[Svnmerge] svnmerge conflicts

Raman Gupta rocketraman at fastmail.fm
Thu Mar 29 09:10:35 PDT 2007

Erik Andersson wrote:
> I guess that the problem with this is due to that svnmerge.py does the
> merge 14709:14861 instead of trying to merge each available changeset
> incrementally. I understand this is a performance issue as well as with
> thought on how to best avoid conflicts?
> Is the conflict resolving really better when merging all at once?
> Is it possible to force an incremental merge?

I find that conflicts are generally reduced when the total number of
merges is minimized (which is what svnmerge.py does today).

I believe there was some discussion on the svn-dev list about
supporting an interactive mode where conflicts are resolved as they
occur. I'm not sure though -- search through the svn dev list archives
if this is important to you.

Note that if you really want to do the merge incrementally, you can
just do this manually by specifying the appropriate revisions to merge
using the -r parameter. If you don't want to commit between each
merge, use --force to execute the next incremental merge (this is what
svnmerge.py does internally anyway). svnmerge.py is still keeping
track of the available revisions and so adding some value to the process.

> Am i making a problem out of nothing? ;-) Hope someone has some
> answers/feedback.

You might or might not be depending on your specific use cases, but
regardless I hope I helped.

Raman Gupta

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