[Svnmerge] Dellroad svnmerge web page

Blair Zajac blair at orcaware.com
Thu Feb 23 12:54:20 PST 2006

Hi Archie,

When one does a Google search for svnmerge, your page comes out on top. 
Congrats on that :)


However, several of the links do not work, such as several to svn.collab.net, 
since we renamed svnmerge to svnmerge.sh to make space for svnmerge.py.

Would you mind updating your page, given that many people probably refer to it?

Here's a couple of things I found:

1) The svn.collab.net repository is now the official repository for the Python 
svnmerge.py, so if the link to Giovanni's Subversion repository be removed. 
Keeping the link to the Windows executable is find, as far as I understand.

2) Could the web page list both the Bourne shell and the Python version and the 
feature differences between them and links to them in svn.collab.net.  Some of 
the differences are listed at


3) All the examples showing svnmerge commands may want to show them as 
svnmerge.sh, just to be clear on which version is being used.


Blair Zajac, Ph.D.
<blair at orcaware.com>
Subversion training, consulting and support

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