[Svnmerge] svnmerge between multiple repositories, same repo path

Piet-Hein Peeters piet-hein.peeters at philips.com
Mon Sep 17 06:51:16 PDT 2007

Hello Dustin et all,

In the near future we probably need merge and merge-tracking functionality
between multiple repostiories.  I've found the e-mail below to which you
attched some patches.
Does these patches provide the possibility to merge across different
Can I apply these patches to the latest version of svnmerge.py?

If so, is there a small how-to available to help me get started with
merging and merge tracking accross multiple archives.

Piet-Hein Peeters
Software Configuration Manager

Philips Medical Systems - Healthcare Informatics / PII
Room QV-136, P.O. Box 10.000, NL - 5680 DA Best
Phone +31 40 27 62016

                                       svnmerge at orcaware.com               
     dustin at zmanda.com                                                     
     Sent by:                          Re: [Svnmerge] svnmerge between     
     svnmerge-bounces+pie              multiple repositories,same repo     
     t-hein.peeters=phili              path                                
     ps.com at orcaware.com                                    Classification 
     04/13/2007 02:03 AM                                                   

OK, folks, some new patches for you.  The first three here are a series
that implements the functionality I was talking about earlier: users can
use a variety of 'location identifiers' in the revision-tracking
Subversion properties.

I hope call-it-locid is an easy patch to accept, as it only changes
identifiers and comments. cleanup-abstraction should be fairly
straightforward: it makes code changes, but doesn't change
functionality.  Finally, multiple-locid_fmts is a fairly large change
that will probably generate some controversy.

I'll redraft these after some comments.  For one thing, I need to make
some corresponding changes to the unit tests and README.

 fix comments, variable names for urls, directories, and
 "repostitory-relative paths" to be more explicit and call the
 repo-relative paths "location identifiers"

 clean up the locid abstraction, removing a few assumptions about
 the form of location identifiers; depends on previous patch

 Add support for three types of identifiers for locations in the
 subversion properties:
   - path (the existing repo-relative path)
   - uuid (uuid://XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX/repo/relative/path)
   - url
 'svnmerge init' has a new flag, --location-type, allowing the user to
 specify which kind of location to use.  After that, the format will be

I've also included two fairly independent patches for bugs I ran across
in this process:

 analyze_source_revs() gets the latest revision of the *branch*
 repository, then proceeds to use that value against the *source*
 repository; it should get the latest revision of the *source*.

 Detect and error out on invalid URLs.


        Dustin J. Mitchell
        Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.
[attachment "call-it-locid.patch" deleted by Piet-Hein
Peeters/BST/MS/PHILIPS] [attachment "cleanup-abstraction.patch" deleted by
Piet-Hein Peeters/BST/MS/PHILIPS] [attachment "multiple_locid_fmts.patch"
deleted by Piet-Hein Peeters/BST/MS/PHILIPS] [attachment
"detect_bad_url.patch" deleted by Piet-Hein Peeters/BST/MS/PHILIPS]
[attachment "get_latest_rev_of_source.patch" deleted by Piet-Hein
Peeters/BST/MS/PHILIPS] _______________________________________________
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