[Svnmerge] python modularity

Ted Stern dodecatheon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 17:44:49 PDT 2009

Please see my previous message for my introduction.  I'm just starting
a separate thread for this topic.

Because of svnmerge.py's capability for bidirectional merging, I've
converted one of my colleagues over to using it.

He is a much more experienced Python programmer than I, and commented
that svnmerge.py, while fine for CLI usage, is not very well set up to
be used as a library.  I'm not clear on the particulars, but he made
a comment about it returning only exceptions.

Therefore, I'm wondering if there are plans to better integrate
svnmerge.py with other python libraries such as PySVN.

Thanks for your time and hard work!

 Frango ut patefaciam -- I break so that I may reveal

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