauge, counter, or absolute.\n";
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{data_type} = 'GAUGE';
+    }
+    # The data source needs to be a valid files key.
+    my $source = $config_plots->[$i]{source};
+    unless (defined $config_files->{$source}) {
+      die "$0: error: plot #$j `source $source' references non-existant `files' in `$config_filename'.\n";
+    }
+    unless ($config_plots->[$i]{source}) {
+      die "$0: error: plot #$j `source $source' requires one files_key argument in `$config_filename'.\n";
+    }
+    # Set the legends of any columns not defined.
+    unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{legend}) {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{legend} = [];
+    }
+    my $number_datas = @{$config_plots->[$i]{data}};
+    for (my $k=@{$config_plots->[$i]{legend}}; $k<$number_datas; ++$k) {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{legend}[$k] = "@{$config_plots->[$i]{data}[$k]}";
+    }
+    # Set the colors of any data not defined.
+    unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{color}) {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{color} = [];
+    }
+    for (my $k=@{$config_plots->[$i]{color}}; $k<$number_datas; ++$k) {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{color}[$k] = $::cc_default_colors[$k];
+    }
+    # Check each line type setting.
+    for (my $k=0; $k<$number_datas; ++$k) {
+      if (defined $config_plots->[$i]{line_type}[$k]) {
+      my $line_type = $config_plots->[$i]{line_type}[$k];
+        if ($line_type =~ /^line([123])$/i) {
+          $line_type = "LINE$1";
+        }
+        elsif ($line_type =~ /^area$/i) {
+          $line_type = 'AREA';
+        }
+        elsif ($line_type =~ /^stack$/i) {
+          $line_type = 'STACK';
+        }
+        else {
+          die "$0: error: plot #$j illegal `line_type' `$line_type'.\n";
+        }
+        $config_plots->[$i]{line_type}[$k] = $line_type;
+      }
+      else {
+        $config_plots->[$i]{line_type}[$k] = 'LINE1';
+      }
+    }
+    # If the generic y_legend is not set, then set it equal to the first
+    # legend.
+    unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{y_legend}) {
+      $config_plots->[$i]{y_legend} = $config_plots->[$i]{legend}[0];
+    }
+    # If the title is not set, then set it equal to all of the legends with
+    # the group name prepended.
+    unless (defined $config_plots->[$i]{title}) {
+      my $title = '%G ';
+      for (my $k=0; $k<$number_datas; ++$k) {
+        $title .= $config_plots->[$i]{legend}[$k];
+        $title .= " & " if $k < $number_datas-1;
+      }
+      $config_plots->[$i]{title} = $title;
+    }
+  }
+# These are state variables for reading the config file.  The $files_key
+# variable holds the name of the file parameter when a file configuration
+# is being defined.  If $files_key is '', then the a file configuration is
+# not being read.  $plot_index is a string that represents a number that
+# is used as an index into @plots.  If the string is negative, including
+# -0, then the plot configuration is not being defined, otherwise it holds
+# the index into the @plots array the is being defined.
+my $pcl_files_key;
+my $pcl_plot_index;
+# The following options go into the options and files hashes.  If you
+# add any elements to pcl_plot_append_elements, make sure up update
+# MRTG::SourceDataFile::add_plots.
+my @pcl_option_elements;
+my @pcl_file_elements;
+my @pcl_plot_elements;
+my @pcl_plot_append_elements;
+my @pcl_filepath_elements;
+my @pcl_no_arg_elements;
+my @pcl_keep_as_array_options;
+my @pcl_keep_as_array_files;
+my @pcl_keep_as_array_plots;
+sub process_config_line {
+  my ($config_filename, $line_number, $line,
+      $config_options, $config_files, $config_plots) = @_;
+  unless (@pcl_option_elements) {
+    $pcl_files_key              = '';
+    $pcl_plot_index             = '-0';
+    @pcl_option_elements        = qw(base_dir
+                                     data_dir
+                                     expire_gifs
+                                     find_times
+                                     html_dir
+                                     html_page_footer
+                                     html_page_header
+                                     html_top_title
+                                     late_interval
+                                     state_file
+                                     sub_dir
+                                     warn_email);
+    @pcl_file_elements          = qw(column_description
+                                     date_format
+                                     date_source
+                                     find_files
+                                     interval
+                                     reopen);
+    @pcl_plot_elements          = qw(color
+                                     data
+                                     data_min
+                                     data_max
+                                     data_type
+                                     flush_regexps
+                                     legend
+                                     line_type
+                                     optional
+                                     plot_height
+                                     plot_min
+                                     plot_max
+                                     plot_width
+                                     rigid_min_max
+                                     source
+                                     title
+                                     y_legend);
+    @pcl_plot_append_elements   = qw(color
+                                     data
+                                     legend
+                                     line_type);
+    @pcl_filepath_elements      = qw(state_file
+                                     data_dir
+                                     find_files
+                                     html_dir);
+    @pcl_no_arg_elements        = qw(flush_regexps
+                                     optional
+                                     rigid_min_max);
+   @pcl_keep_as_array_options   = qw();
+   @pcl_keep_as_array_files     = qw(column_description
+                                     date_source
+                                     find_files);
+   @pcl_keep_as_array_plots     = qw(data);
+  }
+  # Take the line and split it and make the first element lowercase.
+  my @line  = split(' ', $line);
+  my $key   = lc(shift(@line));
+  # Warn if there is no option and it requires an option.  Turn on options
+  # that do not require an option argument and do not supply one.
+  if ($key ne '}') {
+    if (grep { $key eq $_} @pcl_no_arg_elements) {
+      push(@line, 1) unless @line;
+    }
+    else {
+      unless (@line) {
+        warn "$0: warning: option `$key' needs arguments in `$config_filename' line $line_number.\n";
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Prepend the base_dir to paths that are not prepended by /.
+  my $base_dir = defined $config_options->{base_dir} ?
+    $config_options->{base_dir} : '';
+  if ( $base_dir and grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_filepath_elements) {
+    foreach my $path (@line) {
+      $path = "$base_dir/$path" unless $path =~ m:^/:;
+      $path =~ s:/{2,}:/:
+    }
+  }
+  my $value = "@line";
+  # Process the line differently if we're reading for a particular option.
+  # This one is for files.
+  if ($pcl_files_key) {
+    if ($key eq '}') {
+      $pcl_files_key = '';
+      return;
+    }
+    unless (grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_file_elements) {
+      warn "$0: warning: directive `$key' unknown for files at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n";
+      return;
+    }
+    if (defined $config_files->{$pcl_files_key}{$key}) {
+      warn "$0: warning: `$key' for files already defined at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n";
+    }
+    if (grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_keep_as_array_files) {
+      $config_files->{$pcl_files_key}{$key} = [ @line ];
+    }
+    else {
+      $config_files->{$pcl_files_key}{$key} = $value;
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  # Handle options for plot.
+  if ($pcl_plot_index !~ /^-/) {
+    if ($key eq '}') {
+      $pcl_plot_index++;
+      $pcl_plot_index = "-$pcl_plot_index";
+      return;
+    }
+    unless (grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_plot_elements) {
+      warn "$0: warning: directive `$key' unknown for plot at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n";
+      return;
+    }
+    # Handle those elements that can just append.
+    if (grep { $key eq $_ } @pcl_plot_append_elements) {
+      unless (defined $config_plots->[$pcl_plot_index]{$key}) {
+        $config_plots->[$pcl_plot_index]{$key} = [];
+      }
+      if (grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_keep_as_array_plots) {
+        push(@{$config_plots->[$pcl_plot_index]{$key}}, [ @line ]);
+      }
+      else {
+        push(@{$config_plots->[$pcl_plot_index]{$key}}, $value);
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    if (defined $config_plots->[$pcl_plot_index]{$key}) {
+      warn "$0: warning: `$key' for plot already defined at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n";
+      return;
+    }
+    if (grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_keep_as_array_plots) {
+      $config_plots->[$pcl_plot_index]{$key} = [ @line ];
+    }
+    else {
+      $config_plots->[$pcl_plot_index]{$key} = $value;
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  # Take care of generic options.
+  if (grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_option_elements) {
+    if (grep {$key eq $_} @pcl_keep_as_array_options) {
+      $config_options->{$key} = [ @line ];
+    }
+    else {
+      $config_options->{$key} = $value;
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  # Take care of files to watch.
+  if ($key eq 'files') {
+    unless (@line) {
+      die "$0: error: files needs a files name followed by { at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n"
+    }
+    $pcl_files_key = shift(@line);
+    unless (@line == 1 and $line[0] eq '{' ) {
+      warn "$0: warning: '{' required after 'files $pcl_files_key' at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n";
+    }
+    if (defined $config_files->{$pcl_files_key}) {
+      warn "$0: warning: files `$key' at line $line_number in `$config_filename' previously defined.\n";
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  # Take care of plots to make.
+  if ($key eq 'plot') {
+    $pcl_plot_index =~ s:^-::;
+    unless (@line == 1 and $line[0] eq '{') {
+      warn "$0: warning: '{' required after 'plot' at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n";
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  warn "$0: warning: unknown directive `$key' at line $line_number in `$config_filename'.\n";
+sub load_config {
+  my $config_filename = shift;
+  open(CONFIG, $config_filename) or
+    die "$0: error: cannot open `$config_filename' for reading: $!\n";
+  # These values hold the information from the config file.
+  my %options;
+  my %files;
+  my @plots;
+  # Load in all lines in the file and then process them.  If a line begins
+  # with whitespace, then append it to the previously read line and do
+  # not process it.
+  my $complete_line = '';
+  my $line_number = 1;
+  while (<CONFIG>) {
+    chomp;
+    # Skip lines that begin with #.
+    next if /^#/;
+    # If the line begins with whitespace, then append it to the previous line.
+    if (/^\s+/) {
+      $complete_line .= " $_";
+      next;
+    }
+    # Process the previously read line.
+    if ($complete_line) {
+      process_config_line($config_filename, $line_number, $complete_line,
+                          \%options, \%files, \@plots);
+    }
+    # Now save this read line.
+    $complete_line = $_;
+    $line_number = $.;
+  }
+  process_config_line($config_filename, $line_number, $complete_line,
+                      \%options, \%files, \@plots) if $complete_line;
+  close(CONFIG) or
+    warn "$0: error in closing `$config_filename': $!\n";
+  (\%options, \%files, \@plots);
+=head1 NAME
+fmrtg - Make HTML & GIF plots of daily, weekly, monthly & yearly data
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  fmrtg [-v [-v [-v]]] [-o] configuration_file
+FMRTG is a tool useful for plotting arbitrary data from text files onto
+a directory on Web server.  It has the following features:
+  * Configuration file based.
+  * Reads white space separated data files.
+  * Watches data files for updates and sleeps between reads.
+  * Finds new files at specified times.
+  * Remembers the last modification times for files so they do not have to
+    be reread continuously.
+  * Can plot the same type of data from different files into different
+    or the same GIFs.
+  * Different plots can be created based on the filename.
+  * Parses the date from the text files.
+  * Create arbitrary plots of data from different columns.
+  * Ignore columns or use the same column in many plots.
+  * Add or remove columns from plots without having to deleting RRDs.
+  * Plot the results of arbitrary Perl expressions, including mathematical
+    ones, using one or more columns.
+  * Group multiple columns into a single plot using regular expressions on
+    the column titles.
+  * Creates an HTML tree of HTML files and GIF plots.
+  * Creates an index of URL links listing all available targets.
+  * Creates an index of URL links listing all different plot types.
+  * No separate CGI set up required.
+  * Can be run under cron or it can sleep itself waiting for file updates
+    based on when the file was last updated.
+FMRTG is based the the RRD tool by Tobias Oetiker.  While it is similar to
+the other tools based on RRD, such as SMRTG and MRTG, it is significantly
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+A small static example of FMRTG is at
+Please inform me of any other sites using FMRTG and I will include them
+I have used only version version 5.005_02 of Perl with FMRTG.  Because
+FMRTG makes very heavy use of references, it may or may not work
+with older versions of Perl.  I welcome feedback if FMRTG works with
+older Perls.  FMRTG also requires Math::IntervalSearch module which is
+included with the Math::Interpolate module.  Both modules are available
+for download from a CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) site near
+your at
+ http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/B/BZ/BZAJAC/Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz
+or from my FTP site:
+  ftp://ftp.gps.caltech.edu/pub/blair/Perl/Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz
+Once you have downloaded the Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz file, uncompress
+and install it using the following commands:
+  % gunzip -c Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz | tar xvf -
+  % cd Math-Interpolate-1.00
+  % perl Makefile.PL
+  % make
+  % make test
+  % make install
+The final component required by FMRTG is the RRD Perl library that comes
+with RRD.  Here, get RRD from:
+  http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/3.0
+Get the most recent distribution and following the following steps:
+  % gunzip -c mrtg-199?????.??.tar.gz | tar xvf -
+  % cd mrtg-199?????.??
+  % sh configure --verbose
+  % make				[ To optimize: make CFLAGS=-O3 ]
+  % cd perl
+  % perl Makefile.PL
+  % make				[ To optimize: make OPTIMIZE=-O3 ]
+  % make test
+  % make install
+For large installations, I recommend that RRD be compiled with
+optimization turned on.
+FMRTG has only two command line options.  They are:
+B<-v>: Verbose.  Have FMRTG spit out more verbose messages.  As you add
+more B<-v>'s to the command line, more messages are sent out.  Any more
+than three B<-v>'s are not used by FMRTG.
+B<-o>: Once.  This tells FMRTG to go through the steps of finding files,
+updating the RRDs, updating the GIFs, and creating the HTML files once.
+Normally, FMRTG loops continuously looking for new and updated files.
+After the command line options are listed, FMRTG takes one more argument
+which is the name of the configuration file to use.  Sample configuration
+files can be found in the sample_configs directory with the distribution
+of this tool.
+The first step in using FMRTG is to set up a configuration file that
+instructs FMRTG on what to do.  The configuration file is based on a
+key/value pair structure.  The key name must start at the beginning of
+a line.  Lines that begin with whitespace are concatenated onto the the
+last key's value.  This is the same format as used by MRTG and SMRTG.
+There are three main groups of options in a FMRTG confg: general options,
+file specific options, and plot specific options.  General options may
+be used by the file and plot specific options.  If an option is required,
+then it is only placed one time into the configuration file.
+General options break down into two main groups, required and options.
+These are the required options:
+=head2 Required General Options
+=item B<state_file> I<filename>
+For FMRTG to work efficiently, it saves the last modification time of
+all input data files and the Unix epoch time when they were last read
+by FMRTG into a state file.  The value for B<state_file> must be a
+valid, writable filename.  If I<filename> does not begin with a / and
+the B<base_dir> option was set, then the B<base_dir> directory will be
+prepended to the I<filename>.
+Each entry for a data input file is roughly 100 bytes, so for small sites,
+this file will not be large.
+=item B<html_dir> I<directory>
+B<html_dir> specifies the root directory for the main index.html and
+all underlying HTML and GIF files that FMRTG generates.  This should
+not be a directory that normal users will edit.  Ideally this directory
+should be on a disk locally attached to the host running FMRTG, but is
+not necessary.
+If I<directory> does not begin with a / and the B<base_dir> option was
+set, then the B<base_dir> directory will be prepended to I<directory>.
+=item B<data_dir> I<directory>
+B<data_dir> specifies the root directory for the location of the RRD data
+files that FMRTG generates.  For best performance, this directory should
+be on a disk locally attached to the host running FMRTG.  Otherwise,
+the many IO operations that FMRTG performs will be greatly slowed down.
+It is more important this B<data_dir> be locally stored than B<html_dir>
+for performance concerns.
+If I<directory> does not begin with a / and the B<base_dir> option was
+set, then the B<base_dir> directory will be prepended to I<directory>.
+=item B<base_dir> I<directory>
+If B<base_dir> is set, then it is used to prepend to any file or directory
+based names that do not begin with /.  These are currently B<state_file>,
+B<html_dir>, B<data_dir>, and the B<find_files> option in the B<files>
+=head2 Optional General Options
+=item B<late_interval> I<Perl expression>
+B<late_interval> is used to calculate the time interval between a
+files last modification time and the time when that file is considered
+to be late for an update.  In this case, an email message may be sent
+out using the B<warn_email> addresses.  Because different input files
+may be updated at different rates, B<late_interval> takes an arbitrary
+Perl expression, including mathematical expressions, as its argument.
+If the word I<interval> occurs in the mathematical expression it is
+replaced with the sampling interval of the input data file in question.
+This is useful for allowing the data files to update somewhat later
+than they would in an ideal world.  For example, to add a 10% overhead
+to the sampling_interval before an input file is considered late, this
+would be used
+  late_interval 1.1 * interval
+By default, the input file's sampling interval is used as the
+=item B<warn_email> I<email_address> [I<email_address> ...]
+B<warn_email> takes a list of email addresses of people to email
+when something goes wrong with either FMRTG or the input data files.
+Currently email messages are sent out the the following circumstances:
+  1) When a file did exist and now is gone.
+  2) When a file was being updated regularly and then no longer is updated.
+By default, nobody is emailed.
+=item B<expire_gifs> 1
+If B<expire_gifs> is set then .meta files will be created for all
+generated GIF files.  If the Apache web server 1.3.2 or greater is being
+used, then the following modifications must added to srm.conf:
+  < 
+  < #MetaDir .web
+  ---
+  >
+  > MetaFiles on
+  > MetaDir .
+  < #MetaSuffix .meta
+  ---
+  > MetaSuffix .meta
+By default, expiring the GIF files is not enabled.
+=item B<find_times> I<hours:minutes> [I<hours:minutes> ...]
+The B<find_times> option is used to tell FMRTG when to go and find new
+files.  This particularly useful when new input data files are created
+at midnight.  In this case, something like
+  find_times 0:10
+would work.
+By default, files are only searched for when FMRTG starts up.
+=item B<html_top_title> I<text> ...
+The I<text> is placed at the top of the main index.html that FMRTG
+creates.  By default, no addition text is placed at the top of the
+main index.html.
+=item B<html_page_header> I<text> ...
+The I<text> is placed at the top of each HTML file that FMRTG creates.
+By default, no additional text is placed at the top of each HTML file.
+=item B<html_page_footer> I<text> ...
+The I<text> is placed at the bottom of each HTML file that FMRTG creates.
+By default, no additional text is placed at the bottom of each HTML file.
+=item B<sub_dir> I<directory>
+In certain cases FMRTG will not create sub directories for the different
+groups of files that it processes.  If you wish to force FMRTG to create
+sub directories, then do this
+  sub_dir 1
+=head2 Files Options
+The next step in configuring FMRTG is telling where to find the files to
+use as input, a description of the columns of data comprising the file,
+the interval at which the file is updated, and where the measurement
+time is stored in the file.  This is stored into a files set.
+A generic example of the files set and its options are:
+  files FILES_KEY1 {
+  find_files		filename1 filename2 ...
+  column_description	column1_name column2_name ...
+  date_source		file_mtime
+  interval		300
+  .
+  .
+  .
+  }
+  files FILES_KEY2 {
+  .
+  .
+  }
+The key for a files set, in this example FILES_KEY1 and FILE_KEY2, is a
+descriptive name that is unique for all files and is used later when the
+plots to create are defined.  Files that share the same general format
+of column data may be grouped under the same files key.  The options
+for a particular files set must be enclosed in the curly brackets {}'s.
+An unlimited number of file sets may be listed.
+=head2 Required Files Options
+=item B<find_files> I<path|regexp> [I<path|regexp> ...]
+The B<find_files> option tells FMRTG what data files to use as
+its input.  The arguments to B<find_files> may be a simple filename,
+a complete path to a filename, or a regular expression to find files.
+The regular expression match is not the normal shell globbing that the
+Bourne shell, C shell or other shells use.  Rather, FMRTG uses the Perl
+regular expressions to find files.  For example:
+  find_files /data/source1 /data/source2
+will have FMRTG use /data/source1 and /data/source2 as the inputs
+to FMRTG.  This could have also been written as
+  find_files /data/source\d
+and both data files will be used.
+In the two above examples, FMRTG will assume that both data files
+represent data from the same source.  If this is not the case, such as
+source1 is data from one place and source2 is data from another place,
+then FMRTG needs to be told to treat the data from each file as distinct
+data sources.  This be accomplished in two ways.  The first is by creating
+another files { ... } option set.  However, this requires copying all
+of the text and makes maintenance of the configuration file complex.
+The second and recommend approach is to place ()'s around parts of the
+regular expression to tell FMRTG how to distinguish the two data files:
+  find_files /data/(source\d)
+This creates two "groups", one named source1 and the other named source2
+which will be plotted separately.  One more example:
+  find_files /data/solaris.*/(.*)/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+will use files of the form
+  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-01
+  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-02
+  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-01
+  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-02
+and treat the files in the olympia and sunridge directories as distinct,
+but the files within each directory as from the same data source.
+If any of the paths or regular expressions given to B<find_Files> do not
+begin with a / and the B<base_dir> option was set, then the B<base_dir>
+directory will be prepended to the path or regular expression.
+=item B<interval> I<seconds>
+The B<interval> options takes the number of seconds between updates for
+the input data files listed in this files set.
+=item B<column_description> I<column_name> [I<column_name> ...]
+=item B<column_description> first_line
+For FMRTG to plot the data, it needs to be told what each column of
+data holds.  This is accomplished by creating a text description for
+each column.  There are two ways this may be loaded into FMRTG.  If the
+input data files for a files set do not change, then the column names
+can be listed after B<column_description>:
+  column_description date in_packets/s out_packets/s
+Files that have a column description as the first line of the file may
+use the argument "first_line" to B<column_description>:
+  column_description first_line
+This informs FMRTG that it should read the first line of all the input
+data files for the column description.  FMRTG can handle different files
+in the same files set that have different number of columns and column
+descriptions.  The only limitation here is that column descriptions
+are white space separated and therefore, no spaces are allowed in the
+column descriptions.
+=item B<date_source> column_name I<column_name>
+=item B<date_source> file_mtime
+The B<date_source> option tells FMRTG where time and date of the
+measurement is located.  The first form of the B<date_source> options
+lists the column name as given to B<column_description> that contains
+the Unix epoch time.  The second form with the file_mtime argument tells
+FMRTG that the date and time for any new data in the file is the last
+modification time of the file.
+=item B<date_format> I<string>
+The B<date_format> option is only required if the column_name argument
+to B<date_source> is used.  Current, this argument is not used by FMRTG.
+=head2 Optional Files Options
+=item B<reopen> 1
+Using the B<reopen> option for a files set instructs FMRTG to close
+and reopen any input data files when there is new data to be read.
+This is of most use when an input data file is erased and rewritten by
+some other process.
+=head2 Plot Options
+The final step is to tell FMRTG what plots to create and how to create
+them.  The general format for creating a plot is:
+  plot {
+  title		Plot title
+  source	FILES_KEY1
+  data		column_name1
+  data		1024 * column_name2 + column_name3
+  legend	First column
+  legend	Some math
+  y_legend	Counts/sec
+  data_min	0
+  data_max	100
+  .
+  .
+  }
+Unlike the files set, there is no key for generating a plot.  An unlimited
+number of plots can be created.
+Some of the plot options if they have the two characters %g or %G
+will perform a substitution of this substring with the group name from
+the find_files ()'s matching.  %g gets replaced with the exact match
+from () and %G gets replaced with the first character capitalized.
+For example, if
+  find_files /(olympia)/data
+was used to locate a file, then %g will be replaced with olympia and %G
+replaced with Olympia.  This substitution is performed on the B<title>
+and B<legend> plot options.
+=head2 Required Plot Options
+=item B<source> I<files_key>
+The B<source> argument should be a single key name for a files set from
+which data will be plotted.  Currently, only data from a single files
+set may be put into a single plot.
+=item B<data> I<Perl expression>
+=item B<data> I<regular expression>
+The B<data> plot option tells FMRTG the data sources to use to place
+in a single GIF plot.  At least one B<data> option is required for a
+particular plot and as many as needed may be placed into a single plot.
+Two forms of arguments to B<data> are allowed.    The first form
+allows arbitrary Perl expressions, including mathematical expressions,
+that result in a number as a data source to plot.  The expression may
+contain the names of the columns as found in the files set given to the
+B<source> option.  The column names must be separated with white space
+from any other characters in the expression.  For example, if you have
+number of bytes per second input and output and you want to plot the
+total number of bits per second, you could do this:
+  plot {
+  source	bytes_per_second
+  data		8 * ( in_bytes_per_second + out_bytes_per_second )
+  }
+The second form allows for matching column names that match a regular
+expression and plotting all of those columns that match the regular
+expression in a single plot.  To tell FMRTG that a regular expression
+is being used, then only a single non whitespace separated argument to
+B<data> is allowed.  In addition, the argument must contain at least one
+set of parentheses ()'s.  When a regular expression matches a column name,
+the portion of the match in the ()'s is placed into the normal Perl $1,
+$2, etc variables.  Take the following configuration for example:
+  files throughput {
+  find_files /data/solaris.*/(.*)/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+  column_description hme0Ipkt/s hme0Opkt/s
+                     hme1Ipkt/s hme1Opkt/s
+                     hme0InKB/s hme0OuKB/s
+                     hme1InKB/s hme1OuKB/s
+                     hme0IErr/s hme0OErr/s
+                     hme1IErr/s hme1OErr/s
+  .
+  .  
+  }
+  plot {
+  source	throughput
+  data		(.*\d)Ipkt/s
+  data		$1Opkt/s
+  .
+  .
+  }
+  plot {
+  source	throughput
+  data		(.*\d)InKB/s
+  data		$1OuKB/s
+  .
+  .
+  }
+  plot {
+  source	throughput
+  data		(.*\d)IErr/s
+  data		$1OErr/s
+  .
+  .
+  }
+If the following data files are found by FMRTG
+  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-01
+  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-02
+  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-01
+  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-02
+then separate plots will be created for olympia and sunridge, with each
+plot containing the input and output number of packets per second.
+By default, when FMRTG finds a plot set with a regular expression
+match, it will only find one match, and then go on to the next plot set.
+After it reaches the last plot set, it will go back to the first plot set
+with a regular expression match and look for the next data that matches
+the regular expression.  The net result of this is that the generated
+HTML files using the above configuration will have links in this order:
+  hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+  hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+  hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+If you wanted to have the links listed in order of hme0 and hme1,
+then you would add the B<flush_regexps> option to tell FMRTG to find
+all regular expression matches for a particular plot set and all plot
+sets before the plot set containing B<flush_regexps> before continuing
+on to the next plot set.  For example, if
+  flush_regexps 1
+were added to the plot set for InKB/s and OuKB/s, then the order would be
+  hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+  hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+  hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+If you wanted to have all of the plots be listed in order of the type
+of data being plotted, then you would add "flush_regexps 1" to all the
+plot sets and the order would be
+  hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+  hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+  hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+  hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+=head2 Data Source Optional Plot Options
+The following options are plot optional.  Like the B<data> option,
+multiple copies of these may be specified.  The first option of a
+particular type sets the option for the first B<data> option, the second
+option refers to the second B<data> option, etc.
+=item B<data_type> I<type>
+When defining data types, FMRTG uses the same data types as provided
+by RRD.  These are (a direct quote from the RRDcreate manual page):
+I<type> can be one of the following: B<GAUGE> this is for things like
+temperatures or number of people in a room. B<COUNTER> is for continuous
+incrementing counters like the InOctets counter in a router. The
+B<COUNTER> data source assumes that the counter never decreases, except
+when a counter overflows.  The update function takes the overflow into
+account.  B<DERIVE> will store the the derivative of the line going from
+the last to the current value of the data source. This can be useful for
+counters which do raise and fall, for example, to measure the rate of
+people entering or leaving a room.  B<DERIVE> does not test for overflow.
+B<ABSOLUTE> is for counters which get reset upon reading.
+If the B<data_type> is not specified for a B<data> option, it defaults
+to GAUGE.
+=item B<data_min> I<number>
+=item B<data_max> I<number>
+B<data_min> and B<data_max> are optional entries defining the expected
+range of the supplied data.  If B<data_min> and/or B<data_max> are
+defined, any value outside the defined range will be regarded as
+If you want to specify the second data sources minimum and maximum but do
+not want to limit the first data source, then set the I<number>'s to U.
+For example:
+  plot {
+  data		column1
+  data		column2
+  data_min	U
+  data_max	U
+  data_min	0
+  data_max	100
+  }
+=item B<color> I<rrggbb>
+The optional B<color> option specifies the color to use for a particular
+plot.  The color should be of the form I<rrggbb> in hexadecimal.
+=item B<flush_regexps> 1
+Using the B<flush_regexps> option tells FMRTG to make sure that the plot
+set including this option and all previous plot sets have matched all of
+the columns with their regular expressions.  See the above description
+of using regular expressions in the B<data> option for an example.
+=item B<optional> 1
+Because some of the input data files may not contain the column names
+that are listed in a particular plot, FMRTG provides two ways to handle
+missing data.  By default, FMRTG will generate a plot with I<*UNKNOWN*>
+data if the data is mission.  If you want FMRTG to not generate a plot
+if the data does not exist, then place
+  optional 1
+in the options for a particular plot.
+=head2 GIF Plot Plotting Options
+=item B<plot_width> I<number>
+Using the B<plot_width> option specifies how many pixels wide the drawing
+area inside the GIF is.
+=item B<plot_height> I<number>
+Using the B<plot_height> option specifies how many pixels high the
+drawing area inside the GIF is.
+=item B<plot_min> I<number>
+By setting the B<plot_min> option, the minimum value to be graphed is set.
+By default this will be auto-configured from the data you select with
+the graphing functions.
+=item B<plot_max> I<number>
+By setting the B<plot_max> option, the minimum value to be graphed is set.
+By default this will be auto-configured from the data you select with
+the graphing functions.
+=item B<rigid_min_max> 1
+Normally FMRTG will automatically expand the lower and upper limit if
+the graph contains a value outside the valid range.  By setting the
+B<rigid_min_max> option, this is disabled.
+=item B<title> <text>
+Setting the B<title> option sets the title of the plot.  If you place
+%g or %G in the title, it is replaced with the text matched by any
+()'s in the files set B<find_files> option.  %g gets replaced with the
+exact text matched by the ()'s and %G is replaced with the same text,
+except the first character is capitalized.
+=item B<y_legend> <text>
+Setting B<y_legend> sets the text to be displayed along the Y axis of
+the GIF plot.
+=head2 Multiple GIF Plot Ploting Options
+The following options should be specified multiple times for each data
+source in the plot.
+=item B<line_type> I<type>
+The B<line_type> option specifies the type of line to plot a particular
+data set with.  The available options are: LINE1, LINE2, and LINE3 which
+generate increasingly wide lines, AREA, which does the same as LINE? but
+fills the area between 0 and the graph with the specified color, and
+STACK, which does the same as LINE?, but the graph gets stacked on top
+of the previous LINE?, AREA, or STACK graph.  Depending on the type of
+previous graph, the STACK will either be a LINE? or an AREA.
+=item B<legend> I<text>
+The B<legend> option specifies for a single data source the comment that
+is placed below the GIF plot.
+I welcome all comments and bug reports.  Please email them to Blair
+Zajac <blair at geostaff.com>.

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/fmrtg.man
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/fmrtg.man	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/fmrtg.man	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
+.rn '' }`
+''' $RCSfile$$Revision$$Date$
+''' $Log$
+.de Sh
+.if t .Sp
+.ne 5
+.de Sp
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.de Ip
+.ie \\n(.$>=3 .ne \\$3
+.el .ne 3
+.IP "\\$1" \\$2
+.de Vb
+.ft CW
+.ne \\$1
+.de Ve
+.ft R
+'''     Set up \*(-- to give an unbreakable dash;
+'''     string Tr holds user defined translation string.
+'''     Bell System Logo is used as a dummy character.
+.tr \(*W-|\(bv\*(Tr
+.ie n \{\
+.ds -- \(*W-
+.ds PI pi
+.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=24u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-12u'-\" diablo 10 pitch
+.if (\n(.H=4u)&(1m=20u) .ds -- \(*W\h'-12u'\(*W\h'-8u'-\" diablo 12 pitch
+.ds L" ""
+.ds R" ""
+'''   \*(M", \*(S", \*(N" and \*(T" are the equivalent of
+'''   \*(L" and \*(R", except that they are used on ".xx" lines,
+'''   such as .IP and .SH, which do another additional levels of
+'''   double-quote interpretation
+.ds M" """
+.ds S" """
+.ds N" """""
+.ds T" """""
+.ds L' '
+.ds R' '
+.ds M' '
+.ds S' '
+.ds N' '
+.ds T' '
+.ds -- \(em\|
+.tr \*(Tr
+.ds L" ``
+.ds R" ''
+.ds M" ``
+.ds S" ''
+.ds N" ``
+.ds T" ''
+.ds L' `
+.ds R' '
+.ds M' `
+.ds S' '
+.ds N' `
+.ds T' '
+.ds PI \(*p
+.\"	If the F register is turned on, we'll generate
+.\"	index entries out stderr for the following things:
+.\"		TH	Title 
+.\"		SH	Header
+.\"		Sh	Subsection 
+.\"		Ip	Item
+.\"		X<>	Xref  (embedded
+.\"	Of course, you have to process the output yourself
+.\"	in some meaninful fashion.
+.if \nF \{
+.de IX
+.tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2"
+.nr % 0
+.rr F
+.TH FMRTG 1 "perl 5.005, patch 02" "7/Dec/98" "User Contributed Perl Documentation"
+.if n .hy 0
+.if n .na
+.ds C+ C\v'-.1v'\h'-1p'\s-2+\h'-1p'+\s0\v'.1v'\h'-1p'
+.de CQ          \" put $1 in typewriter font
+.ft CW
+'if n "\c
+'if t \\&\\$1\c
+'if n \\&\\$1\c
+'if n \&"
+\\&\\$2 \\$3 \\$4 \\$5 \\$6 \\$7
+'.ft R
+.\" @(#)ms.acc 1.5 88/02/08 SMI; from UCB 4.2
+.	\" AM - accent mark definitions
+.bd B 3
+.	\" fudge factors for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+.	ds #H 0
+.	ds #V .8m
+.	ds #F .3m
+.	ds #[ \f1
+.	ds #] \fP
+.if t \{\
+.	ds #H ((1u-(\\\\n(.fu%2u))*.13m)
+.	ds #V .6m
+.	ds #F 0
+.	ds #[ \&
+.	ds #] \&
+.	\" simple accents for nroff and troff
+.if n \{\
+.	ds ' \&
+.	ds ` \&
+.	ds ^ \&
+.	ds , \&
+.	ds ~ ~
+.	ds ? ?
+.	ds ! !
+.	ds /
+.	ds q
+.if t \{\
+.	ds ' \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\'\h"|\\n:u"
+.	ds ` \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\`\h'|\\n:u'
+.	ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'^\h'|\\n:u'
+.	ds , \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)',\h'|\\n:u'
+.	ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu-\*(#H-.1m)'~\h'|\\n:u'
+.	ds ? \s-2c\h'-\w'c'u*7/10'\u\h'\*(#H'\zi\d\s+2\h'\w'c'u*8/10'
+.	ds ! \s-2\(or\s+2\h'-\w'\(or'u'\v'-.8m'.\v'.8m'
+.	ds / \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H)'\z\(sl\h'|\\n:u'
+.	ds q o\h'-\w'o'u*8/10'\s-4\v'.4m'\z\(*i\v'-.4m'\s+4\h'\w'o'u*8/10'
+.	\" troff and (daisy-wheel) nroff accents
+.ds : \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10-\*(#H+.1m+\*(#F)'\v'-\*(#V'\z.\h'.2m+\*(#F'.\h'|\\n:u'\v'\*(#V'
+.ds 8 \h'\*(#H'\(*b\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds v \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\v'-\*(#V'\*(#[\s-4v\s0\v'\*(#V'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
+.ds _ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H+(\*(#F*2/3))'\v'-.4m'\z\(hy\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
+.ds . \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*8/10)'\v'\*(#V*4/10'\z.\v'-\*(#V*4/10'\h'|\\n:u'
+.ds 3 \*(#[\v'.2m'\s-2\&3\s0\v'-.2m'\*(#]
+.ds o \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu+\w'\(de'u-\*(#H)/2u'\v'-.3n'\*(#[\z\(de\v'.3n'\h'|\\n:u'\*(#]
+.ds d- \h'\*(#H'\(pd\h'-\w'~'u'\v'-.25m'\f2\(hy\fP\v'.25m'\h'-\*(#H'
+.ds D- D\\k:\h'-\w'D'u'\v'-.11m'\z\(hy\v'.11m'\h'|\\n:u'
+.ds th \*(#[\v'.3m'\s+1I\s-1\v'-.3m'\h'-(\w'I'u*2/3)'\s-1o\s+1\*(#]
+.ds Th \*(#[\s+2I\s-2\h'-\w'I'u*3/5'\v'-.3m'o\v'.3m'\*(#]
+.ds ae a\h'-(\w'a'u*4/10)'e
+.ds Ae A\h'-(\w'A'u*4/10)'E
+.ds oe o\h'-(\w'o'u*4/10)'e
+.ds Oe O\h'-(\w'O'u*4/10)'E
+.	\" corrections for vroff
+.if v .ds ~ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*9/10-\*(#H)'\s-2\u~\d\s+2\h'|\\n:u'
+.if v .ds ^ \\k:\h'-(\\n(.wu*10/11-\*(#H)'\v'-.4m'^\v'.4m'\h'|\\n:u'
+.	\" for low resolution devices (crt and lpr)
+.if \n(.H>23 .if \n(.V>19 \
+.	ds : e
+.	ds 8 ss
+.	ds v \h'-1'\o'\(aa\(ga'
+.	ds _ \h'-1'^
+.	ds . \h'-1'.
+.	ds 3 3
+.	ds o a
+.	ds d- d\h'-1'\(ga
+.	ds D- D\h'-1'\(hy
+.	ds th \o'bp'
+.	ds Th \o'LP'
+.	ds ae ae
+.	ds Ae AE
+.	ds oe oe
+.	ds Oe OE
+.rm #[ #] #H #V #F C
+fmrtg \- Make HTML & GIF plots of daily, weekly, monthly & yearly data
+.Vb 1
+\&  fmrtg [-v [-v [-v]]] [-o] configuration_file
+FMRTG is a tool useful for plotting arbitrary data from text files onto
+a directory on Web server.  It has the following features:
+.Vb 23
+\&  * Configuration file based.
+\&  * Reads white space separated data files.
+\&  * Watches data files for updates and sleeps between reads.
+\&  * Finds new files at specified times.
+\&  * Remembers the last modification times for files so they do not have to
+\&    be reread continuously.
+\&  * Can plot the same type of data from different files into different
+\&    or the same GIFs.
+\&  * Different plots can be created based on the filename.
+\&  * Parses the date from the text files.
+\&  * Create arbitrary plots of data from different columns.
+\&  * Ignore columns or use the same column in many plots.
+\&  * Add or remove columns from plots without having to deleting RRDs.
+\&  * Plot the results of arbitrary Perl expressions, including mathematical
+\&    ones, using one or more columns.
+\&  * Group multiple columns into a single plot using regular expressions on
+\&    the column titles.
+\&  * Creates an HTML tree of HTML files and GIF plots.
+\&  * Creates an index of URL links listing all available targets.
+\&  * Creates an index of URL links listing all different plot types.
+\&  * No separate CGI set up required.
+\&  * Can be run under cron or it can sleep itself waiting for file updates
+\&    based on when the file was last updated.
+FMRTG is based the the RRD tool by Tobias Oetiker.  While it is similar to
+the other tools based on RRD, such as SMRTG and MRTG, it is significantly
+A small static example of FMRTG is at
+Please inform me of any other sites using FMRTG and I will include them
+I have used only version version 5.005_02 of Perl with FMRTG.  Because
+FMRTG makes very heavy use of references, it may or may not work
+with older versions of Perl.  I welcome feedback if FMRTG works with
+older Perls.  FMRTG also requires Math::IntervalSearch module which is
+included with the Math::Interpolate module.  Both modules are available
+for download from a CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) site near
+your at
+.Vb 1
+\& http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/B/BZ/BZAJAC/Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz
+or from my FTP site:
+.Vb 1
+\&  ftp://ftp.gps.caltech.edu/pub/blair/Perl/Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz
+Once you have downloaded the Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz file, uncompress
+and install it using the following commands:
+.Vb 6
+\&  % gunzip -c Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz | tar xvf -
+\&  % cd Math-Interpolate-1.00
+\&  % perl Makefile.PL
+\&  % make
+\&  % make test
+\&  % make install
+The final component required by FMRTG is the RRD Perl library that comes
+with RRD.  Here, get RRD from:
+.Vb 1
+\&  http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/3.0
+Get the most recent distribution and following the following steps:
+.Vb 9
+\&  % gunzip -c mrtg-199?????.??.tar.gz | tar xvf -
+\&  % cd mrtg-199?????.??
+\&  % sh configure --verbose
+\&  % make                                [ To optimize: make CFLAGS=-O3 ]
+\&  % cd perl
+\&  % perl Makefile.PL
+\&  % make                                [ To optimize: make OPTIMIZE=-O3 ]
+\&  % make test
+\&  % make install
+For large installations, I recommend that RRD be compiled with
+optimization turned on.
+FMRTG has only two command line options.  They are:
+\fB\-v\fR: Verbose.  Have FMRTG spit out more verbose messages.  As you add
+more \fB\-v\fR's to the command line, more messages are sent out.  Any more
+than three \fB\-v\fR's are not used by FMRTG.
+\fB\-o\fR: Once.  This tells FMRTG to go through the steps of finding files,
+updating the RRDs, updating the GIFs, and creating the HTML files once.
+Normally, FMRTG loops continuously looking for new and updated files.
+After the command line options are listed, FMRTG takes one more argument
+which is the name of the configuration file to use.  Sample configuration
+files can be found in the sample_configs directory with the distribution
+of this tool.
+The first step in using FMRTG is to set up a configuration file that
+instructs FMRTG on what to do.  The configuration file is based on a
+key/value pair structure.  The key name must start at the beginning of
+a line.  Lines that begin with whitespace are concatenated onto the the
+last key's value.  This is the same format as used by MRTG and SMRTG.
+There are three main groups of options in a FMRTG confg: general options,
+file specific options, and plot specific options.  General options may
+be used by the file and plot specific options.  If an option is required,
+then it is only placed one time into the configuration file.
+General options break down into two main groups, required and options.
+These are the required options:
+.Sh "Required General Options"
+.Ip "\fBstate_file\fR \fIfilename\fR" 0
+For \s-1FMRTG\s0 to work efficiently, it saves the last modification time of
+all input data files and the Unix epoch time when they were last read
+by \s-1FMRTG\s0 into a state file.  The value for \fBstate_file\fR must be a
+valid, writable filename.  If \fIfilename\fR does not begin with a / and
+the \fBbase_dir\fR option was set, then the \fBbase_dir\fR directory will be
+prepended to the \fIfilename\fR.
+Each entry for a data input file is roughly 100 bytes, so for small sites,
+this file will not be large.
+.Ip "\fBhtml_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR" 0
+\fBhtml_dir\fR specifies the root directory for the main index.html and
+all underlying \s-1HTML\s0 and \s-1GIF\s0 files that \s-1FMRTG\s0 generates.  This should
+not be a directory that normal users will edit.  Ideally this directory
+should be on a disk locally attached to the host running \s-1FMRTG\s0, but is
+not necessary.
+If \fIdirectory\fR does not begin with a / and the \fBbase_dir\fR option was
+set, then the \fBbase_dir\fR directory will be prepended to \fIdirectory\fR.
+.Ip "\fBdata_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR" 0
+\fBdata_dir\fR specifies the root directory for the location of the \s-1RRD\s0 data
+files that \s-1FMRTG\s0 generates.  For best performance, this directory should
+be on a disk locally attached to the host running \s-1FMRTG\s0.  Otherwise,
+the many \s-1IO\s0 operations that \s-1FMRTG\s0 performs will be greatly slowed down.
+It is more important this \fBdata_dir\fR be locally stored than \fBhtml_dir\fR
+for performance concerns.
+If \fIdirectory\fR does not begin with a / and the \fBbase_dir\fR option was
+set, then the \fBbase_dir\fR directory will be prepended to \fIdirectory\fR.
+.Ip "\fBbase_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR" 0
+If \fBbase_dir\fR is set, then it is used to prepend to any file or directory
+based names that do not begin with /.  These are currently \fBstate_file\fR,
+\fBhtml_dir\fR, \fBdata_dir\fR, and the \fBfind_files\fR option in the \fBfiles\fR
+.Sh "Optional General Options"
+.Ip "\fBlate_interval\fR \fIPerl expression\fR" 0
+\fBlate_interval\fR is used to calculate the time interval between a
+files last modification time and the time when that file is considered
+to be late for an update.  In this case, an email message may be sent
+out using the \fBwarn_email\fR addresses.  Because different input files
+may be updated at different rates, \fBlate_interval\fR takes an arbitrary
+Perl expression, including mathematical expressions, as its argument.
+If the word \fIinterval\fR occurs in the mathematical expression it is
+replaced with the sampling interval of the input data file in question.
+This is useful for allowing the data files to update somewhat later
+than they would in an ideal world.  For example, to add a 10% overhead
+to the sampling_interval before an input file is considered late, this
+would be used
+.Vb 1
+\&  late_interval 1.1 * interval
+By default, the input file's sampling interval is used as the
+.Ip "\fBwarn_email\fR \fIemail_address\fR [\fIemail_address\fR ...]" 0
+\fBwarn_email\fR takes a list of email addresses of people to email
+when something goes wrong with either \s-1FMRTG\s0 or the input data files.
+Currently email messages are sent out the the following circumstances:
+.Vb 2
+\&  1) When a file did exist and now is gone.
+\&  2) When a file was being updated regularly and then no longer is updated.
+By default, nobody is emailed.
+.Ip "\fBexpire_gifs\fR 1" 0
+If \fBexpire_gifs\fR is set then .meta files will be created for all
+generated \s-1GIF\s0 files.  If the Apache web server 1.3.2 or greater is being
+used, then the following modifications must added to srm.conf:
+.Vb 6
+\&  < 
+\&  < #MetaDir .web
+\&  ---
+\&  >
+\&  > MetaFiles on
+\&  > MetaDir .
+.Vb 3
+\&  < #MetaSuffix .meta
+\&  ---
+\&  > MetaSuffix .meta
+By default, expiring the \s-1GIF\s0 files is not enabled.
+.Ip "\fBfind_times\fR \fIhours:minutes\fR [\fIhours:minutes\fR ...]" 0
+The \fBfind_times\fR option is used to tell \s-1FMRTG\s0 when to go and find new
+files.  This particularly useful when new input data files are created
+at midnight.  In this case, something like
+.Vb 1
+\&  find_times 0:10
+would work.
+By default, files are only searched for when \s-1FMRTG\s0 starts up.
+.Ip "\fBhtml_top_title\fR \fItext\fR ..." 0
+The \fItext\fR is placed at the top of the main index.html that \s-1FMRTG\s0
+creates.  By default, no addition text is placed at the top of the
+main index.html.
+.Ip "\fBhtml_page_header\fR \fItext\fR ..." 0
+The \fItext\fR is placed at the top of each \s-1HTML\s0 file that \s-1FMRTG\s0 creates.
+By default, no additional text is placed at the top of each \s-1HTML\s0 file.
+.Ip "\fBhtml_page_footer\fR \fItext\fR ..." 0
+The \fItext\fR is placed at the bottom of each \s-1HTML\s0 file that \s-1FMRTG\s0 creates.
+By default, no additional text is placed at the bottom of each \s-1HTML\s0 file.
+.Ip "\fBsub_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR" 0
+In certain cases \s-1FMRTG\s0 will not create sub directories for the different
+groups of files that it processes.  If you wish to force \s-1FMRTG\s0 to create
+sub directories, then do this
+.Vb 1
+\&  sub_dir 1
+.Sh "Files Options"
+The next step in configuring \s-1FMRTG\s0 is telling where to find the files to
+use as input, a description of the columns of data comprising the file,
+the interval at which the file is updated, and where the measurement
+time is stored in the file.  This is stored into a files set.
+A generic example of the files set and its options are:
+.Vb 9
+\&  files FILES_KEY1 {
+\&  find_files            filename1 filename2 ...
+\&  column_description    column1_name column2_name ...
+\&  date_source           file_mtime
+\&  interval              300
+\&  .
+\&  .
+\&  .
+\&  }
+.Vb 4
+\&  files FILES_KEY2 {
+\&  .
+\&  .
+\&  }
+The key for a files set, in this example \s-1FILES_KEY1\s0 and \s-1FILE_KEY2\s0, is a
+descriptive name that is unique for all files and is used later when the
+plots to create are defined.  Files that share the same general format
+of column data may be grouped under the same files key.  The options
+for a particular files set must be enclosed in the curly brackets {}'s.
+An unlimited number of file sets may be listed.
+.Sh "Required Files Options"
+.Ip "\fBfind_files\fR \fIpath|regexp\fR [\fIpath|regexp\fR ...]" 0
+The \fBfind_files\fR option tells \s-1FMRTG\s0 what data files to use as
+its input.  The arguments to \fBfind_files\fR may be a simple filename,
+a complete path to a filename, or a regular expression to find files.
+The regular expression match is not the normal shell globbing that the
+Bourne shell, C shell or other shells use.  Rather, \s-1FMRTG\s0 uses the Perl
+regular expressions to find files.  For example:
+.Vb 1
+\&  find_files /data/source1 /data/source2
+will have \s-1FMRTG\s0 use /data/source1 and /data/source2 as the inputs
+to \s-1FMRTG\s0.  This could have also been written as
+.Vb 1
+\&  find_files /data/source\ed
+and both data files will be used.
+In the two above examples, \s-1FMRTG\s0 will assume that both data files
+represent data from the same source.  If this is not the case, such as
+source1 is data from one place and source2 is data from another place,
+then \s-1FMRTG\s0 needs to be told to treat the data from each file as distinct
+data sources.  This be accomplished in two ways.  The first is by creating
+another files { ... } option set.  However, this requires copying all
+of the text and makes maintenance of the configuration file complex.
+The second and recommend approach is to place ()'s around parts of the
+regular expression to tell \s-1FMRTG\s0 how to distinguish the two data files:
+.Vb 1
+\&  find_files /data/(source\ed)
+This creates two \*(L"groups\*(R", one named source1 and the other named source2
+which will be plotted separately.  One more example:
+.Vb 1
+\&  find_files /data/solaris.*/(.*)/percol-\ed{4}-\ed{2}-\ed{2}
+will use files of the form
+.Vb 4
+\&  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-01
+\&  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-02
+\&  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-01
+\&  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-02
+and treat the files in the olympia and sunridge directories as distinct,
+but the files within each directory as from the same data source.
+If any of the paths or regular expressions given to \fBfind_Files\fR do not
+begin with a / and the \fBbase_dir\fR option was set, then the \fBbase_dir\fR
+directory will be prepended to the path or regular expression.
+.Ip "\fBinterval\fR \fIseconds\fR" 0
+The \fBinterval\fR options takes the number of seconds between updates for
+the input data files listed in this files set.
+.Ip "\fBcolumn_description\fR \fIcolumn_name\fR [\fIcolumn_name\fR ...]" 0
+.Ip "\fBcolumn_description\fR first_line" 0
+For \s-1FMRTG\s0 to plot the data, it needs to be told what each column of
+data holds.  This is accomplished by creating a text description for
+each column.  There are two ways this may be loaded into \s-1FMRTG\s0.  If the
+input data files for a files set do not change, then the column names
+can be listed after \fBcolumn_description\fR:
+.Vb 1
+\&  column_description date in_packets/s out_packets/s
+Files that have a column description as the first line of the file may
+use the argument \*(L"first_line\*(R" to \fBcolumn_description\fR:
+.Vb 1
+\&  column_description first_line
+This informs \s-1FMRTG\s0 that it should read the first line of all the input
+data files for the column description.  \s-1FMRTG\s0 can handle different files
+in the same files set that have different number of columns and column
+descriptions.  The only limitation here is that column descriptions
+are white space separated and therefore, no spaces are allowed in the
+column descriptions.
+.Ip "\fBdate_source\fR column_name \fIcolumn_name\fR" 0
+.Ip "\fBdate_source\fR file_mtime" 0
+The \fBdate_source\fR option tells \s-1FMRTG\s0 where time and date of the
+measurement is located.  The first form of the \fBdate_source\fR options
+lists the column name as given to \fBcolumn_description\fR that contains
+the Unix epoch time.  The second form with the file_mtime argument tells
+\s-1FMRTG\s0 that the date and time for any new data in the file is the last
+modification time of the file.
+.Ip "\fBdate_format\fR \fIstring\fR" 0
+The \fBdate_format\fR option is only required if the column_name argument
+to \fBdate_source\fR is used.  Current, this argument is not used by \s-1FMRTG\s0.
+.Sh "Optional Files Options"
+.Ip "\fBreopen\fR 1" 0
+Using the \fBreopen\fR option for a files set instructs \s-1FMRTG\s0 to close
+and reopen any input data files when there is new data to be read.
+This is of most use when an input data file is erased and rewritten by
+some other process.
+.Sh "Plot Options"
+The final step is to tell \s-1FMRTG\s0 what plots to create and how to create
+them.  The general format for creating a plot is:
+.Vb 13
+\&  plot {
+\&  title         Plot title
+\&  source        FILES_KEY1
+\&  data          column_name1
+\&  data          1024 * column_name2 + column_name3
+\&  legend        First column
+\&  legend        Some math
+\&  y_legend      Counts/sec
+\&  data_min      0
+\&  data_max      100
+\&  .
+\&  .
+\&  }
+Unlike the files set, there is no key for generating a plot.  An unlimited
+number of plots can be created.
+Some of the plot options if they have the two characters \f(CW%g\fR or \f(CW%G\fR
+will perform a substitution of this substring with the group name from
+the find_files ()'s matching.  \f(CW%g\fR gets replaced with the exact match
+from () and \f(CW%G\fR gets replaced with the first character capitalized.
+For example, if
+.Vb 1
+\&  find_files /(olympia)/data
+was used to locate a file, then \f(CW%g\fR will be replaced with olympia and \f(CW%G\fR
+replaced with Olympia.  This substitution is performed on the \fBtitle\fR
+and \fBlegend\fR plot options.
+.Sh "Required Plot Options"
+.Ip "\fBsource\fR \fIfiles_key\fR" 0
+The \fBsource\fR argument should be a single key name for a files set from
+which data will be plotted.  Currently, only data from a single files
+set may be put into a single plot.
+.Ip "\fBdata\fR \fIPerl expression\fR" 0
+.Ip "\fBdata\fR \fIregular expression\fR" 0
+The \fBdata\fR plot option tells \s-1FMRTG\s0 the data sources to use to place
+in a single \s-1GIF\s0 plot.  At least one \fBdata\fR option is required for a
+particular plot and as many as needed may be placed into a single plot.
+Two forms of arguments to \fBdata\fR are allowed.    The first form
+allows arbitrary Perl expressions, including mathematical expressions,
+that result in a number as a data source to plot.  The expression may
+contain the names of the columns as found in the files set given to the
+\fBsource\fR option.  The column names must be separated with white space
+from any other characters in the expression.  For example, if you have
+number of bytes per second input and output and you want to plot the
+total number of bits per second, you could do this:
+.Vb 4
+\&  plot {
+\&  source        bytes_per_second
+\&  data          8 * ( in_bytes_per_second + out_bytes_per_second )
+\&  }
+The second form allows for matching column names that match a regular
+expression and plotting all of those columns that match the regular
+expression in a single plot.  To tell \s-1FMRTG\s0 that a regular expression
+is being used, then only a single non whitespace separated argument to
+\fBdata\fR is allowed.  In addition, the argument must contain at least one
+set of parentheses ()'s.  When a regular expression matches a column name,
+the portion of the match in the ()'s is placed into the normal Perl \f(CW$1\fR,
+\f(CW$2\fR, etc variables.  Take the following configuration for example:
+.Vb 11
+\&  files throughput {
+\&  find_files /data/solaris.*/(.*)/percol-\ed{4}-\ed{2}-\ed{2}
+\&  column_description hme0Ipkt/s hme0Opkt/s
+\&                     hme1Ipkt/s hme1Opkt/s
+\&                     hme0InKB/s hme0OuKB/s
+\&                     hme1InKB/s hme1OuKB/s
+\&                     hme0IErr/s hme0OErr/s
+\&                     hme1IErr/s hme1OErr/s
+\&  .
+\&  .  
+\&  }
+.Vb 7
+\&  plot {
+\&  source        throughput
+\&  data          (.*\ed)Ipkt/s
+\&  data          $1Opkt/s
+\&  .
+\&  .
+\&  }
+.Vb 7
+\&  plot {
+\&  source        throughput
+\&  data          (.*\ed)InKB/s
+\&  data          $1OuKB/s
+\&  .
+\&  .
+\&  }
+.Vb 7
+\&  plot {
+\&  source        throughput
+\&  data          (.*\ed)IErr/s
+\&  data          $1OErr/s
+\&  .
+\&  .
+\&  }
+If the following data files are found by \s-1FMRTG\s0
+.Vb 4
+\&  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-01
+\&  /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-02
+\&  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-01
+\&  /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-02
+then separate plots will be created for olympia and sunridge, with each
+plot containing the input and output number of packets per second.
+By default, when \s-1FMRTG\s0 finds a plot set with a regular expression
+match, it will only find one match, and then go on to the next plot set.
+After it reaches the last plot set, it will go back to the first plot set
+with a regular expression match and look for the next data that matches
+the regular expression.  The net result of this is that the generated
+\s-1HTML\s0 files using the above configuration will have links in this order:
+.Vb 6
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+If you wanted to have the links listed in order of hme0 and hme1,
+then you would add the \fBflush_regexps\fR option to tell \s-1FMRTG\s0 to find
+all regular expression matches for a particular plot set and all plot
+sets before the plot set containing \fBflush_regexps\fR before continuing
+on to the next plot set.  For example, if
+.Vb 1
+\&  flush_regexps 1
+were added to the plot set for InKB/s and OuKB/s, then the order would be
+.Vb 6
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+If you wanted to have all of the plots be listed in order of the type
+of data being plotted, then you would add \*(L"flush_regexps 1\*(R" to all the
+plot sets and the order would be
+.Vb 6
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+\&  hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+\&  hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+.Sh "Data Source Optional Plot Options"
+The following options are plot optional.  Like the \fBdata\fR option,
+multiple copies of these may be specified.  The first option of a
+particular type sets the option for the first \fBdata\fR option, the second
+option refers to the second \fBdata\fR option, etc.
+.Ip "\fBdata_type\fR \fItype\fR" 0
+When defining data types, \s-1FMRTG\s0 uses the same data types as provided
+by \s-1RRD\s0.  These are (a direct quote from the RRDcreate manual page):
+\fItype\fR can be one of the following: \fB\s-1GAUGE\s0\fR this is for things like
+temperatures or number of people in a room. \fB\s-1COUNTER\s0\fR is for continuous
+incrementing counters like the InOctets counter in a router. The
+\fB\s-1COUNTER\s0\fR data source assumes that the counter never decreases, except
+when a counter overflows.  The update function takes the overflow into
+account.  \fB\s-1DERIVE\s0\fR will store the the derivative of the line going from
+the last to the current value of the data source. This can be useful for
+counters which do raise and fall, for example, to measure the rate of
+people entering or leaving a room.  \fB\s-1DERIVE\s0\fR does not test for overflow.
+\fB\s-1ABSOLUTE\s0\fR is for counters which get reset upon reading.
+If the \fBdata_type\fR is not specified for a \fBdata\fR option, it defaults
+to \s-1GAUGE\s0.
+.Ip "\fBdata_min\fR \fInumber\fR" 0
+.Ip "\fBdata_max\fR \fInumber\fR" 0
+\fBdata_min\fR and \fBdata_max\fR are optional entries defining the expected
+range of the supplied data.  If \fBdata_min\fR and/or \fBdata_max\fR are
+defined, any value outside the defined range will be regarded as
+If you want to specify the second data sources minimum and maximum but do
+not want to limit the first data source, then set the \fInumber\fR's to U.
+For example:
+.Vb 8
+\&  plot {
+\&  data          column1
+\&  data          column2
+\&  data_min      U
+\&  data_max      U
+\&  data_min      0
+\&  data_max      100
+\&  }
+.Ip "\fBcolor\fR \fIrrggbb\fR" 0
+The optional \fBcolor\fR option specifies the color to use for a particular
+plot.  The color should be of the form \fIrrggbb\fR in hexadecimal.
+.Ip "\fBflush_regexps\fR 1" 0
+Using the \fBflush_regexps\fR option tells \s-1FMRTG\s0 to make sure that the plot
+set including this option and all previous plot sets have matched all of
+the columns with their regular expressions.  See the above description
+of using regular expressions in the \fBdata\fR option for an example.
+.Ip "\fBoptional\fR 1" 0
+Because some of the input data files may not contain the column names
+that are listed in a particular plot, \s-1FMRTG\s0 provides two ways to handle
+missing data.  By default, \s-1FMRTG\s0 will generate a plot with \fI*\s-1UNKNOWN\s0*\fR
+data if the data is mission.  If you want \s-1FMRTG\s0 to not generate a plot
+if the data does not exist, then place
+.Vb 1
+\&  optional 1
+in the options for a particular plot.
+.Sh "\s-1GIF\s0 Plot Plotting Options"
+.Ip "\fBplot_width\fR \fInumber\fR" 0
+Using the \fBplot_width\fR option specifies how many pixels wide the drawing
+area inside the \s-1GIF\s0 is.
+.Ip "\fBplot_height\fR \fInumber\fR" 0
+Using the \fBplot_height\fR option specifies how many pixels high the
+drawing area inside the \s-1GIF\s0 is.
+.Ip "\fBplot_min\fR \fInumber\fR" 0
+By setting the \fBplot_min\fR option, the minimum value to be graphed is set.
+By default this will be auto-configured from the data you select with
+the graphing functions.
+.Ip "\fBplot_max\fR \fInumber\fR" 0
+By setting the \fBplot_max\fR option, the minimum value to be graphed is set.
+By default this will be auto-configured from the data you select with
+the graphing functions.
+.Ip "\fBrigid_min_max\fR 1" 0
+Normally \s-1FMRTG\s0 will automatically expand the lower and upper limit if
+the graph contains a value outside the valid range.  By setting the
+\fBrigid_min_max\fR option, this is disabled.
+.Ip "\fBtitle\fR <text>" 0
+Setting the \fBtitle\fR option sets the title of the plot.  If you place
+\f(CW%g\fR or \f(CW%G\fR in the title, it is replaced with the text matched by any
+()'s in the files set \fBfind_files\fR option.  \f(CW%g\fR gets replaced with the
+exact text matched by the ()'s and \f(CW%G\fR is replaced with the same text,
+except the first character is capitalized.
+.Ip "\fBy_legend\fR <text>" 0
+Setting \fBy_legend\fR sets the text to be displayed along the Y axis of
+the \s-1GIF\s0 plot.
+.Sh "Multiple \s-1GIF\s0 Plot Ploting Options"
+The following options should be specified multiple times for each data
+source in the plot.
+.Ip "\fBline_type\fR \fItype\fR" 0
+The \fBline_type\fR option specifies the type of line to plot a particular
+data set with.  The available options are: \s-1LINE1\s0, \s-1LINE2\s0, and \s-1LINE3\s0 which
+generate increasingly wide lines, \s-1AREA\s0, which does the same as \s-1LINE\s0? but
+fills the area between 0 and the graph with the specified color, and
+\s-1STACK\s0, which does the same as \s-1LINE\s0?, but the graph gets stacked on top
+of the previous \s-1LINE\s0?, \s-1AREA\s0, or \s-1STACK\s0 graph.  Depending on the type of
+previous graph, the \s-1STACK\s0 will either be a \s-1LINE\s0? or an \s-1AREA\s0.
+.Ip "\fBlegend\fR \fItext\fR" 0
+The \fBlegend\fR option specifies for a single data source the comment that
+is placed below the \s-1GIF\s0 plot.
+\s-1AUTHOR\s0, \s-1COMMENTS\s0, \s-1AND\s0 \s-1BUGS\s0
+I welcome all comments and bug reports.  Please email them to Blair
+Zajac <blair at geostaff.com>.
+.rn }` ''
+.IX Title "FMRTG 1"
+.IX Name "fmrtg - Make HTML & GIF plots of daily, weekly, monthly & yearly data"
+.IX Header "NAME"
+.IX Header "SYNOPSIS"
+.IX Header "EXAMPLES"
+.IX Subsection "Required General Options"
+.IX Item "\fBstate_file\fR \fIfilename\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBhtml_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBdata_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBbase_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR"
+.IX Subsection "Optional General Options"
+.IX Item "\fBlate_interval\fR \fIPerl expression\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBwarn_email\fR \fIemail_address\fR [\fIemail_address\fR ...]"
+.IX Item "\fBexpire_gifs\fR 1"
+.IX Item "\fBfind_times\fR \fIhours:minutes\fR [\fIhours:minutes\fR ...]"
+.IX Item "\fBhtml_top_title\fR \fItext\fR ..."
+.IX Item "\fBhtml_page_header\fR \fItext\fR ..."
+.IX Item "\fBhtml_page_footer\fR \fItext\fR ..."
+.IX Item "\fBsub_dir\fR \fIdirectory\fR"
+.IX Subsection "Files Options"
+.IX Subsection "Required Files Options"
+.IX Item "\fBfind_files\fR \fIpath|regexp\fR [\fIpath|regexp\fR ...]"
+.IX Item "\fBinterval\fR \fIseconds\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBcolumn_description\fR \fIcolumn_name\fR [\fIcolumn_name\fR ...]"
+.IX Item "\fBcolumn_description\fR first_line"
+.IX Item "\fBdate_source\fR column_name \fIcolumn_name\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBdate_source\fR file_mtime"
+.IX Item "\fBdate_format\fR \fIstring\fR"
+.IX Subsection "Optional Files Options"
+.IX Item "\fBreopen\fR 1"
+.IX Subsection "Plot Options"
+.IX Subsection "Required Plot Options"
+.IX Item "\fBsource\fR \fIfiles_key\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBdata\fR \fIPerl expression\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBdata\fR \fIregular expression\fR"
+.IX Subsection "Data Source Optional Plot Options"
+.IX Item "\fBdata_type\fR \fItype\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBdata_min\fR \fInumber\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBdata_max\fR \fInumber\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBcolor\fR \fIrrggbb\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBflush_regexps\fR 1"
+.IX Item "\fBoptional\fR 1"
+.IX Subsection "\s-1GIF\s0 Plot Plotting Options"
+.IX Item "\fBplot_width\fR \fInumber\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBplot_height\fR \fInumber\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBplot_min\fR \fInumber\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBplot_max\fR \fInumber\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBrigid_min_max\fR 1"
+.IX Item "\fBtitle\fR <text>"
+.IX Item "\fBy_legend\fR <text>"
+.IX Subsection "Multiple \s-1GIF\s0 Plot Ploting Options"
+.IX Item "\fBline_type\fR \fItype\fR"
+.IX Item "\fBlegend\fR \fItext\fR"

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/homesteaders.cfg
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/homesteaders.cfg	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/homesteaders.cfg	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# MRTG configuration file for homesteader apply rate.
+state_file		/home/bzajac/Data/mrtg_homesteaders/homesteaders.state
+data_dir		/home/bzajac/Data/mrtg_homesteaders
+html_dir		/export/home/webmastr/server-root/document-root/admin/graphs/homesteaders
+# This defines the email address of people to warn when a file that is
+# being updated constantly stops being updated.  For mathematical
+# expressions use the word interval to get the interval number for
+# the data source.
+warn_email		bzajac at geostaff.com
+late_interval		1.1 * interval
+base_dir		/export/home/webmastr/server-root/document-root/operations/
+# This defines where the find the source data files and the format of those
+# files.
+files homesteaders {
+find_files		(homesteaders).new (members).new
+column_description	count	time	ampm
+date_source		file_mtime
+interval		1800
+html_top_title		GeoCities Homesteader & Member Growth
+  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">
+    <tr>
+      <td><a href="http://www.geocities.com">
+          <img border=0 alt="GeoCities"
+           src="http://pic.geocities.com/images/main/hp/logo_top.gif"
+           width=126 height=58></a>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><a href="http://www.geocities.com">
+          <img border=0 alt="GeoCities"
+           src="http://pic.geocities.com/images/main/hp/tagline.gif"
+           width=124 height=36></a>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <spacer type=vertical size=4>
+  <spacer type=vertical size=6>
+  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+    <tr>
+      <td WIDTH=63>
+        <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html">
+          <img ALT="MRTG" border=0 src="mrtg-l.gif">
+        </a>
+      </td>
+      <td width=25>
+        <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html">
+          <img ALT="MRTG" border=0 src="mrtg-m.gif">
+        </a>
+      </td>
+      <td width=388>
+        <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html">
+          <img ALT="MRTG" border=0 src="mrtg-r.gif">
+        </a>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+    <tr valign=top>
+      <td width=88 align=right>
+        <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size=2>
+          2.5.3-1997/06/12
+        </font>
+      </td>
+      <td width=388 align=right>
+        <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size=2>
+          <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker">Tobias Oetiker</a>
+          <a href="mailto:oetiker at ee.ethz.ch">&lt;oetiker at ee.ethz.ch&gt;</a> 
+          and&nbsp;<a href="http://www.bungi.com">Dave&nbsp;Rand</a>&nbsp;
+          <a href="mailto:dlr at bungi.com">&lt;dlr at bungi.com&gt;</a>
+        </font>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <spacer type=vertical size=20>
+  <font face="Arial,Helvetica">
+    Please email requests for enhancements, comments, or suggestions
+    to Dr. Blair Zajac
+    <a href="mailto:bzajac at geostaff.com">&lt;bzajac at geostaff.com&gt;</a>.
+  </font>
+# These are the same plot except one of them do not allow deletions.
+# Otherwise, the plot will not show the fine level details because the
+# deletions will overpower the additions.
+plot {
+title			%G Growth Rate
+source			homesteaders
+data			1 * count * 60
+data_type		derive
+legend			%G apps/min
+y_legend		Applications per minute
+data_min		0
+line_type		area
+color			c00000
+plot {
+title			%G Growth/Deletion Rate
+source			homesteaders
+data			count * 60
+data_type		derive
+legend			%G apps/min
+y_legend		Apps or deletes/minute
+line_type		area
+color			c00000

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/percollator.cfg
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/percollator.cfg	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/percollator.cfg	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+# MRTG configuration file for Percollator files.
+#state_file		percol.state
+#data_dir		/export/home/bzajac/percol
+#html_dir		/raid/lun36/admin/graphs/hosts
+#state_file		big.state
+#data_dir		../data/big
+#html_dir		/home/bzajac/public_html/mrtg/big
+#state_file		small.state
+#data_dir		../data/small
+#html_dir		/home/bzajac/public_html/mrtg/small
+state_file		update.state
+data_dir		../data/update
+html_dir		/home/bzajac/public_html/mrtg/update
+expire_gifs		1
+# Find files at the following times:
+#    0:10 to pick up new percollator files for the new day
+#    1:00 to pick up late comer percollator files for the new day
+#    6:00 to pick up new files before the working day
+#   12:00 to pick up new files during the working day
+#   19:00 to pick up new files after the working day
+find_times		0:10 1:00 6:00 12:00 19:00
+# This defines the email address of people to warn when a file that is
+# being updated constantly stops being updated.  For mathematical
+# expressions use the word interval to get the interval number for
+# the data source.
+warn_email		bzajac at geostaff.com
+late_interval		interval + 30
+# This defines where the find the source data files and the format of those
+# files.
+files percol {
+# site
+#	/usr/public.*/geocities/performance/stats_percollator/(.*)/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+# big
+#	../Source.*/(.*)/percol-\d{4}-11-01
+#	../source/(.*)/percol-\d{4}-11-01
+#	../source/([m-z].*)/percol-\d{4}-10-2\d
+#	../source/([a-l].*)/percol-\d{4}-10-2\d
+#	../source/(admin1)/percol-\d{4}-10-2\d
+#	../source/(ads1)/percol-\d{4}-10-2\d
+#	../source/(apply1)/percol-\d{4}-10-2\d
+#	../source/(cat7)/percol-\d{4}-10-2\d
+#	../source/(mail4)/percol-\d{4}-10-2\d
+# small
+#	../(www1[1])/percol-\d{4}-09-1[0-5]
+#	../(WWW1[18])/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+# update
+	../source/(sunridge)/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+	../source/(nfs-tb)/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+column_description	first_line
+date_source		column timestamp
+date_format		%s
+interval		300
+reopen			1
+html_top_title		GeoCities Host Status
+  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%">
+    <tr>
+      <td><a href="http://www.geocities.com">
+          <img border=0 alt="GeoCities"
+           src="http://pic.geocities.com/images/main/hp/logo_top.gif"
+           width=126 height=58></a>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><a href="http://www.geocities.com">
+          <img border=0 alt="GeoCities"
+           src="http://pic.geocities.com/images/main/hp/tagline.gif"
+           width=124 height=36></a>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <spacer type=vertical size=4>
+  <spacer type=vertical size=6>
+  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+    <tr>
+      <td WIDTH=63>
+        <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html">
+          <img ALT="MRTG" border=0 src="mrtg-l.gif">
+        </a>
+      </td>
+      <td width=25>
+        <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html">
+          <img ALT="MRTG" border=0 src="mrtg-m.gif">
+        </a>
+      </td>
+      <td width=388>
+        <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html">
+          <img ALT="MRTG" border=0 src="mrtg-r.gif">
+        </a>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
+    <tr valign=top>
+      <td width=88 align=right>
+        <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size=2>
+          2.5.3-1997/06/12
+        </font>
+      </td>
+      <td width=388 align=right>
+        <font face="Arial,Helvetica" size=2>
+          <a href="http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker">Tobias Oetiker</a>
+          <a href="mailto:oetiker at ee.ethz.ch">&lt;oetiker at ee.ethz.ch&gt;</a> 
+          and&nbsp;<a href="http://www.bungi.com">Dave&nbsp;Rand</a>&nbsp;
+          <a href="mailto:dlr at bungi.com">&lt;dlr at bungi.com&gt;</a>
+        </font>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <spacer type=vertical size=20>
+  <font face="Arial,Helvetica">
+    Please email requests for enhancements, comments, or suggestions
+    to Dr. Blair Zajac
+    <a href="mailto:bzajac at geostaff.com">&lt;bzajac at geostaff.com&gt;</a>.
+  </font>
+plot {
+title			%g Average # Processes in Run Queue
+source			percol
+data			1runq
+data			5runq
+data			15runq
+legend			1 Minute Average
+legend			5 Minute Average
+legend			15 Minute Average
+y_legend		# Processes
+data_min		0
+data_max		100
+plot {
+title			%g System Load
+source			percol
+data			1load
+data			5load
+data			15load
+legend			1 Minute Average
+legend			5 Minute Average
+legend			15 Minute Average
+y_legend		Load
+data_min		0
+data_max		200
+plot {
+title			%g Number of System & Httpd Processes
+source			percol
+data			#proc
+data			#httpds
+line_type		line1
+line_type		area
+legend			System total
+legend			Number httpds
+y_legend		# Processes
+data_min		0
+data_max		10000
+plot {
+title			%g CPU Usage
+source			percol
+data			usr%
+data			sys%
+data			100 - usr% - sys%
+legend			User
+legend			System
+legend			Idle
+line_type		area
+line_type		stack
+line_type		stack
+y_legend		Percent
+data_min		0
+data_max		100
+plot_min		0
+plot_max		100
+rigid_min_max		1
+plot {
+title			%g Web Server Hit Rate
+source			percol
+data			httpop/s
+data			http/p5s
+legend			5 minute average hits/s
+legend			Peak 5 second interval hits/s
+y_legend		Hits/second
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Web Server File Size
+source			percol
+data			%to1KB
+data			%to10KB
+data			%to100KB
+data			%to1MB
+data			%over1MB
+line_type		area
+line_type		stack
+line_type		stack
+line_type		stack
+line_type		stack
+legend			0 - 1 KB
+legend			1 - 10 KB
+legend			10 - 100 KB
+legend			100 - 1000 KB
+legend			Greater than 1 MB
+y_legend		Percent
+data_min		0
+data_max		100
+plot_min		0
+plot_max		100
+rigid_min_max		1
+plot {
+title			%g Web Server Data Transfer Rate
+source			percol
+data			httpb/s
+legend			Bytes/s
+y_legend		Bytes/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Web Server HTTP Error Rate
+source			percol
+data			htErr/s
+legend			HTTP Errors/s
+y_legend		Errors/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Bits Per Second: be0
+source			percol
+data			1024 * 8 * be0InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * be0OuKB/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		bits/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		100000000
+plot {
+title			%g Bits Per Second: hme0
+source			percol
+data			1024 * 8 * hme0InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * hme0OuKB/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		bits/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		100000000
+plot {
+title			%g Bits Per Second: hme1
+source			percol
+data			1024 * 8 * hme1InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * hme1OuKB/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		bits/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		100000000
+plot {
+title			%g Bits Per Second: hme2
+source			percol
+data			1024 * 8 * hme2InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * hme2OuKB/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		bits/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		100000000
+plot {
+title			%g Bits Per Second: le0
+source			percol
+data			1024 * 8 * le0InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * le0OuKB/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		bits/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		10000000
+plot {
+title			%g Bits Per Second: le1
+source			percol
+data			1024 * 8 * le1InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * le1OuKB/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		bits/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		10000000
+plot {
+title			%g Packets Per Second: $1
+source			percol
+data			(.*\d)Ipkt/s
+data			$1Opkt/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		Packets/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		100000
+flush_regexps		1
+plot {
+title			%g Errors Per Second: $1
+source			percol
+data			(.*\d)IErr/s
+data			$1OErr/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		Errors/s
+data_min		0
+flush_regexps		1
+plot {
+title			%g Ethernet Nocanput Rate
+source			percol
+data			(.*\d)NoCP/s
+legend			$1
+y_legend		Nocanput/s
+data_min		0
+flush_regexps		1
+plot {
+title			%g Ethernet Deferred Packet Rate
+source			percol
+data			(.*\d)Defr/s
+legend			$1
+y_legend		Defers/s
+data_min		0
+flush_regexps		1
+plot {
+title			%g Ethernet Collisions
+source			percol
+data			(.*\d)Coll%
+legend			$1
+y_legend		Percent
+data_min		0
+data_max		200
+flush_regexps		1
+plot {
+title			%g TCP Bits Per Second
+source			percol
+data			1024 * 8 * tcp_InKB/s
+data			1024 * 8 * tcp_OuKB/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		bits/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		1000000000
+plot {
+title			%g TCP Segments Per Second
+source			percol
+data			tcp_Iseg/s
+data			tcp_Oseg/s
+line_type		area
+legend			Input
+legend			Output
+y_legend		Segments/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		20000
+plot {
+title			%g TCP Retransmission & Duplicate Received Percentage
+source			percol
+data			tcp_Ret%
+data			tcp_Dup%
+legend			Retransmission
+legend			Duplicate Received
+y_legend		Percent
+data_min		0
+data_max		200
+plot {
+title			%g TCP New Connection Rate
+source			percol
+data			tcp_Icn/s
+data			tcp_Ocn/s
+legend			Input - Passive
+legend			Output - Active
+y_legend		Connections/s
+data_min		0
+data_max		10000
+plot {
+title			%g TCP Number Open Connections
+source			percol
+data			tcp_estb
+legend			Number Open TCP Connections
+y_legend		Number Open Connections
+data_min		0
+data_max		50000
+plot {
+title			%g TCP Reset Rate
+source			percol
+data			tcp_Rst/s
+legend			Number TCP Resets/s
+y_legend		Resets/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g TCP Attempt Fail Rate
+source			percol
+data			tcp_Atf/s
+legend			TCP Attempt Fails/s
+y_legend		Atf/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g TCP Listen Drop Rate
+source			percol
+data			tcp_Ldrp/s
+data			tcp_LdQ0/s
+data			tcp_HOdp/s
+legend			TCP Listen Drops
+legend			TCP Listen Drop Q0
+legend			TCP Half Open Drops
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Sleeps on Mutex Rate
+source			percol
+data			smtx
+data			smtx/cpu
+legend			Sleeps on mutex
+legend			Sleeps on mutex/cpu
+y_legend		Smtx/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g NFS Call Rate
+source			percol
+data			nfs_call/s
+legend			NFS Calls/s
+y_legend		Calls/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g NFS Timeouts & Bad Transmits Rate
+source			percol
+data			nfs_timo/s
+data			nfs_badx/s
+legend			NFS Timeouts
+legend			Bad Transmits
+y_legend		Count/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Peak & Mean Disk Busy
+source			percol
+data			disk_peak
+data			disk_mean
+line_type		line1
+line_type		area
+legend			Peak Disk Busy
+legend			Mean Disk Busy
+y_legend		Disk Busy Measure
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Cache Hit Percentages
+source			percol
+data			dnlc_hit%
+data			inod_hit%
+legend			DNLC
+legend			Inode Cache
+y_legend		Percent
+data_min		0
+data_max		100
+plot {
+title			%g Cache Reference Rate
+source			percol
+data			dnlc_ref/s
+data			inod_ref/s
+line_type		line1
+line_type		area
+legend			DNLC
+legend			Inode Cache
+y_legend		References/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Inode Steal Rate
+source			percol
+data			inod_stl/s
+legend			Inode w/page steal rate
+y_legend		Steals/s
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Available Swap Space
+source			percol
+data			1024 * swap_avail
+legend			Available Swap Space
+y_legend		Bytes
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Page Residence Time
+source			percol
+data			page_rstim
+legend			Page Residence Time
+y_legend		Seconds
+data_min		0
+plot {
+title			%g Page Usage
+source			percol
+data			pp_kernel
+data			free_pages
+data			pagestotl - pp_kernel - free_pages
+data			pagestotl
+line_type		area
+line_type		stack
+line_type		stack
+line_type		line2
+legend			Kernel
+legend			Free List
+legend			Other
+legend			System Total
+y_legend		Number of Pages
+data_min		0
+plot_min		0
+color			00ff00
+color			ff0000
+color			0000ff
+plot {
+title			%g Pages Locked & IO
+source			percol
+data			pageslock
+data			pagesio
+legend			Locked
+legend			IO
+y_legend		Number of Pages
+data_min		0
+plot_min		0

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/download.cfg
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/download.cfg	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/download.cfg	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# MRTG configuration file for URL download times.
+base_dir		/home/bzajac/Data/keynote
+state_file		mrtg.state
+html_dir		/home/bzajac/t/html
+files 24hour_mean {
+watch_files		24hour_mean
+column_description	date 24hour_mean
+date_format		%m/%d/%y
+files 24hour_sd {
+watch_files		24hour_sd
+column_description	date 24hour_sd
+date_format		%m/%d/%y
+files core_mean {
+watch_files		core_mean
+column_description	date core_mean
+date_format		%m/%d/%y
+files core_sd {
+watch_files		core_sd
+column_description	date core_sd
+date_format		%m/%d/%y
+plot {
+data_1			24hour_mean 24hour_mean
+data_2			24hour_mean core_mean

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/keynote.cfg
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/keynote.cfg	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/sample_configs/keynote.cfg	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# MRTG configuration file for Keynote data.
+state_file	/home/bzajac/Data/time_gets/mrtg.state
+# By default: watch_directories = .

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/README
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/README	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/README	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+    fmrtg - Make HTML & GIF plots of daily, weekly, monthly & yearly
+    data
+      fmrtg [-v [-v [-v]]] [-o] configuration_file
+    FMRTG is a tool useful for plotting arbitrary data from text
+    files onto a directory on Web server. It has the following
+    features:
+      * Configuration file based.
+      * Reads white space separated data files.
+      * Watches data files for updates and sleeps between reads.
+      * Finds new files at specified times.
+      * Remembers the last modification times for files so they do not have to
+        be reread continuously.
+      * Can plot the same type of data from different files into different
+        or the same GIFs.
+      * Different plots can be created based on the filename.
+      * Parses the date from the text files.
+      * Create arbitrary plots of data from different columns.
+      * Ignore columns or use the same column in many plots.
+      * Add or remove columns from plots without having to deleting RRDs.
+      * Plot the results of arbitrary Perl expressions, including mathematical
+        ones, using one or more columns.
+      * Group multiple columns into a single plot using regular expressions on
+        the column titles.
+      * Creates an HTML tree of HTML files and GIF plots.
+      * Creates an index of URL links listing all available targets.
+      * Creates an index of URL links listing all different plot types.
+      * No separate CGI set up required.
+      * Can be run under cron or it can sleep itself waiting for file updates
+        based on when the file was last updated.
+    FMRTG is based the the RRD tool by Tobias Oetiker. While it is
+    similar to the other tools based on RRD, such as SMRTG and MRTG,
+    it is significantly different.
+    A small static example of FMRTG is at
+    http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/4996/fmrtg-
+    example/
+    Please inform me of any other sites using FMRTG and I will
+    include them here.
+    I have used only version version 5.005_02 of Perl with FMRTG.
+    Because FMRTG makes very heavy use of references, it may or may
+    not work with older versions of Perl. I welcome feedback if
+    FMRTG works with older Perls. FMRTG also requires
+    Math::IntervalSearch module which is included with the
+    Math::Interpolate module. Both modules are available for
+    download from a CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) site
+    near your at
+     http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/B/BZ/BZAJAC/Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz
+    or from my FTP site:
+      ftp://ftp.gps.caltech.edu/pub/blair/Perl/Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz
+    Once you have downloaded the Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz file,
+    uncompress and install it using the following commands:
+      % gunzip -c Math-Interpolate-1.00.tar.gz | tar xvf -
+      % cd Math-Interpolate-1.00
+      % perl Makefile.PL
+      % make
+      % make test
+      % make install
+    The final component required by FMRTG is the RRD Perl library
+    that comes with RRD. Here, get RRD from:
+      http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/3.0
+    Get the most recent distribution and following the following
+    steps:
+      % gunzip -c mrtg-199?????.??.tar.gz | tar xvf -
+      % cd mrtg-199?????.??
+      % sh configure --verbose
+      % make                                [ To optimize: make CFLAGS=-O3 ]
+      % cd perl
+      % perl Makefile.PL
+      % make                                [ To optimize: make OPTIMIZE=-O3 ]
+      % make test
+      % make install
+    For large installations, I recommend that RRD be compiled with
+    optimization turned on.
+    FMRTG has only two command line options. They are:
+    -v: Verbose. Have FMRTG spit out more verbose messages. As you
+    add more -v's to the command line, more messages are sent out.
+    Any more than three -v's are not used by FMRTG.
+    -o: Once. This tells FMRTG to go through the steps of finding
+    files, updating the RRDs, updating the GIFs, and creating the
+    HTML files once. Normally, FMRTG loops continuously looking for
+    new and updated files.
+    After the command line options are listed, FMRTG takes one more
+    argument which is the name of the configuration file to use.
+    Sample configuration files can be found in the sample_configs
+    directory with the distribution of this tool.
+    The first step in using FMRTG is to set up a configuration file
+    that instructs FMRTG on what to do. The configuration file is
+    based on a key/value pair structure. The key name must start at
+    the beginning of a line. Lines that begin with whitespace are
+    concatenated onto the the last key's value. This is the same
+    format as used by MRTG and SMRTG.
+    There are three main groups of options in a FMRTG confg: general
+    options, file specific options, and plot specific options.
+    General options may be used by the file and plot specific
+    options. If an option is required, then it is only placed one
+    time into the configuration file.
+    General options break down into two main groups, required and
+    options. These are the required options:
+  Required General Options
+    state_file *filename*
+    For FMRTG to work efficiently, it saves the last modification
+    time of all input data files and the Unix epoch time when they
+    were last read by FMRTG into a state file. The value for
+    state_file must be a valid, writable filename. If *filename*
+    does not begin with a / and the base_dir option was set, then
+    the base_dir directory will be prepended to the *filename*.
+    Each entry for a data input file is roughly 100 bytes, so for
+    small sites, this file will not be large.
+    html_dir *directory*
+    html_dir specifies the root directory for the main index.html
+    and all underlying HTML and GIF files that FMRTG generates. This
+    should not be a directory that normal users will edit. Ideally
+    this directory should be on a disk locally attached to the host
+    running FMRTG, but is not necessary.
+    If *directory* does not begin with a / and the base_dir option
+    was set, then the base_dir directory will be prepended to
+    *directory*.
+    data_dir *directory*
+    data_dir specifies the root directory for the location of the
+    RRD data files that FMRTG generates. For best performance, this
+    directory should be on a disk locally attached to the host
+    running FMRTG. Otherwise, the many IO operations that FMRTG
+    performs will be greatly slowed down. It is more important this
+    data_dir be locally stored than html_dir for performance
+    concerns.
+    If *directory* does not begin with a / and the base_dir option
+    was set, then the base_dir directory will be prepended to
+    *directory*.
+    base_dir *directory*
+    If base_dir is set, then it is used to prepend to any file or
+    directory based names that do not begin with /. These are
+    currently state_file, html_dir, data_dir, and the find_files
+    option in the files options.
+  Optional General Options
+    late_interval *Perl expression*
+    late_interval is used to calculate the time interval between a
+    files last modification time and the time when that file is
+    considered to be late for an update. In this case, an email
+    message may be sent out using the warn_email addresses. Because
+    different input files may be updated at different rates,
+    late_interval takes an arbitrary Perl expression, including
+    mathematical expressions, as its argument. If the word
+    *interval* occurs in the mathematical expression it is replaced
+    with the sampling interval of the input data file in question.
+    This is useful for allowing the data files to update somewhat
+    later than they would in an ideal world. For example, to add a
+    10% overhead to the sampling_interval before an input file is
+    considered late, this would be used
+      late_interval 1.1 * interval
+    By default, the input file's sampling interval is used as the
+    late_interval.
+    warn_email *email_address* [*email_address* ...]
+    warn_email takes a list of email addresses of people to email
+    when something goes wrong with either FMRTG or the input data
+    files. Currently email messages are sent out the the following
+    circumstances:
+      1) When a file did exist and now is gone.
+      2) When a file was being updated regularly and then no longer is updated.
+    By default, nobody is emailed.
+    expire_gifs 1
+    If expire_gifs is set then .meta files will be created for all
+    generated GIF files. If the Apache web server 1.3.2 or greater
+    is being used, then the following modifications must added to
+    srm.conf:
+      < 
+      < #MetaDir .web
+      ---
+      >
+      > MetaFiles on
+      > MetaDir .
+      < #MetaSuffix .meta
+      ---
+      > MetaSuffix .meta
+    By default, expiring the GIF files is not enabled.
+    find_times *hours:minutes* [*hours:minutes* ...]
+    The find_times option is used to tell FMRTG when to go and find
+    new files. This particularly useful when new input data files
+    are created at midnight. In this case, something like
+      find_times 0:10
+    would work.
+    By default, files are only searched for when FMRTG starts up.
+    html_top_title *text* ...
+    The *text* is placed at the top of the main index.html that
+    FMRTG creates. By default, no addition text is placed at the top
+    of the main index.html.
+    html_page_header *text* ...
+    The *text* is placed at the top of each HTML file that FMRTG
+    creates. By default, no additional text is placed at the top of
+    each HTML file.
+    html_page_footer *text* ...
+    The *text* is placed at the bottom of each HTML file that FMRTG
+    creates. By default, no additional text is placed at the bottom
+    of each HTML file.
+    sub_dir *directory*
+    In certain cases FMRTG will not create sub directories for the
+    different groups of files that it processes. If you wish to
+    force FMRTG to create sub directories, then do this
+      sub_dir 1
+  Files Options
+    The next step in configuring FMRTG is telling where to find the
+    files to use as input, a description of the columns of data
+    comprising the file, the interval at which the file is updated,
+    and where the measurement time is stored in the file. This is
+    stored into a files set.
+    A generic example of the files set and its options are:
+      files FILES_KEY1 {
+      find_files            filename1 filename2 ...
+      column_description    column1_name column2_name ...
+      date_source           file_mtime
+      interval              300
+      .
+      .
+      .
+      }
+      files FILES_KEY2 {
+      .
+      .
+      }
+    The key for a files set, in this example FILES_KEY1 and
+    FILE_KEY2, is a descriptive name that is unique for all files
+    and is used later when the plots to create are defined. Files
+    that share the same general format of column data may be grouped
+    under the same files key. The options for a particular files set
+    must be enclosed in the curly brackets {}'s. An unlimited number
+    of file sets may be listed.
+  Required Files Options
+    find_files *path|regexp* [*path|regexp* ...]
+    The find_files option tells FMRTG what data files to use as its
+    input. The arguments to find_files may be a simple filename, a
+    complete path to a filename, or a regular expression to find
+    files. The regular expression match is not the normal shell
+    globbing that the Bourne shell, C shell or other shells use.
+    Rather, FMRTG uses the Perl regular expressions to find files.
+    For example:
+      find_files /data/source1 /data/source2
+    will have FMRTG use /data/source1 and /data/source2 as the
+    inputs to FMRTG. This could have also been written as
+      find_files /data/source\d
+    and both data files will be used.
+    In the two above examples, FMRTG will assume that both data
+    files represent data from the same source. If this is not the
+    case, such as source1 is data from one place and source2 is data
+    from another place, then FMRTG needs to be told to treat the
+    data from each file as distinct data sources. This be
+    accomplished in two ways. The first is by creating another files
+    { ... } option set. However, this requires copying all of the
+    text and makes maintenance of the configuration file complex.
+    The second and recommend approach is to place ()'s around parts
+    of the regular expression to tell FMRTG how to distinguish the
+    two data files:
+      find_files /data/(source\d)
+    This creates two "groups", one named source1 and the other named
+    source2 which will be plotted separately. One more example:
+      find_files /data/solaris.*/(.*)/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+    will use files of the form
+      /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-01
+      /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-02
+      /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-01
+      /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-02
+    and treat the files in the olympia and sunridge directories as
+    distinct, but the files within each directory as from the same
+    data source.
+    If any of the paths or regular expressions given to find_Files
+    do not begin with a / and the base_dir option was set, then the
+    base_dir directory will be prepended to the path or regular
+    expression.
+    interval *seconds*
+    The interval options takes the number of seconds between updates
+    for the input data files listed in this files set.
+    column_description *column_name* [*column_name* ...]
+    column_description first_line
+    For FMRTG to plot the data, it needs to be told what each column
+    of data holds. This is accomplished by creating a text
+    description for each column. There are two ways this may be
+    loaded into FMRTG. If the input data files for a files set do
+    not change, then the column names can be listed after
+    column_description:
+      column_description date in_packets/s out_packets/s
+    Files that have a column description as the first line of the
+    file may use the argument "first_line" to column_description:
+      column_description first_line
+    This informs FMRTG that it should read the first line of all the
+    input data files for the column description. FMRTG can handle
+    different files in the same files set that have different number
+    of columns and column descriptions. The only limitation here is
+    that column descriptions are white space separated and
+    therefore, no spaces are allowed in the column descriptions.
+    date_source column_name *column_name*
+    date_source file_mtime
+    The date_source option tells FMRTG where time and date of the
+    measurement is located. The first form of the date_source
+    options lists the column name as given to column_description
+    that contains the Unix epoch time. The second form with the
+    file_mtime argument tells FMRTG that the date and time for any
+    new data in the file is the last modification time of the file.
+    date_format *string*
+    The date_format option is only required if the column_name
+    argument to date_source is used. Current, this argument is not
+    used by FMRTG.
+  Optional Files Options
+    reopen 1
+    Using the reopen option for a files set instructs FMRTG to close
+    and reopen any input data files when there is new data to be
+    read. This is of most use when an input data file is erased and
+    rewritten by some other process.
+  Plot Options
+    The final step is to tell FMRTG what plots to create and how to
+    create them. The general format for creating a plot is:
+      plot {
+      title         Plot title
+      source        FILES_KEY1
+      data          column_name1
+      data          1024 * column_name2 + column_name3
+      legend        First column
+      legend        Some math
+      y_legend      Counts/sec
+      data_min      0
+      data_max      100
+      .
+      .
+      }
+    Unlike the files set, there is no key for generating a plot. An
+    unlimited number of plots can be created.
+    Some of the plot options if they have the two characters %g or
+    %G will perform a substitution of this substring with the group
+    name from the find_files ()'s matching. %g gets replaced with
+    the exact match from () and %G gets replaced with the first
+    character capitalized. For example, if
+      find_files /(olympia)/data
+    was used to locate a file, then %g will be replaced with olympia
+    and %G replaced with Olympia. This substitution is performed on
+    the title and legend plot options.
+  Required Plot Options
+    source *files_key*
+    The source argument should be a single key name for a files set
+    from which data will be plotted. Currently, only data from a
+    single files set may be put into a single plot.
+    data *Perl expression*
+    data *regular expression*
+    The data plot option tells FMRTG the data sources to use to
+    place in a single GIF plot. At least one data option is required
+    for a particular plot and as many as needed may be placed into a
+    single plot.
+    Two forms of arguments to data are allowed. The first form
+    allows arbitrary Perl expressions, including mathematical
+    expressions, that result in a number as a data source to plot.
+    The expression may contain the names of the columns as found in
+    the files set given to the source option. The column names must
+    be separated with white space from any other characters in the
+    expression. For example, if you have number of bytes per second
+    input and output and you want to plot the total number of bits
+    per second, you could do this:
+      plot {
+      source        bytes_per_second
+      data          8 * ( in_bytes_per_second + out_bytes_per_second )
+      }
+    The second form allows for matching column names that match a
+    regular expression and plotting all of those columns that match
+    the regular expression in a single plot. To tell FMRTG that a
+    regular expression is being used, then only a single non
+    whitespace separated argument to data is allowed. In addition,
+    the argument must contain at least one set of parentheses ()'s.
+    When a regular expression matches a column name, the portion of
+    the match in the ()'s is placed into the normal Perl $1, $2, etc
+    variables. Take the following configuration for example:
+      files throughput {
+      find_files /data/solaris.*/(.*)/percol-\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}
+      column_description hme0Ipkt/s hme0Opkt/s
+                         hme1Ipkt/s hme1Opkt/s
+                         hme0InKB/s hme0OuKB/s
+                         hme1InKB/s hme1OuKB/s
+                         hme0IErr/s hme0OErr/s
+                         hme1IErr/s hme1OErr/s
+      .
+      .  
+      }
+      plot {
+      source        throughput
+      data          (.*\d)Ipkt/s
+      data          $1Opkt/s
+      .
+      .
+      }
+      plot {
+      source        throughput
+      data          (.*\d)InKB/s
+      data          $1OuKB/s
+      .
+      .
+      }
+      plot {
+      source        throughput
+      data          (.*\d)IErr/s
+      data          $1OErr/s
+      .
+      .
+      }
+    If the following data files are found by FMRTG
+      /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-01
+      /data/solaris-2.6/olympia/percol-1998-12-02
+      /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-01
+      /data/solaris-2.5.1/sunridge/percol-1998-12-02
+    then separate plots will be created for olympia and sunridge,
+    with each plot containing the input and output number of packets
+    per second.
+    By default, when FMRTG finds a plot set with a regular
+    expression match, it will only find one match, and then go on to
+    the next plot set. After it reaches the last plot set, it will
+    go back to the first plot set with a regular expression match
+    and look for the next data that matches the regular expression.
+    The net result of this is that the generated HTML files using
+    the above configuration will have links in this order:
+      hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+      hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+      hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+    If you wanted to have the links listed in order of hme0 and
+    hme1, then you would add the flush_regexps option to tell FMRTG
+    to find all regular expression matches for a particular plot set
+    and all plot sets before the plot set containing flush_regexps
+    before continuing on to the next plot set. For example, if
+      flush_regexps 1
+    were added to the plot set for InKB/s and OuKB/s, then the order
+    would be
+      hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+      hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+      hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+    If you wanted to have all of the plots be listed in order of the
+    type of data being plotted, then you would add "flush_regexps 1"
+    to all the plot sets and the order would be
+      hme0 Input & Output Packets per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Packets per Second
+      hme0 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Kilobytes per Second
+      hme0 Input & Output Errors per Second
+      hme1 Input & Output Errors per Second
+  Data Source Optional Plot Options
+    The following options are plot optional. Like the data option,
+    multiple copies of these may be specified. The first option of a
+    particular type sets the option for the first data option, the
+    second option refers to the second data option, etc.
+    data_type *type*
+    When defining data types, FMRTG uses the same data types as
+    provided by RRD. These are (a direct quote from the RRDcreate
+    manual page):
+    *type* can be one of the following: GAUGE this is for things
+    like temperatures or number of people in a room. COUNTER is for
+    continuous incrementing counters like the InOctets counter in a
+    router. The COUNTER data source assumes that the counter never
+    decreases, except when a counter overflows. The update function
+    takes the overflow into account. DERIVE will store the the
+    derivative of the line going from the last to the current value
+    of the data source. This can be useful for counters which do
+    raise and fall, for example, to measure the rate of people
+    entering or leaving a room. DERIVE does not test for overflow.
+    ABSOLUTE is for counters which get reset upon reading.
+    If the data_type is not specified for a data option, it defaults
+    to GAUGE.
+    data_min *number*
+    data_max *number*
+    data_min and data_max are optional entries defining the expected
+    range of the supplied data. If data_min and/or data_max are
+    defined, any value outside the defined range will be regarded as
+    **UNKNOWN**.
+    If you want to specify the second data sources minimum and
+    maximum but do not want to limit the first data source, then set
+    the *number*'s to U. For example:
+      plot {
+      data          column1
+      data          column2
+      data_min      U
+      data_max      U
+      data_min      0
+      data_max      100
+      }
+    color *rrggbb*
+    The optional color option specifies the color to use for a
+    particular plot. The color should be of the form *rrggbb* in
+    hexadecimal.
+    flush_regexps 1
+    Using the flush_regexps option tells FMRTG to make sure that the
+    plot set including this option and all previous plot sets have
+    matched all of the columns with their regular expressions. See
+    the above description of using regular expressions in the data
+    option for an example.
+    optional 1
+    Because some of the input data files may not contain the column
+    names that are listed in a particular plot, FMRTG provides two
+    ways to handle missing data. By default, FMRTG will generate a
+    plot with **UNKNOWN** data if the data is mission. If you want
+    FMRTG to not generate a plot if the data does not exist, then
+    place
+      optional 1
+    in the options for a particular plot.
+  GIF Plot Plotting Options
+    plot_width *number*
+    Using the plot_width option specifies how many pixels wide the
+    drawing area inside the GIF is.
+    plot_height *number*
+    Using the plot_height option specifies how many pixels high the
+    drawing area inside the GIF is.
+    plot_min *number*
+    By setting the plot_min option, the minimum value to be graphed
+    is set. By default this will be auto-configured from the data
+    you select with the graphing functions.
+    plot_max *number*
+    By setting the plot_max option, the minimum value to be graphed
+    is set. By default this will be auto-configured from the data
+    you select with the graphing functions.
+    rigid_min_max 1
+    Normally FMRTG will automatically expand the lower and upper
+    limit if the graph contains a value outside the valid range. By
+    setting the rigid_min_max option, this is disabled.
+    title <text>
+    Setting the title option sets the title of the plot. If you
+    place %g or %G in the title, it is replaced with the text
+    matched by any ()'s in the files set find_files option. %g gets
+    replaced with the exact text matched by the ()'s and %G is
+    replaced with the same text, except the first character is
+    capitalized.
+    y_legend <text>
+    Setting y_legend sets the text to be displayed along the Y axis
+    of the GIF plot.
+  Multiple GIF Plot Ploting Options
+    The following options should be specified multiple times for
+    each data source in the plot.
+    line_type *type*
+    The line_type option specifies the type of line to plot a
+    particular data set with. The available options are: LINE1,
+    LINE2, and LINE3 which generate increasingly wide lines, AREA,
+    which does the same as LINE? but fills the area between 0 and
+    the graph with the specified color, and STACK, which does the
+    same as LINE?, but the graph gets stacked on top of the previous
+    LINE?, AREA, or STACK graph. Depending on the type of previous
+    graph, the STACK will either be a LINE? or an AREA.
+    legend *text*
+    The legend option specifies for a single data source the comment
+    that is placed below the GIF plot.
+    I welcome all comments and bug reports. Please email them to
+    Blair Zajac <blair at geostaff.com>.

Added: trunk/orca/fmrtg/Makefile
--- trunk/orca/fmrtg/Makefile	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/fmrtg/Makefile	Sat Jul 13 18:18:41 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+all:	README fmrtg.man
+fmrtg.man:	fmrtg
+	pod2man $< > $@
+README:		fmrtg
+	pod2text $< > $@

Added: trunk/orca/TODO
--- trunk/orca/TODO	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/TODO	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+	Lock file
+	Arbitrary date reading
+	Use SMRTG's configuration ConfigTree?????
+	More configuration file defaults
+	Better date loading support
+	Make plots from multiple files sets: delete source files_key and put
+		it into data
+	Better documentation
+	Autoconfigure support?????

Added: trunk/orca/percollator/not_running
--- trunk/orca/percollator/not_running	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/percollator/not_running	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#!/home/bzajac/opt-sparc-solaris/perl5/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+# Set this to the list of directories that contain the output from
+# percollator.se.
+my @stats_dirs = (
+  '/net/admin1/raid/admin1/public-5.5.1/geocities/performance/stats_percollator',
+  '/net/admin1/raid/admin1/public-5.6/geocities/performance/stats_percollator'
+foreach my $stats_dir (@stats_dirs) {
+  die "$0: unable to change to `$stats_dir'" unless chdir $stats_dir;
+  die "$0: unable to open `.' for reading: $!\n" unless opendir(DIR, '.');
+  my @hosts = sort grep { $_ !~ /^\./ } readdir(DIR);
+  closedir(DIR);
+  print "Now in $stats_dir\n";
+  my $percol = strftime("percol-%Y-%m-%d", localtime());
+  foreach my $host (@hosts) {
+    my $file = "$host/$percol";
+    unless (-f $file) {
+      warn "$0: $file does not exist.\n";
+      next;
+    }
+    my $age = (-M $file)*(24*60);
+    if ( $age > 8) {
+      $file= sprintf "%35s", $file;
+      $age = sprintf "%8.2f", $age;
+      warn "$0: $file is $age minutes old.\n";
+      next;
+    }
+  }

Added: trunk/orca/percollator/start_percol
--- trunk/orca/percollator/start_percol	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/percollator/start_percol	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This script runs percollator.se with the proper options for our site.
+# Set these variables.
+# Get the real hostname without any trailing .*.
+uname=`/usr/bin/uname -n | /usr/bin/cut -d. -f1`
+# If this is running on a mail machine, then we need to write our files
+# into /export/home/stats_percollator/HOSTNAME, otherwise into the
+# STATSDIR/stats_percollator/HOSTNAME directory.
+if expr $uname : mail >/dev/null; then
+  OUTDIR=/export/home/stats_percollator/$uname
+  OUTDIR=$STATSDIR/stats_percollator/$uname
+echo "Writing data into $OUTDIR/"
+# Choose the correct web access log.
+if test -r /export/home/JavaWebServer1.1.1/logs/javawebserver/access_log; then
+  NCSAHTTPLOG=/export/home/JavaWebServer1.1.1/logs/javawebserver/access_log
+  NCSAHTTPLOG=/export/home/weblog/access_log
+echo "Using www access log file $NCSAHTTPLOG"
+# Export the environmental variables.
+# Check if percollator is already running.
+pids=`/usr/ucb/ps auxww | $AWK '/percollator.se/ && !/awk/ {print $2}'`
+if test "$pids" != ""; then
+  echo "Percollator already running.  Exiting."
+  exit 0
+# Cd to / so that any mounted /home filesystems can be unmounted.
+cd /
+# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist yet.
+if test ! -d $OUTDIR; then
+  echo "Creating $OUTDIR/"
+  mkdir -p $OUTDIR
+if test ! -d $OUTDIR; then
+  echo "Unable to create $OUTDIR/" 1>&2
+  exit 1
+# Kill any running percollators.
+# Now start the logging.
+echo "Starting logging"
+/usr/public/packages/RICHPse/bin/se $LE_PATCH -DWATCH_OS -DWATCH_HTTPD $STATSDIR/bin/percollator.se &
+# Write the PID of percollator to a file to make killing easier.
+echo $pid > $OUTDIR/percollator.pid
+# Sleep for a couple of seconds to allow any percollator warnings to appear.
+sleep 5

Added: trunk/orca/percollator/p_netstat_class.se.diff
--- trunk/orca/percollator/p_netstat_class.se.diff	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/percollator/p_netstat_class.se.diff	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+*** include/p_netstat_class.se.0	Tue Aug 11 11:17:25 1998
+--- include/p_netstat_class.se	Thu Sep 17 16:47:56 1998
+*** 12,17 ****
+--- 12,20 ----
+  #include <kstat.se>
+  #include <sysdepend.se>
+  #include <netif.se>
++ #include <time.se>
++ #include <mib.se>
++ #include <tcp_class.se>
+  #define NANODOUBLE 0.000000001	/* converts gethrtime to seconds */
+*** 96,118 ****
+        /* compute new values */
+        net_ipackets[i]   =
+!         (tmp_net.ipackets   - save_nets[i].ipackets) / et;
+        net_ierrors[i]    =
+!         (tmp_net.ierrors    - save_nets[i].ierrors)  / et;
+        net_opackets[i]   =
+!         (tmp_net.opackets   - save_nets[i].opackets) / et;
+        net_oerrors[i]    =
+!         (tmp_net.oerrors    - save_nets[i].oerrors)  / et;
+        net_collisions[i] =
+!         (tmp_net.collisions - save_nets[i].collisions) / et;
+        net_nocanput[i] =
+!         (tmp_net.nocanput   - save_nets[i].nocanput) / et;
+        net_defer[i] =
+!         (tmp_net.defer      - save_nets[i].defer)   / et;
+        net_ioctets[i] =
+!         (tmp_net.ioctets    - save_nets[i].ioctets) / et;
+        net_ooctets[i] =
+!         (tmp_net.ooctets    - save_nets[i].ooctets) / et;
+        /* save old */
+        save_nets[i] = tmp_net;
+      }
+--- 99,121 ----
+        /* compute new values */
+        net_ipackets[i]   =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.ipackets,    save_nets[i].ipackets) / et;
+        net_ierrors[i]    =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.ierrors,     save_nets[i].ierrors)  / et;
+        net_opackets[i]   =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.opackets,    save_nets[i].opackets) / et;
+        net_oerrors[i]    =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.oerrors,     save_nets[i].oerrors)  / et;
+        net_collisions[i] =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.collisions,  save_nets[i].collisions) / et;
+        net_nocanput[i] =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.nocanput,    save_nets[i].nocanput) / et;
+        net_defer[i] =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.defer,       save_nets[i].defer)   / et;
+        net_ioctets[i] =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.ioctets,     save_nets[i].ioctets) / et;
+        net_ooctets[i] =
+!         ud_diff(tmp_net.ooctets,     save_nets[i].ooctets) / et;
+        /* save old */
+        save_nets[i] = tmp_net;
+      }

Added: trunk/orca/percollator/restart_percol
--- trunk/orca/percollator/restart_percol	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/percollator/restart_percol	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This script runs percollator.se with the proper options for our site.
+# Set this variable.
+# Kill any running percollators.
+# Start the percollator.

Added: trunk/orca/percollator/stop_percol
--- trunk/orca/percollator/stop_percol	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/percollator/stop_percol	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Kill any running percollators.
+pids=`/usr/ucb/ps auxww | $AWK '/percollator.se/ && !/awk/ {print $2}'`
+if test "$pids" != ""; then
+  echo "Killing pids $pids"
+  kill -HUP $pids
+  sleep 1
+  pids=`/usr/ucb/ps auxww | $AWK '/percollator.se/ && !/awk/ {print $2}'`
+  if test "$pids" != ""; then
+    kill -TERM $pids
+    sleep 1
+    pids=`/usr/ucb/ps auxww | $AWK '/percollator.se/ && !/awk/ {print $2}'`
+    if test "$pids" != ""; then
+      kill -9 $pids
+      sleep 1
+    fi
+  fi

Added: trunk/orca/percollator/percollator.se
--- trunk/orca/percollator/percollator.se	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/percollator/percollator.se	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+ * Percollator.se, a log generating performance monitor.
+ *
+ * This program logs many different system quantities to a log file
+ * for later processing.
+ */
+ * Author: Blair Zajac <bzajac at geostaff.com>
+ *
+ * Portions copied from percollator.se written by Adrian Cockroft.
+ */
+// The default sampling interval in seconds.
+#define SAMPLE_INTERVAL		300
+// The maximum number of colums of data.
+#define MAX_COLUMNS		512
+// Define the different parts of the system you want to examine.
+#ifdef WATCH_OS
+#define WATCH_CPU
+#define WATCH_MUTEX
+#define WATCH_NET
+#define WATCH_TCP
+#define WATCH_NFS
+#define WATCH_DISK
+#define WATCH_DNLC
+#define WATCH_INODE
+#define WATCH_RAM
+#define WATCH_PAGES
+// The ioctl version of the psinfo structure is needed.
+#include <stdio.se>
+#include <stdlib.se>
+#include <unistd.se>
+#include <string.se>
+#include <time.se>
+#include <kstat.se>
+#include <utsname.se>
+#include <p_iostat_class.se>
+#include <p_netstat_class.se>
+#include <p_vmstat_class.se>
+#include <pure_rules.se>
+#include <live_rules.se>
+#include <mib.se>
+#include <tcp_class.se>
+#include <tcp_rules.se>
+#include <fcntl.se>
+#include <proc.se>
+#include <stat.se>
+// Put all rules here so they can be accessed by the handle functions.
+lr_cpu_t	lr_cpu$cpu;
+lr_cpu_t	tmp_lrcpu;
+lr_mutex_t	lr_mutex$m;
+lr_mutex_t	tmp_mutex;
+lr_net_t	lr_net$nr;
+lr_net_t	tmp_nr;
+lr_tcp_t	lr_tcp$tcp;
+lr_tcp_t	tmp_lrtcp;
+#ifdef WATCH_TCP
+tcp		tcp$tcp;
+tcp		tmp_tcp;
+lr_rpcclient_t	lr_rpcclient$r;
+lr_rpcclient_t	tmp_lrpcc;
+lr_disk_t	lr_disk$dr;
+lr_disk_t	tmp_dr;
+lr_dnlc_t	lr_dnlc$dnlc;
+lr_dnlc_t	tmp_lrdnlc;
+lr_inode_t	lr_inode$inode;
+lr_inode_t	tmp_lrinode;
+lr_ram_t	lr_ram$ram;
+lr_ram_t	tmp_lrram;
+ks_system_pages kstat$pages;
+ks_system_pages tmp_kstat_pages;
+lr_swapspace_t	lr_swapspace$s;
+lr_swapspace_t	tmp_lrswap;
+lr_kmem_t	lr_kmem$kmem;
+lr_kmem_t	tmp_lrkmem;
+ks_system_misc	kstat$misc;
+ks_system_misc	tmp_kstat_misc;
+// Put application globals here.
+string nodename;			// Name of machine running the script.
+string program_name;			// Name of this program.
+int    hz;				// Clock tick rate.
+int    page_size;			// Page size in bytes.
+long   boot_time;			// Boot time of the system.
+ulong  interval = SAMPLE_INTERVAL;	// Sampling interval. 
+// Variables for handling the httpd access log.
+ulong  log_file;
+string log_name    = getenv("NCSAHTTPLOG");
+string log_gateway = getenv("GATEWAY");
+uint   log_gatelen;
+stat_t log_stat[1];
+ulong  log_ino;
+long   log_size;
+double log_interval;			// Hi-res interval time.
+ulong  interval5;			// Sampling interval divided by 5.
+double httpops;
+double httpops5;
+double gateops;
+double lastops;
+double dtmp;
+long   httpop_gets;
+long   httpop_condgets; /* HEAD or code = 304 conditional get no data */
+long   httpop_posts;
+long   httpop_cgi_bins;
+long   httpop_searches;
+long   httpop_errors;
+string search_url;
+long   dwnld_size[5]; /* [0] < 1K, [1] < 10K, [2] < 100K, [3] < 1M, [4] >= 1M */
+long   dwnld_totalz;  /* total size counted from log */
+ulonglong log_then;
+ulonglong log_now;
+double    prxy_xfer_sum;     /* transfer time */
+double    prxy_xfer_by_size[5];      /* mean transfer time by size bin */
+long      prxy_indirect;     /* number of hits that go via PROXY or SOCKS */
+long      prxy_cache_hits;   /* number of hits returned from cache */
+long      prxy_cache_writes; /* number of writes and updates to cache */
+long      prxy_uncacheable;  /* number of explicitly uncacheable httpops */
+                            /* any extra is errors or incomplete ops */
+// Variables for handling output.
+string col_comment[MAX_COLUMNS];	// Comments for each column.
+string col_data[MAX_COLUMNS];		// Data for each column.
+int    current_column;			// The current column.
+// Reset the output data.
+  current_column = 0;
+// Add one column of comments and data to the buffers.
+put_output(string comment, string data)
+  int comment_length;
+  int data_length;
+  if (current_column >= MAX_COLUMNS) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many columns (%d).  Increase MAX_COLUMNS.\n",
+    	    program_name, current_column);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  comment_length = strlen(comment);
+  data_length    = strlen(data);
+  col_comment[current_column] = comment;
+  col_data[current_column]    = data;
+  ++current_column;
+print_columns(ulong fd, string data[])
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i<current_column; ++i) {
+    fprintf(fd, "%s", data[i]);
+    if (i != current_column-1) {
+      fputc(' ', fd);
+    }
+  }
+  fputc('\n', fd);
+  fflush(fd);
+/* returns output file - creates or appends to logfile if OUTDIR is set
+   returns stdout and writes header if no OUTDIR
+   starts new logfile each day
+ulong checkoutput(tm_t now) {
+  int    exists;
+  string outdir = getenv("OUTDIR");
+  string outname;
+  ulong  ofile;
+  tm_t   then;
+  char   tm_buf[32];
+  if (outdir == nil) {
+    /* no output dir so use stdout */
+    if (ofile == 0) {
+      /* first time, so print header and set ofile */
+      ofile = stdout;
+      print_columns(ofile, col_comment);
+    }
+    return ofile;
+  }
+  /* maintain daily output logfiles in OUTDIR */
+  if (now.tm_yday != then.tm_yday) {
+    /* first time or day has changed, start new logfile */
+    if (ofile != 0) {
+      /* close existing output file */
+      fclose(ofile);
+    }
+    strftime(tm_buf, sizeof(tm_buf), "%Y-%m-%d", now);
+    outname = sprintf("%s/percol-%s", outdir, tm_buf);
+    exists = access(outname, F_OK); /* see if file already exists */
+    ofile = fopen(outname, "a"); /* open for append either way */
+    if (ofile == 0) {
+      perror("can't open output logfile");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+    /* if didn't exist write header */
+    if (exists == -1) {
+      print_columns(ofile, col_comment);
+    }
+    then = now;
+  }
+  return ofile;
+int main(int argc, string argv[])
+  utsname_t u[1];
+  ulong     ofile;	// File pointer to the logging file.
+  long      now;
+  tm_t      tm_now;
+  // Get the nodename of the machine.
+  uname(u);
+  nodename = u[0].nodename;
+  program_name = argv[0];
+  // Handle the command line arguments.
+  switch (argc) {
+    case 1:
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      interval = atoi(argv[1]);
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr, "usage: se [Defines] %s [interval]\n", program_name);
+      fprintf(stderr, "%s can use the following environmental variables:\n", program_name);
+      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv NCSAHTTPLOG /ns-home/httpd-80/logs/access - location of access log\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv GATEWAY     some.where.com - special address to monitor\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv OUTDIR      /ns-home/docs/percollator/logs - default stdout\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   setenv SEARCHURL   srch.cgi - match for search scripts, default is search.cgi\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "Defines:\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_HTTPD watch httpd access log\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_OS    includes all of the below:\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_CPU   watch the cpu load, run queue, etc\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_MUTEX watch the number of mutex spins\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_NET   watch all Ethernet interfaces\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_TCP   watch all the TCP/IP stack\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_NFS   watch NFS requests\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_DNLC  watch the directory name lookup cache\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_INODE watch the inode cache\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_RAM   watch memory usage\n");
+      fprintf(stderr, "   -DWATCH_PAGES watch where pages are allocated\n");
+      exit(1);
+      break;
+  }
+  // Calculate the interval time divided by 5.  Make sure it is not less
+  // than 1.
+  interval5 = interval/5;
+  if (interval5 < 1) {
+    interval5 = 1;
+  }
+  // Initialize the various structures.
+  initialize();
+  // Run forever.  If WATCH_HTTPD is defined, then have the measure_httpd()
+  // function do the sleeping while it is watching the access log file.  Also,
+  // collect the data from the access log file before printing any output.
+  // If WATCH_HTTPD is not defined, then collect the data immediately and then
+  // do the sleep.
+  for (;;) {
+    measure_httpd();
+    // Reset the output.
+    reset_output();
+    // Get the current time.
+    now    = time(0);
+    tm_now = localtime(&now);
+    handle_os(now, tm_now);
+    put_httpd();
+    // Get a filedescriptor to write to.  Maintains daily output files.
+    ofile = checkoutput(tm_now);
+    // Print the output.
+    print_columns(ofile, col_data);
+#ifndef WATCH_HTTPD
+    sleep(interval);
+  }
+  return 0;
+  // Sleep to give the disks a chance to update.  Only do this if we are
+  // not reading the httpd access log file, because that does at least 5
+  // seconds worth of sleeping.
+#ifndef WATCH_HTTPD
+  // Get the clock tick rate.
+  hz = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
+  // Get the page size.
+  page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+  // Calculate the system boot time.
+  boot_time = time(0) - (kstat$misc.clk_intr / hz);
+  search_url = getenv("SEARCHURL");
+  if (search_url == nil) {
+    search_url = "search.cgi";
+  }
+  if (log_gateway == nil) {
+    log_gateway = "NoGatway";
+    log_gatelen = 0;
+  }
+  else {
+    log_gatelen = strlen(log_gateway);
+  }
+  log_file = fopen(log_name, "r");
+  if (log_file != 0) {
+    stat(log_name, log_stat);
+    log_ino  = log_stat[0].st_ino;
+    log_size = log_stat[0].st_size;
+    // Move to the end of the file.
+    fseek(log_file, 0, 2);
+  }
+  log_then = gethrtime();
+  // Perform the first measurement of the system.
+  measure_os();
+// Measure the system statistics all at once.
+  tmp_lrcpu       = lr_cpu$cpu;
+  tmp_mutex       = lr_mutex$m;
+  tmp_nr          = lr_net$nr;
+  tmp_lrtcp       = lr_tcp$tcp;
+#ifdef WATCH_TCP
+  tmp_tcp         = tcp$tcp;
+  tmp_lrpcc       = lr_rpcclient$r;
+  tmp_dr          = lr_disk$dr;
+  tmp_lrdnlc      = lr_dnlc$dnlc;
+  tmp_lrinode     = lr_inode$inode;
+  tmp_lrram       = lr_ram$ram;
+  tmp_kstat_pages = kstat$pages;
+  tmp_lrswap      = lr_swapspace$s;
+  tmp_lrkmem      = lr_kmem$kmem;
+  tmp_kstat_misc  = kstat$misc;
+handle_os(long now, tm_t tm_now)
+  // Measure the system now.
+  measure_os();
+  // Take care of miscellaneous measurements.
+  handle_misc(now, tm_now);
+  // Take care of cpu.
+#ifdef WATCH_CPU
+  handle_cpu();
+  // Take care of mutexes.
+  handle_mutex();
+  // Take care of the network.
+#ifdef WATCH_NET
+  handle_net();
+  // Take care of TCP/IP.
+#ifdef WATCH_TCP
+  handle_tcp();
+  // Take care of NFS.
+#ifdef WATCH_NFS
+  handle_nfs();
+  // Take care of the disks.
+#ifdef WATCH_DISK
+  handle_disk();
+  // Take care of DNLC.
+#ifdef WATCH_DNLC
+  handle_dnlc();
+  // Take care of the inode cache.
+  handle_inode();
+  // Take care of ram.
+#ifdef WATCH_RAM
+  handle_ram();
+  // Take care of page allocations.
+  handle_pages();
+/* state as a character */
+char state_char(int state) {
+  switch(state) {
+    case ST_WHITE: return 'w'; /* OK states are lower case */
+    case ST_BLUE:  return 'b';
+    case ST_GREEN: return 'g';
+    case ST_AMBER: return 'A'; /* bad states are upper case to stand out */
+    case ST_RED:   return 'R';
+    case ST_BLACK: return 'B';
+    default: return 'I';	/* invalid state */
+  }
+handle_misc(ulong now, tm_t tm_now)
+  long   uptime;
+  char   states[12];
+  char   tm_buf[16];
+  uptime = now - boot_time;
+  states = "wwwwwwwwwww";
+  strftime(tm_buf, sizeof(tm_buf), "%T", tm_now);
+  states[0] = state_char(lr_disk$dr.state); 
+  states[1] = state_char(lr_net$nr.state);     
+  states[2] = state_char(lr_rpcclient$r.state); 
+  states[3] = state_char(lr_swapspace$s.state);     
+  states[4] = state_char(lr_ram$ram.state);    
+  states[5] = state_char(lr_kmem$kmem.state);   
+  states[6] = state_char(lr_cpu$cpu.state);    
+  states[7] = state_char(lr_mutex$m.state);     
+  states[8] = state_char(lr_dnlc$dnlc.state);   
+  states[9] = state_char(lr_inode$inode.state);   
+  states[10]= state_char(lr_tcp$tcp.state);
+  put_output(" timestamp",  sprintf("%10d", now));
+  put_output("locltime",    tm_buf);
+  put_output("  uptime",    sprintf("%8d", uptime));
+  put_output("DNnsrkcmdit", states);
+#ifdef WATCH_CPU
+  p_vmstat pvm;
+  pvm = vmglobal_total();
+  put_output("usr%",   sprintf("%4d",   pvm.user_time));
+  put_output("sys%",   sprintf("%4d",   pvm.system_time));
+  put_output(" 1load", sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_1min/256.0));
+  put_output(" 5load", sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_5min/256.0));
+  put_output("15load", sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_15min/256.0));
+  put_output(" 1runq", sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_1min/256.0));
+  put_output(" 5runq", sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_5min/256.0));
+  put_output("15runq", sprintf("%6.2f", tmp_kstat_misc.avenrun_15min/256.0));
+  put_output("#proc",  sprintf("%5lu",  tmp_kstat_misc.nproc));
+  put_output(" smtx",    sprintf("%5d", tmp_mutex.smtx));
+  put_output("smtx/cpu", sprintf("%8d", tmp_mutex.smtx/tmp_mutex.ncpus));
+#ifdef WATCH_NET
+  int   i;
+  for (i=0; i<tmp_nr.net_count; ++i) {
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sIpkt/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ipackets));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sOpkt/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].opackets));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sInKB/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ioctets/1024.0));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sOuKB/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ooctets/1024.0));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sIErr/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].ierrors));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sOErr/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].oerrors));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sColl%%", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%9.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].collpercent));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sNoCP/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].nocanput));
+    put_output(sprintf("%4sDefr/s", tmp_nr.names[i]),
+	       sprintf("%10.3f", GLOBAL_net[i].defer));
+  }
+#ifdef WATCH_TCP
+  put_output("tcp_Iseg/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.InDataSegs));
+  put_output("tcp_Oseg/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.OutDataSegs));
+  put_output("tcp_InKB/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.InDataBytes/1024.0));
+  put_output("tcp_OuKB/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.OutDataBytes/1024.0));
+  put_output("tcp_Ret%",   sprintf("%8.3f",  tmp_tcp.RetransPercent));
+  put_output("tcp_Dup%",   sprintf("%8.3f",  tmp_tcp.InDupPercent));
+  put_output("tcp_Icn/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.PassiveOpens));
+  put_output("tcp_Ocn/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.ActiveOpens));
+  put_output("tcp_estb",   sprintf("%8lu",   tmp_tcp.last.tcpCurrEstab));
+  put_output("tcp_Rst/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.OutRsts));
+  put_output("tcp_Atf/s",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_tcp.AttemptFails));
+  put_output("tcp_Ldrp/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.ListenDrop));
+  put_output("tcp_LdQ0/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.ListenDropQ0));
+  put_output("tcp_HOdp/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_tcp.HalfOpenDrop));
+#ifdef WATCH_NFS
+  put_output("nfs_call/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrpcc.calls));
+  put_output("nfs_timo/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrpcc.timeouts));
+  put_output("nfs_badx/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrpcc.badxids));
+#ifdef WATCH_DISK
+  double mean_disk_busy;
+  double peak_disk_busy;
+  int    i;
+  mean_disk_busy = 0.0;
+  peak_disk_busy = 0.0;
+  for (i=0; i < GLOBAL_disk[0].disk_count; i++) {
+    mean_disk_busy += GLOBAL_disk[i].run_percent;
+    if (GLOBAL_disk[i].run_percent > peak_disk_busy) {
+      peak_disk_busy = GLOBAL_disk[i].run_percent;
+    }
+  }
+  mean_disk_busy = mean_disk_busy/GLOBAL_disk[0].disk_count;
+  put_output("disk_peak", sprintf("%9.3f", peak_disk_busy));
+  put_output("disk_mean", sprintf("%9.3f", mean_disk_busy));
+#ifdef WATCH_DNLC
+  put_output("dnlc_ref/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrdnlc.refrate));
+  put_output("dnlc_hit%",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_lrdnlc.hitrate));
+  put_output("inod_ref/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrinode.refrate));
+  put_output("inod_hit%",  sprintf("%9.3f",  tmp_lrinode.hitrate));
+  put_output("inod_stl/s", sprintf("%10.3f", tmp_lrinode.iprate));
+#ifdef WATCH_RAM
+  put_output("swap_avail", sprintf("%10ld", GLOBAL_pvm[0].swap_avail));
+  put_output("page_rstim", sprintf("%10d",  tmp_lrram.restime));
+  put_output("free_pages", sprintf("%10d",  (GLOBAL_pvm[0].freemem*1024)/page_size));
+  put_output("pp_kernel", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pp_kernel));
+  put_output("pagesfree", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pagesfree));
+  put_output("pageslock", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pageslocked));
+  put_output("pagesio",   sprintf("%7lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pagesio));
+  put_output("pagestotl", sprintf("%9lu", tmp_kstat_pages.pagestotal));
+/* breakdown access log format */
+accesslog(string buf) {
+	int	size_index;
+	string	word;
+	int	z;
+	int	ishead;
+	double	xf;
+	ishead = 0;
+	word = strtok(buf," ");		/* address */
+	if (word == nil) {
+		return;
+		}
+	strtok(nil, " ");	/* - */
+	strtok(nil, " ");	/* - */
+	strtok(nil, " [");	/* date */
+	strtok(nil, " ");	/* zone] */
+	word = strtok(nil, " \"");	/* GET or POST */
+	switch (word) {
+		case "get":
+		case "GET":
+			httpop_gets++; 
+			break;
+		case "post":
+		case "POST":
+			httpop_posts++;
+			break;
+		case "head":
+		case "HEAD":
+			ishead = 1;
+			httpop_condgets++;
+			break;
+		default: break; 
+	}
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* URL */
+	if (word != nil) {
+		if (strstr(word,"cgi-bin") != nil) {
+			httpop_cgi_bins++;
+		}
+		if (strstr(word, search_url) != nil) {
+			httpop_searches++;
+		}
+	}
+	strtok(nil, " ");	/* HTTP/1.x" */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* error/success code */
+	if (word != nil) {
+                if (strstr(word,"304") != nil) {
+                        httpop_condgets++;
+                }
+                if (strncmp(word, "4", 1) == 0 || strncmp(word, "5", 1) == 0) {
+                        httpop_errors++;
+                }
+	}
+        word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* bytes transferred */
+        if (word != nil) {
+		z = atoi(word);
+		if (ishead == 0) {	/* don't add size if its a HEAD */
+			dwnld_totalz += z;
+		}
+		if ((z % 1024) == z) {
+			size_index=0;		/* under 1K */
+		} else {
+			if ((z % 10240) == z) {
+				size_index=1; /* under 10K */
+			} else {
+				if ((z % 102400) == z) {
+					size_index=2; /* under 100K */
+				} else {
+					if ((z % 1048576) == z) {
+						size_index=3; /* < 1MB */
+					} else {
+						size_index=4; /* >= 1MB */
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		dwnld_size[size_index]++;
+	}
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* status from server */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* length from server */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* length from client POST  */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* length POSTed to remote */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* client header req */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* proxy header resp */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* proxy header req */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* server header resp */
+	word = strtok(nil, " ");	/* transfer total secs */
+        word = strtok(nil, " ");        /* route */
+        if (word != nil) {	/* - DIRECT PROXY(host.domain:port) SOCKS */
+                if (strncmp(word, "PROXY", 5) == 0 ||
+                         strncmp(word, "SOCKS", 5) == 0) {
+                         prxy_indirect++;
+		}
+	}
+        word = strtok(nil, " ");        /* client finish status */
+        word = strtok(nil, " ");        /* server finish status */
+        word = strtok(nil, " ");        /* cache finish status */
+	/* - ERROR HOST-NOT-AVAILABLE = error or incomplete op
+	WRITTEN REFRESHED CL-MISMATCH(content length mismatch) = cache_writes
+	NO-CHECK UP-TO-DATE = cache_hits
+	DO-NOT-CACHE NON-CACHEABLE = uncacheable */
+        if (word != nil) { 
+		switch(word) {
+			case "WRITTEN":
+			case "REFRESHED":
+			case "CL-MISMATCH": prxy_cache_writes++;
+					break;
+			case "NO-CHECK":
+			case "UP-TO-DATE":  prxy_cache_hits++;
+					break;
+			case "DO-NOT-CACHE":
+			case "NON-CACHEABLE": prxy_uncacheable++;
+					break;
+			default: break;
+		}
+        }
+        word = strtok(nil, " [");       /* [transfer total time x.xxx */
+        if (word != nil) {
+                xf = atof(word);
+		prxy_xfer_by_size[size_index] += xf;
+		prxy_xfer_sum += xf;
+	}
+  char      buf[BUFSIZ];
+  int       i;
+  httpops         = 0.0;
+  httpops5        = 0.0;
+  lastops         = 0.0;
+  gateops         = 0.0;
+  httpop_gets     = 0;
+  httpop_condgets = 0;
+  httpop_posts    = 0;
+  httpop_cgi_bins = 0;
+  httpop_errors   = 0;
+  httpop_searches = 0;
+  for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
+    dwnld_size[i] = 0;
+    prxy_xfer_by_size[i] = 0.0;
+  }
+  dwnld_totalz = 0;
+  prxy_xfer_sum     = 0.0;
+  prxy_indirect     = 0;
+  prxy_cache_hits   = 0;
+  prxy_cache_writes = 0;
+  prxy_uncacheable  = 0;
+  if (log_name != nil) {
+    for (i=0; i<interval/5; ++i) {
+      sleep(5);
+      if (log_file != 0) {
+        while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, log_file) != nil) {
+          httpops += 1.0;
+          if (log_gatelen > 0) {
+            if (strncmp(buf, log_gateway, log_gatelen) == 0) {
+              gateops += 1.0;
+            }
+          }
+          accesslog(buf);
+        }
+      }
+      /* see if the file has been switched or truncated */
+      stat(log_name, log_stat);
+      if (log_ino != log_stat[0].st_ino || log_size > log_stat[0].st_size) {
+        if (log_file != 0) {
+          fclose(log_file); /* close the old log */
+        }
+        /* log file has changed, open the new one */
+        log_file = fopen(log_name, "r");
+        if (log_file != 0) {
+          log_ino = log_stat[0].st_ino;
+          while(fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, log_file) != nil) {
+            httpops += 1.0;
+            if (log_gatelen > 0) {
+              if (strncmp(buf, log_gateway, log_gatelen) == 0) {
+                gateops += 1.0;
+              }
+            }
+            accesslog(buf);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      log_size = log_stat[0].st_size;    /* remember size for next time */
+      if (httpops - lastops > httpops5) {
+        httpops5 = httpops - lastops;
+      }
+      lastops = httpops;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    sleep(interval);
+  }
+  log_now      = gethrtime();
+  log_interval = (log_now - log_then) * 0.000000001;
+  log_then     = log_now;
+  if (httpops == 0.0) {
+    dtmp = 0.0;
+  }
+  else {
+    dtmp = 100.0 / httpops;
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<5; ++i) {
+    if (dwnld_size[i] == 0) {
+      prxy_xfer_by_size[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+    else {
+      prxy_xfer_by_size[i] = prxy_xfer_by_size[i]/dwnld_size[i];
+    }
+  }
+long count_proc(string name)
+  ulong      directory_pointer;
+  ulong      directory_entry;
+  dirent_t   directory_data;
+  int        process_number;
+  char       process_name[64];
+  long       num_proc;
+  int        process_fd;
+  int        err;
+  prpsinfo_t ps[1];	// format for ioctl
+  psinfo_t   ps[1];	// format changes when read used
+  ulong      pps = 0;
+  if (pps == 0) {
+    pps = malloc(sizeof(ps));
+  }
+  directory_pointer = opendir("/proc");
+  if (directory_pointer == 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open /proc for reading.\n", program_name);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  rewinddir(directory_pointer);
+  num_proc = 0;
+  // Go through all processes.
+  directory_entry = readdir(directory_pointer);
+  for (; directory_entry != NULL; ) {
+    struct_fill(directory_data, directory_entry);
+    directory_entry = readdir(directory_pointer);
+    process_number = atoi(directory_data.d_name);
+    process_name = sprintf("/proc/%d", process_number);
+    process_name = sprintf("/proc/%d/psinfo", process_number);
+    process_fd = open(process_name, O_RDONLY, 0);
+    if (process_fd == -1) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    // Read the process info and accumulate errors.
+    err += ioctl(process_fd, PIOCPSINFO, ps);
+    if (err != 0) {
+    err += read(process_fd, pps, sizeof(ps));
+    struct_fill(ps, pps);
+    if (err == 0) {
+      // Process went away since the directory was opened.
+      close(process_fd);
+      continue;
+    }
+    close(process_fd);
+    if (ps[0].pr_fname =~ name) {
+      ++num_proc;
+    }
+  }
+  closedir(directory_pointer);
+  return num_proc;
+  put_output("#httpds",   sprintf("%7ld",  count_proc("httpd")));
+  put_output("httpop/s",  sprintf("%8.2f", httpops/log_interval));
+  put_output("http/p5s",  sprintf("%8.2f", httpops5/5.0));
+  put_output("cndget/s",  sprintf("%8.2f", httpop_condgets/log_interval));
+  put_output("search/s",  sprintf("%8.3f", httpop_searches/log_interval));
+  put_output("   cgi/s",  sprintf("%8.3f", httpop_cgi_bins/log_interval));
+  put_output(" htErr/s",  sprintf("%8.3f", httpop_errors/log_interval));
+  put_output(" httpb/s",  sprintf("%8.0f", dwnld_totalz/log_interval));
+  put_output("  %to1KB",  sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[0]));
+  put_output(" %to10KB",  sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[1]));
+  put_output("%to100KB",  sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[2]));
+  put_output("  %to1MB",  sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[3]));
+  put_output("%over1MB",  sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp*dwnld_size[4]));
+  put_output(log_gateway, sprintf("%8.2f", gateops/log_interval));
+  put_output("  %indir", sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_indirect));
+  put_output("%cch_hit", sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_cache_hits));
+  put_output("%cch_wrt", sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_cache_writes));
+  put_output("%cch_unc", sprintf("%8.2f", dtmp * prxy_uncacheable));
+  put_output("   xfr_t", sprintf("%8.2f", 0.01 * dtmp * prxy_xfer_sum));
+  put_output("  xfr1_t", sprintf("%8.2f", prxy_xfer_by_size[0]));
+  put_output(" xfr10_t", sprintf("%8.2f", prxy_xfer_by_size[1]));
+  put_output("xfr100_t", sprintf("%8.2f", prxy_xfer_by_size[2]));
+  put_output(" xfr1M_t", sprintf("%8.2f", prxy_xfer_by_size[3]));
+  put_output("xfro1M_t", sprintf("%8.2f", prxy_xfer_by_size[4]));

Added: trunk/orca/percollator/README
--- trunk/orca/percollator/README	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/percollator/README	Sat Jul 13 18:18:42 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+This directory contains several files for getting percollator.se running
+on your system.
+To install percollator.se, you need to perform the following steps:
+1) Perform the installation instructions as listed on the web page
+   http://www.sun.com/sun-on-net/performance/se3/
+2) Apply the patch file p_netstat_class.se.diff to the
+   /opt/RICHPse/include/p_netstat_class.se file using the following
+   command
+      cd /opt/RICHPse
+      patch -s < THIS_DIR/p_netstat_class.se.diff
+3) Choose the base directory that will contain the percollator data files.
+4) Update the start_percol, stop_percol, and restart_percol files
+   set the correct value for the following variables:
+   STATSDIR	The base directory for these scripts and data files.
+   NCSAHTTPLOG	The location of the web server access_log file.
+   AWK		The location of the best awk you have, ie gawk, nawk.
+   The start_percol will create a directory STATSDIR/stats_percollator
+   where the output data files will be listed.  If you want to change this,
+   edit start_percol.
+5) Run the start_percol script on each system as root.  It should create
+   the needed directories under STATSDIR/stats_percollator.
+6) Update the fmrtg/sample_configs/percollator.cfg file to look in the
+   new STATSDIR/stats_percollator directory.

Added: trunk/orca/CHANGES
--- trunk/orca/CHANGES	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/CHANGES	Sat Jul 13 18:18:43 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Fri Dec  4 14:34:13 PST 1998
+	Version 0.10.

Added: trunk/orca/README
--- trunk/orca/README	(original)
+++ trunk/orca/README	Sat Jul 13 18:18:43 2002
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+This package contains two main tools: FMRTG and percollator.se.
+FMRTG is a tool useful for plotting arbitrary data from text files onto
+a directory on Web server.  It has the following features:
+  * Configuration file based.
+  * Reads white space separated data files.
+  * Watches data files for updates and sleeps between reads.
+  * Finds new files at specified times.
+  * Remembers the last modification times for files so they do not have to
+    be reread continuously.
+  * Can plot the same type of data from different files into different
+    or the same GIFs.
+  * Different plots can be created based on the filename.
+  * Parses the date from the text files.
+  * Create arbitrary plots of data from different columns.
+  * Ignore columns or use the same column in many plots.
+  * Add or remove columns from plots without having to deleting RRDs.
+  * Plot the results of arbitrary Perl expressions, including mathematical
+    ones, using one or more columns.
+  * Group multiple columns into a single plot using regular expressions on
+    the column titles.
+  * Creates an HTML tree of HTML files and GIF plots.
+  * Creates an index of URL links listing all available targets.
+  * Creates an index of URL links listing all different plot types.
+  * No separate CGI set up required.
+  * Can be run under cron or it can sleep itself waiting for file updates
+    based on when the file was last updated.
+An example of the output generated by FMRTG is located at:
+FMRTG is written completely in Perl.  To install, configure and use
+FMRTG read the fmrtg.doc file.  Some sample configuration files for
+FMRTG can be found in the sample_configs directory.
+The other tool in this package is an updated version of percollator.se
+written by Adrian Cockcroft.  Percollator.se is a tool written for Solaris
+SPARC and Solaris x86 that collects a large amount of system and web
+server statistics and prints them into a file for later processing
+and plotting.  For documentation on the original percollator.se tool,
+see the URL http://www.sunworld.com/swol-03-1996/swol-03-perf.html
+This version of percollator.se collects much more data than the original
+on Solaris systems.  I have designed an FMRTG configuration file designed
+to read the output of this percollator.  Sample output from this set up
+is displayed at
+These tools are available for download from
+These two tools were written by Blair Zajac <bzajac at geostaff.com>.  I
+welcome any patches for bugs or improvements, comments and suggestions.

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