[Svnmerge] bidirectional merges

Ted Stern dodecatheon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 17:40:20 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I recently started using Subversion.  I had waited to do conversions
from my old CVS repository because I wanted merge tracking.

I've found that the default Subversion merge tracking is problematic,
and for now I've settled on using svnmerge.py instead.  It is much
more stable, works with the various installation versions of
Subversion that I have to deal with, and handles bidirectional
merging.  I only wish that the Subversion developers had followed your
model in 1.5.

I have a couple of questions about svnmerge, which I will separate
into two threads.

First, bidirectional merges:

I'm working on a small project, and one of the other developers and I
sync frequently from each other's work.  In this case, it would be
useful to do bidirectional merges exclusively.

Is there a way to store some sort of bidirectional tag in the
svnmerge-integrated property so that I don't have to add the
--bidirectional (-b) flag every time I run 'svnmerge.py merge ...'?

 Frango ut patefaciam -- I break so that I may reveal

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