[Svnmerge] [PATCH] Bidirectional patch take 2

Blair Zajac blair at orcaware.com
Thu Feb 23 18:21:59 PST 2006

Here's a heavily modified version of Raman's patch that is against HEAD in


This passes the test suite on my systems.

Please run timing tests with and without the --bidirectional flags, especially 
if you are using a repository that does not do bidirectional merges.  The 
optimization in the patched svnmerge.py should show almost no speed loss.

If people cannot show a speed hit for enabling this feature by default, I'll 
plan on doing so.

Please give this a shot and and give me any feedback.  I've incorporated much of 
Giovanni's feedback already.

The new command line option is named -b or --bidirectional.

I'm heading home now and don't have time to put together a list of changes, but 
this patch should be smaller than Raman's original, since I've merged in many of 
the changes that were unrelated to the bidirectional support into svn.collab.net 


Blair Zajac, Ph.D.
<blair at orcaware.com>
Subversion training, consulting and support
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