[Svnmerge] Bugs when merging revisions that modify and deletefiles

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Mon Feb 13 05:15:16 PST 2006

Alan Barrett <apb at cequrux.com> wrote:

>>> Both bugs are actually a same bug in svnmerge init, which was already
>>> fixed in SVN. You can try with a later version of svnmerge.py:
>>> http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/trunk/contrib/client-side/svnmerge.py.
>>> r18345 is fine for instance.
>> Thank you; that version does fix these bugs.  But if I
>>         (a) modify a file in the trunk, and commit;
>>         (b) make any unrelated change anywhere, and commit;
>>         (c) delete the modified file in the trunk
>> and then I try to merge both the modification (a) and the deletion (c)
>> in a single invocation of svnmerge.py, the file gets edited but not
>> deleted, and the file is not marked as being in a conflicted state.  I
>> attach a script to demonstrate this.
>> There's are two simple workarounds: merge (a), commit, then merge (c);
>> or notice the "Skipped 'file'" message, handle it like a conflict, and
>> delete the file before committing the results of the merge.
>> I don't know whether to call this a subversion bug (not marking the
>> skipped file as a conflict), or a svnmerge bug (not doing enough extra
>> magic to handle this case), or simply expected behaviour that has to be
>> handled at another layer.

What is the "svn merge" command line that svnmerge produces? You can use -vv
to find out. If it's the correct one (that is, one that covers both (a) and
(c) in a single operation), then there is not much more than svnmerge can
do, and I'd suggest you to raise this problem on the svn users mailing list.
Giovanni Bajo

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