[Svnmerge] [PATCH] Bidirectional patch take 2

Giovanni Bajo rasky at develer.com
Fri Feb 24 13:04:27 PST 2006

Blair Zajac <blair at orcaware.com> wrote:

> So this tells me that svn log is being bandwidth limited, not server
> limited, at least in the gcc repository case.
> So the two times performance impact doesn't happen everywhere, which is a
> good thing.  So people working in an enterprise environment won't be
> affected.

Yes, but I personally care more of people which have already slow
performance, rather than those which work locally and are blazingly fast. In
fact, we could make svnmerge.py much easier to maintain and much more stupid
by dropping caching, optimization of revision ranges and so forth, were it
only for people working with a local repository.

Much of the carefully tuned code in there is just for those who have slow
connections to their server. And those users should not be penalized as

> So the more data we have to make a decision, the better.
> We need those svnmerge.py commands the gcc people are running :)

Check it in the patch and I'll try to provide this information.
Giovanni Bajo

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