[Svnmerge] [PATCH] Bidirectional patch take 2

Raman Gupta rocketraman at fastmail.fm
Mon Feb 27 05:59:01 PST 2006

Blair Zajac wrote:
> Giovanni Bajo wrote:
>> I propose to throw it in, keep it as non-default, and I'll have my
>> GCC users run more tests. Let's see what it turns out. Meanwhile,
>> it would be great if we could push SVN towards providing more
>> fine-tuned information. For instance, if "svn log" grew a -N
>> (--non-recursive) option, we could use "svn log -N --verbose
>> -quiet" to acquire the very small list of revisions which modify a
>> directory property, which might improve --bidirectional a lot.
> Yes, that would be a nice feature to have.

Another feature which may make the log option irrelevant was recently
mentioned by someone on the svn users list: svn propfind <path> which
would find revisions in which a specific property was modified on the
given path. If this were implemented, it would give us our candidate
merge revisions in one call.


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