[Svnmerge] newbie question... from branch to trunk

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Thu Feb 16 06:36:42 PST 2006

Hernan M Foffani <hfoffani at gmail.com> wrote:

> Now, I find myself a bit confused when merging back
> to trunk.  When using the 3way-diff merge procedure
>   svn merge http://..etc./trunk http://.etc../branch/featureX
> I reverted the change corresponding to the property
> svnmerge-integrated before commiting the merge because
> wouldn't be propagated to other branches and conflict
> with their own property?

You should use svnmerge to merge back. You can run "svnmerge init" on the
trunk multiple times, one for each branch you have. When you then run the
avail/merge commands, you can use -S to disambiguate which branch you're
referring to.

Notice that -S [aka --head aka --source] accepts either a full URL or a
local path in your disk. It won't accept a repository-relative path like
/branches/foo. Many people got this wrong at first. In fact, I'm planning to
implement this as an enhancement.

> http://www.sipfoundry.org/tools/svnmerge.html mentions
> the -L command option but it doesn't show up in
> svnmerge.py help init.

Never heard of that, I'm not sure what they were using (a local mod?).
Giovanni Bajo

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