[Svnmerge] newbie question... from branch to trunk

Blair Zajac blair at orcaware.com
Thu Feb 16 09:29:10 PST 2006

Giovanni Bajo wrote:
> Hernan M Foffani <hfoffani at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Now, I find myself a bit confused when merging back
>>to trunk.  When using the 3way-diff merge procedure
>>  svn merge http://..etc./trunk http://.etc../branch/featureX
>>I reverted the change corresponding to the property
>>svnmerge-integrated before commiting the merge because
>>wouldn't be propagated to other branches and conflict
>>with their own property?
> You should use svnmerge to merge back. You can run "svnmerge init" on the
> trunk multiple times, one for each branch you have. When you then run the
> avail/merge commands, you can use -S to disambiguate which branch you're
> referring to.
> Notice that -S [aka --head aka --source] accepts either a full URL or a
> local path in your disk. It won't accept a repository-relative path like
> /branches/foo. Many people got this wrong at first. In fact, I'm planning to
> implement this as an enhancement.
>>http://www.sipfoundry.org/tools/svnmerge.html mentions
>>the -L command option but it doesn't show up in
>>svnmerge.py help init.
> Never heard of that, I'm not sure what they were using (a local mod?).

I believe that page is referring to an old version of svnmerge.sh (not .py) 
which used a different set of svn properties to store metadata.

In the latest svnmerge.sh, therer's code that handles this to switch to the new 
metadata format:

# See if we need to upgrade revision metadata from previous schemes:
#   * revision and head data were stored individually in
#       svnmerge-[LABEL-]{head,revs} properties
#   * head used URL's instead of repo-local paths
if TEMP=`"${SVN_MERGE_SVN}" proplist "${BRANCH_DIR}" | grep -Ew 
"svnmerge-(.+-)?head"`; then
     echo "${NAME}: old property names detected; an upgrade is required."


Blair Zajac, Ph.D.
CTO, OrcaWare Technologies
<blair at orcaware.com>
Subversion training, consulting and support

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